
Camphor tea duck that has received leaders and foreign guests, it is not difficult to make it yourself with crispy skin and tender meat!

author:Gourmet ideal

One of the most famous duck recipes in Sichuan is camphor tea duck, which has hosted many leaders and foreign guests, and the core of this dish is the use of camphor tree branches and leaves during the smoking process.

Camphor tea duck that has received leaders and foreign guests, it is not difficult to make it yourself with crispy skin and tender meat!

1、 Ingredients: a fat duck (about 1500g)

2, seasoning accessories: 20g of salt, 20g of cooking wine, 50g of ginger, 100g of green onion, 10g of sesame oil, 5g of peppercorns, 2g of pepper, 50g of mash juice, 1000g of refined oil (about 50g), 50g of flower tea, 200g of camphor leaves, 500g of cypress branches

Camphor tea duck that has received leaders and foreign guests, it is not difficult to make it yourself with crispy skin and tender meat!

Second, the operating procedures

1. Primary processing of raw materials

After slaughter, the duck is dehaired, the duck is cut 200 px from the tail, the internal organs are removed, and the anus is cut and washed. Put cooking wine, mash juice, pepper, ginger slices, green onion, fine salt, peppercorns into the pot, spread evenly inside and outside the duck, marinate for about 1.5 hours, blanch the water in a pot of boiling water, tighten the skin and dry the water vapor, put it into the smoker with flower tea, camphor leaves, cypress branches and mix well to make the fumigation, take out when the smoked duck skin is yellow, put it in the steaming box and steam it for about an hour, and then leave the basket to cool and set aside.

Camphor tea duck that has received leaders and foreign guests, it is not difficult to make it yourself with crispy skin and tender meat!

2. Fry to make a dish

Heat the pan with refined oil until it is 70% or 80% hot, fry the duck until the duck skin is crispy, and brush with sesame oil. Cut the duck neck into 50px long segments, put it on the plate, and then chop the duck body into strips that are 100px long and 50px wide, cover the duck skin with the duck neck facing up, arrange it in a duck shape, and serve it with lotus leaf soft cake and onion sauce dish.

Camphor tea duck that has received leaders and foreign guests, it is not difficult to make it yourself with crispy skin and tender meat!

Third, the key points

1, in the yard flavor of the amount of seasoning must be accurate, duck pickling time should be long, so as to make the duck flavor when the dish. During the smoking process, the color of the duck should be observed, and if necessary, it can be turned over to achieve uniform coloring. When steaming, the heat should be in place, so that it is cooked soft and not rotten.

2, when frying, you should control the oil temperature, grasp the color of the duck, and control the heat when frying according to the color of the smoke.

Fourth, the quality requirements of finished products

The color is brownish red, the skin is crisp and the flesh is tender, and the aftertaste is long.

Fifth, change varieties

Change the raw materials to make camphor tea chicken and camphor tea rabbit

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