
The "culprit" of cerebral infarction has been found out, and these foods are easy to block blood vessels, so no matter how much you like to eat, you must keep your mouth shut

author:Sharp-eyed life

Aunt Wang is in her sixties this year and has always been in good health, but she has always felt dizzy recently. On this day, she was wandering around the vegetable market, trying to buy something delicious.

She looked at the tempting fried snacks, cured meats and desserts, and her heart tickled. But just as she was about to reach out for it, she suddenly remembered the doctor's advice: "People with high blood lipids should pay special attention to their diet." ”

The "culprit" of cerebral infarction has been found out, and these foods are easy to block blood vessels, so no matter how much you like to eat, you must keep your mouth shut

Aunt Wang hesitated, she remembered that the culprit of the "cerebral infarction" that the doctor said before might be these foods high in oil, salt and sugar. She thought to herself: "Although these things are delicious, they are easy to clog blood vessels if you eat too much, and no matter how much you love to eat, you have to keep your mouth shut!" ”

She took a deep breath and turned to walk towards the vegetable section. She decided, for the sake of her health, to keep her mouth shut. As for how Aunt Wang's life will change next? We'll see.


Signs of stroke and what to deal with

There are often some early signs of stroke, and if it can be detected early and measures taken, the risk can be effectively reduced. Here are four signs that are particularly noticeable and should be watched for:

Facial abnormalities: In the early stages of stroke, patients will have facial asymmetry, crooked mouth corners, drooling, and loss of control of facial muscles, which are caused by damage to the nerves in the brain and cause uncontrolled facial features.

The "culprit" of cerebral infarction has been found out, and these foods are easy to block blood vessels, so no matter how much you like to eat, you must keep your mouth shut

Inexplicable dizziness and headache: dizziness and headache symptoms occur, which cannot be relieved after resting, and normal walking will also become crooked, and it feels easy to fall.

Numbness and weakness of limbs: Stroke will cause the patient's blood vessels to be compressed, and the blood circulation of the limbs will also be affected, which will cause symptoms such as numbness and weakness of the limbs, and many patients will have the appearance of unable to lift the arms normally.

Language system disorder: Stroke can also cause the patient's language system to be disordered, which is manifested as the inability to express one's needs clearly, logical thinking confusion, etc.

When someone is suspected of having a stroke, the emergency number should be called in time to actively buy time for the doctor to carry out antithrombolysis, thrombolysis or thrombectomy treatment, so as to minimize the damage and avoid the sequelae such as paralysis and aphasia.

The "culprit" of cerebral infarction has been found out, and these foods are easy to block blood vessels, so no matter how much you like to eat, you must keep your mouth shut

High-risk foods that can induce cerebral infarction and prevention

Cerebral infarction does not occur without warning, and bad habits in the diet are important factors. The following foods should be touched as little as possible:

High-sugar foods: such as biscuits, cakes, candies, etc., these foods can cause cholesterol level disorders, increase blood viscosity, and cause blood sugar to rise. This can lead to blockage of blood vessels and increase the risk of many chronic diseases.

The "culprit" of cerebral infarction has been found out, and these foods are easy to block blood vessels, so no matter how much you like to eat, you must keep your mouth shut

Greasy food: Fried food is fragrant, but it is not good for health. This kind of food is rich in oil, which can easily lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol and a large amount of fat accumulation in the blood vessels, which can easily cause blood vessel blockage and eventually induce stroke.

High-salt foods: The sodium chloride component in table salt is very easy to accumulate in the blood, resulting in the accumulation of sodium ions, swelling of vascular smooth muscle cells, and increased blood pressure. This will increase the pressure of blood vessels, damage the lining of blood vessels, and some harmful components are easy to accumulate in the damaged area, forming hyperplasia and thrombosis, and eventually leading to blood vessel blockage.

Trans fatty acid foods: Cream, ice cream, puffs and other foods are rich in trans fatty acids, which are difficult for the body to digest, increase blood viscosity, and easily induce thrombosis.

The "culprit" of cerebral infarction has been found out, and these foods are easy to block blood vessels, so no matter how much you like to eat, you must keep your mouth shut

Specific measures to prevent cerebral infarction

The occurrence of cerebral infarction can seriously threaten our health, and preventing cerebral infarction requires changes from some details of life. Special attention should be paid to the following three measures:

Correct unhealthy lifestyle: Smoking, drinking, lack of exercise and other bad lifestyle habits can "hurt" blood vessels and increase the risk of cerebral infarction. Appropriately reducing these bad habits and maintaining moderate exercise can effectively reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

Control of chronic diseases: Patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia need to actively control the underlying disease and keep their condition stable. The combination of medication and healthy lifestyle habits can effectively reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

The "culprit" of cerebral infarction has been found out, and these foods are easy to block blood vessels, so no matter how much you like to eat, you must keep your mouth shut

Healthy diet: Eat less high-sugar, high-salt, high-calorie foods and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially potassium-rich foods, such as rape, cabbage, mushrooms, oranges, bananas, etc., which help to eliminate excess sodium from the body.

In addition, you can also eat more foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids, such as olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, fish and nut foods, which can help remove bad cholesterol from the blood and reduce the risk of stroke.

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