
"Radish beef brisket pot" Is a traditional Famous Dish in Guangdong, rich in protein, amino acids, and fragrant

author:Taste-seeking kitchen seasonings

Radish beef brisket pot is a traditional dish in Guangdong, is one of the Cantonese cuisine, generally in the Guangzhou snack street have seen the figure of beef brisket stew, some will also add other side dishes, such as gluten, bean bubbles, tofu skewers, etc., and beef can be eaten once a week, can not eat too much, easy to cause obesity, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, moderate consumption is a kind of health Oh!

"Radish beef brisket pot" Is a traditional Famous Dish in Guangdong, rich in protein, amino acids, and fragrant

Radish brisket

Method 1:


Beef brisket 600 g, white radish 300 g, 2 green onions, 2 garlic, 2 star anise, 4 slices of ginger

Ingredient A: 2 tbsp each of sweet noodle sauce and bean paste

Ingredient B: 1 tbsp rice wine and 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 6 cups stock, 1 tsp pepper

Ingredient C: 2 tbsp dry corn starch

Beef brisket cut into chunks; Peel the white radish, wash and cut into pieces; Wash the shallots and cut into sections; Peel the ginger, slice and mince; Peel the large standard and finely chop and set aside.

2. Bring half a pot of water to a boil, add beef brisket and bring to a boil, remove the oil slick, add the shallots and ginger slices, cook for half an hour on low heat, remove and drain.

3. Pour another 2 tbsp oil in the pot, sauté minced ginger and minced garlic, add Ingredient A and stir-fry well, add beef brisket, white radish, star anise and Ingredient B to stir-fry, put it into a pot, boil on high heat and reduce the heat to cook until the meat is rotten, then add C ingredients to the color, you can serve it.

Method 2:

Ingredients: beef brisket 400 g, white radish 150 g

5 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 10 grams of dark soy sauce, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of salt, 10 grams of rice wine, 25 grams of vegetable oil, 10 grams of starch (corn).

Operation: 1, beef brisket cut into small pieces, super boiling water.

2: Cut the white radish into strips and boil in boiling water for a little time.

3: Stir-fry the minced green onion and ginger, praise rice wine, pour in the beef brisket, add soup, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate and red pepper and simmer.

4: When the brisket is colored and flavored, pour in the white radish, hook the mustard and drizzle the oil.

"Radish beef brisket pot" Is a traditional Famous Dish in Guangdong, rich in protein, amino acids, and fragrant

Beef is rich in protein, amino acids, can improve immunity, on the growth and development and postoperative rehabilitation has a certain effect, cold winter eat beef and mutton can warm the stomach, is one of the autumn and winter supplements.

Radish contains vitamin C and micro-element zinc needed by the human body, which is complementary to beef and can enhance disease resistance, anti-cancer and anti-cancer, which is a common ingredient for people.

Here's a tip for you:

1. Spices must not be put more, otherwise the taste will be chaotic,

2. Slow simmer with guys, the taste will be stronger.

3. Mainly eat beef brisket and radish, the focus is not on soup, so add water to not have to be more, not like the amount of water in the soup.

"Radish beef brisket pot" Is a traditional Famous Dish in Guangdong, rich in protein, amino acids, and fragrant

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