
Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

author:Small crispy meat delicacy

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

The colder the weather, the more popular some hot, soupy foods, such as "lamb soup". In the north after winter, mutton soup can be said to be one of the most popular delicacies, whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, a bowl of steaming lamb soup under the belly, warm and stomach, sweating feeling particularly comfortable.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

In sheep soup restaurants, in addition to the traditional mutton soup, haggis soup is also particularly popular, and it seems to be more popular than mutton soup. Compared with mutton soup, the price of haggis soup is not only cheap, but also the types inside are relatively rich, there are sheep liver, sheep lung, lamb tripe, sheep head, etc., haggis tastes tender and tender, and it is delicious to drink.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

With the rise in prices, drinking a bowl of haggis soup in a sheep soup restaurant is also starting from 15 yuan, and the amount of haggis is really not flattering. In fact, if you want to drink haggis soup, it is best to buy some fresh haggis and cook soup at home. It is estimated that many friends have cooked haggis soup at home, and compared with the haggis soup in the outside sheep soup restaurant, the soup is not white enough, the taste is not mellow enough, and there may be some smell.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

The following Xiaobian will share the family method of haggis soup for everyone, this method is learned from a Chef of Inner Mongolia, buy back the haggis directly under the pot to cook, add one more step, the soup white taste is fresh and tasteless.

---【Haggis Soup】---

Ingredients: 300 grams of cooked haggis, 150 grams of sweet potato noodles, 2 slices of ginger, salt to taste, a little white pepper, a little sesame oil, a little green onion. When buying cooked haggis, you must carefully identify its freshness, and buy haggis that does not feel sticky to the touch and does not smell bad.

Procedure steps:

1: Break the sweet potato noodles into small pieces and soak them in cold water in advance to soften.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

2, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, the cooked haggis bought back from the market cold underwater pot, boil on high heat after skimming off the surface foam, continue to cook for about 1 minute, remove the impurities and smell of the surface of the haggis; blanch the water after fishing out, rinse off the residual foam on the surface with cool water, and then control the moisture to dry and set aside.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

3, add an appropriate amount of sesame oil to the wok, after the oil is hot, add ginger slices to fry fragrantly, then add haggis and stir-fry, fry the aroma of haggis, and evaporate the excess fishy smell in the haggis.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

4: Sauté the haggis for about 1 minute, then add an appropriate amount of boiling water, and the amount of water should be added at one time.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

5: After boiling on high heat, the color of haggis soup will become particularly white, turn to medium heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes. The soup white of haggis soup is actually the phenomenon of emulsification of the surface fat of haggis, if you want to soup white, you must sauté, sauté all the fat on the surface of haggis, and then directly add boiling water, do not add cold water.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

6: Finally, put the sweet potato noodles that have been soaked in advance under the pot, continue to cook for 1-2 minutes, and then turn off the heat after the sweet potato noodles are soft.

Make haggis soup, haggis do not cook directly under the pot, add one more step, the soup is as white as milk, delicious and tasteless

7, put the cooked haggis soup into a bowl, add the right amount of salt and white pepper to taste, and then add green onions, coriander, chili oil according to your own taste, a bowl of delicious haggis soup is ready.

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Inner Mongolia Ximeng lamb offal 2 pounds of food ¥79 purchase


In the process of cooking haggis soup, only ginger slices and sesame oil are added, and no other spices are added; haggis soup is cooked before seasoning.

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