
The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education

author:Alxa Meteorology
The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education
The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education

Party discipline study and education - in-depth study of the "Regulations" - study discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline

The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education
The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on party discipline learning and education, we will earnestly promote party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline. From May 8th to 9th, the Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline learning and education. members of the bureau's leadership team, fourth-level researchers, all party members, and members of the youth theoretical study group; Members of the leadership team of the grassroots bureau station, all party members and young cadres participated in the reading class.

The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education

Zhao Jinsong, secretary of the party group and director of the Meteorological Bureau of the Arab League, pointed out at the opening ceremony that it is necessary to improve the political position and fully understand the great significance of holding reading classes to carry out party discipline study and education. Take the reading class as an important carrier to promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and practically, internalize it in the heart and externalize it in action. Deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two maintenances". It is necessary to grasp the requirements of the objectives and complete the learning tasks of the party discipline study and education reading class with high quality. Firmly grasp the basic requirements of learning discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline, figure out what the party's discipline and rules are, and figure out what can and cannot be done; Firmly grasp the goal and direction of carrying out party discipline study and education, and ensure that orders and prohibitions are carried out and discipline is strengthened. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning and ensure that the party discipline study and education reading class achieves practical results, closely integrate the party discipline study and education with the job responsibilities and business processes of party members, and strive to achieve tangible results in casting the soul with learning, increasing wisdom with learning, promoting cadres with learning, and effectively transforming the results of party discipline learning and education into a powerful driving force for promoting the high-quality development of meteorology in the whole Union.

The reading class is carried out in a combination of reading and learning, individual self-study, special lectures, and seminars and exchanges. In the special lecture session, Associate Professor Liu Junfeng, director of the Teaching and Research Office of Basic Theory and Party History and Party Building of the Party School of the League Committee and member of the Academic Committee of the school, was invited to give special guidance on "Learning and Implementation<中国共产党纪律处分条例>", elaborating on the importance of the revision of the "Regulations", the implementation of the main thrust, and combined with typical cases, deepened the comprehensive understanding of the new "Regulations", and engraved the compliance with rules and disciplines in mind.

The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education

In the personal self-study link, all party members and cadres studied the new "Regulations" in their original form, chapter by chapter, article by article, more completely and accurately grasped the rich connotation and core essence of the new "Regulations", further comprehended what the party's discipline and rules are, figured out what they can do and what they can't do, and effectively enhanced the ideological consciousness of learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline.

In the exchange and discussion session, the participants focused on a deep understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, combined with the thinking in the learning process of the new "Regulations", closely followed the party's "six disciplines", combined with their own thoughts and work reality, on how to increase political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption Determination were exchanged and discussed.

The Meteorological Bureau of the Alxa League held a reading class for party discipline study and education

In his closing speech, Zhao Jinsong emphasized that first, we must continue to work hard in our brains and hearts. We should continue to work learning one by one, studying in depth, and putting it into practice, adhere to the combination of individual self-study and concentrated study, and accurately grasp the main purpose and requirements of the "six disciplines". Earnestly integrate the study of party discipline into daily life and grasp it regularly. Second, we must continue to make efforts to strengthen discipline. Regard discipline as the bottom line for self-cultivation and political success, implement and implement the decisions and arrangements of the higher-level party organizations to the letter, regard discipline and rules as the "compass" and "navigator" of speech and behavior, and get used to working in a supervised environment and using power on the track of the legal system. Third, we must continue to work rectification and upgrading. It is necessary to study, compare, inspect, and rectify at the same time, and pay close attention to the reform of emerging problems, the urgent problems immediately, and the "old and difficult" problems continue to be reformed, and resolutely do not let go until the problem is solved.

Through the holding of this reading class, the party members and cadres of the meteorological department of the All-China Union have further deepened their understanding of the importance of strengthening the party's discipline construction, the harmfulness of ignoring party discipline and violating party discipline, and have a more comprehensive, specific and in-depth understanding of the main purpose and requirements of the "Regulations". In the next step, the Meteorological Bureau of Alxa League will take the in-depth study and education of party discipline as an important political task at present, take the study of the "Regulations" as a compulsory course and a regular course, truly do the study and education of party discipline in daily life and integrate it into daily life, and effectively promote the "practical effect" of party discipline learning and education to "long-term", and effectively escort the high-quality development of Alxa meteorological cause with strict discipline and pragmatic style.


Edit | He Linwei

Written by | He Linwei

Audit | Li Jingbo

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