
Camphor tea duck ratio

author:Meals create China
Camphor tea duck ratio
Camphor tea duck ratio

Marinade recipes;

Salt 500 g, monosodium glutamate 500 g, sugar 500 g, allspice powder 50 g, licorice powder 60 g, star anise powder 90 g, sand ginger powder 100 g, garlic powder 40 g, jade cinnamon powder 30 g,

Mix all the above ingredients together and stir well,

Sauce ratio;

40 grams of safflower peppercorns, 140 grams of minced green onion, 150 grams of minced ginger, 90 grams of dried shallots,

Mix well,

Grind soy sauce 100 g, seafood sauce 80 g mix well, stir well,

Production process;

Clean up the small duck, spread the marinade inside and outside the duck, spread the seafood sauce, sprinkle with chopped onion and ginger, and marinate for three days.

The marinated duck flies in water, cleans the slag, drains the water, turns the roast duck stove on fire to a minimum, hangs in the duck, add sawdust, tea leaves, camphor leaves and smoke for one hour, turn off the heat and simmer for two hours, take out and steam until cooked thoroughly.

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