
Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

author:Yangzhou girl

When it comes to making noodles, everyone has a different experience. One of the big reasons I prefer to make pastries is its softness. So I spent a long time figuring out how to quickly eat the noodle snacks to my mouth. The most popular dim sum is steamed buns, flower rolls and steamed buns. Each dim sum is ever-changing and varied. It's also what fascinates me, as a Southerner, with pasta. The noodle lotus leaf cake should be regarded as a pasta in Shanxi, belonging to the steamed bun category, and when I first saw the beautiful shape, I was immediately attracted. The surface of the noodles is like an open lotus leaf, and between the two soft skins, you can clip any kind of meat or vegetable you like. While admiring the beautiful skin, while tasting the delicious taste, the mood immediately became happy.

The production of this lotus leaf cake does not require secondary fermentation of the dough, and the method of directly using one shot can not only maintain the shape of the beautiful lotus leaf cake, but also greatly shorten the production time. As soon as the hot cake comes out of the pan, immediately clamp the hooves, with coriander or chopped green peppers, and take a big bite, which is called a satisfaction.

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

Ruffles with braised hooves


3 cups flour, 1.5 tsp yeast, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp sugar, 1 cup of warm water.

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

The process of making lotus leaf cakes

【Preparation of dough】

1 Cup of warm water in a clean container;

2 Then add a small spoonful of sugar and 1.5 small tablespoons of yeast, stirring with chopsticks to fully integrate;

3 Let stand for about 5 minutes until the yeast floats on the surface of the water;

4 Mix three cups of flour with 1.5 tsp of baking powder;

5 Pour the flour mixture into the yeast water that has begun to ferment, and first stir the flour with chopsticks to form a flocculent;

6 Knead all the flour by hand into a smooth dough (if there is a bread machine can be used by it);

7 Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit for 20 minutes to allow the dough to relax.

【Preparation of lotus leaf cake】

1 Roll the loose dough into long strips and cut into equally sized dough.

(Usually three cups of noodles I made 12 potions, because this time I only used two cups of noodles, so I only made 8 doses)

2 I like to roll the pot and let it stand for another 10 minutes, in order to make the cake smoother. If you are troublesome, you can not roll the circle, directly press the flat;

3 Use a rolling pin to roll out the flattened agent into a long circle;

4 Use an edible brush to dip some cooking oil into the surface of the oblong agent;

5 Fold the agent from the middle to form a long fan, and pinch a small stalk in the middle of the straight side as the stem of the lotus leaf;

6 Use the back of the knife to carve the pattern of the lotus leaf on the dough, and then poke a fork into a uniform hole, and the cake blank is ready.

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

Ruffled blank

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

Lotus leaf cake dough

【Steaming of lotus leaf cake】

1 Lotus leaf cake blank covered with a damp cloth and let stand for 30 minutes;

2 Place the ruffles in a steamer basket that has been steamed for 12 minutes, then turn off the heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes;

3 After opening the lid, take out the ruffles, fluffy and delicious, and sandwich any meat and vegetables to give you a delicious dinner.

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

A well-made lotus leaf cake

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

It's also a treat when you eat it with steamed, fluffy lotus leaf cakes and braised hooves that have just come out of the pan.

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

It doesn't matter if the hooves are cold, take out a piece and cut it into cubes, mix it with a little chili sauce, and eat it cold.

Home-made lotus leaf cakes, with braised hooves, are so delicious that the steaming speed can't keep up with the speed of eating

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