
A kimchi minced meat with super rice, you can eat several bowls of rice in one dish, and the method is also simple

author:Folk poetry
A kimchi minced meat with super rice, you can eat several bowls of rice in one dish, and the method is also simple

Ingredient List:

Pork (fat lean) 150 g

Cabbage 190 g

30 g celery

Chili pepper (red, pointed) 15 g

Carrots 75 g

50 g cucumber

10 grams of green onions

5 g of mustard powder

Vegetable oil 20 g

Ginger 3 g

Garlic (white skin) 3 g

2 grams of white wine

Vinegar 25 g

Salt 10 g

MSG 1 gram

White Sugar 5

Detailed steps to prepare the minced kimchi meat:

1. Kimchi: First wash the celery, chili pepper, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, cabbage, carrots and cucumbers with cold boiling water, let it dry, then cut the celery, pepper into sections and chopped green onions in turn; ginger and garlic are patted and wrapped in gauze together with the peppercorns; cabbage is peeled into small slices; carrots and cucumbers are sliced.

2. Prepare a medium-sized jar (scrub), add the chopped celery, pepper, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, white wine, vinegar, salt, cold boiling water and cover the jar lid (or seal the can mouth tightly with gauze), leave for 4 days, after fermentation, put it again, soak for 8 hours to remove the cabbage, carrots and cucumber slices. Finely chop the chili peppers and set aside.

3. Pour 20 grams of oil into the pot and heat, put the pork (minced) and fry, then put the kimchi and stir-fry, add chopped green onion, minced pepper and MSG, sugar and vinegar stir-fry a few times, drizzle 10 grams of corn starch water (5 grams of corn starch plus water) to hook the sauce, stir-fry well to serve.

Well, today's xiaobian sharing is here, I hope to help you!

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