
The preparation of the lotus leaf cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The preparation of the lotus leaf cake

Practice steps

1: Take an appropriate amount of yeast and boil it with warm water, add sugar, milk powder and flour and knead well.

2: Knead the dough and let it ferment in a warm place. The dough is fermented to twice as large and thoroughly kneaded into a smooth dough.

3. Cut into the same size of the agent and press flat.

4: Roll out into an oval shape and use a brush dipped in cooking oil to brush a thin layer of oil.

5, the dough folded in half, with a clean comb or serrated knife to press out the lotus leaf lines, the indentation should be properly pressed deeper. Avoid fermentation and steaming after the traces can not be seen.

6. Pinch out the petiole with your thumb and forefinger

7. Press the edge of the grain inward, and the shape of the lotus leaf is completed.

8: Let the steamer ferment for about 20 minutes. Then turn on the high heat and steam for 20 minutes, then turn to medium heat and steam for 3 minutes.

9: Let it cool

10, lotus leaf cake sandwich brine meat with millet porridge, so praised!


Lotus leaf cake filling is casual! It's so cool to clip your favorite dish.

Mood story

Yesterday I ate brine rice, and the brine meat was more cooked. It was very nice to make some ruffles and eat them, and dinner with millet porridge was superb!

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