
Local party and government leading cadres talk about meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation: adapt measures to local conditions, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and better empower high-quality development

author:China Meteorological Administration
Local party and government leading cadres talk about meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation: adapt measures to local conditions, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and better empower high-quality development

Disaster prevention, mitigation and relief is related to the safety of people's lives and property, social harmony and stability, and is an important aspect of measuring the leadership of the ruling party, testing the government's executive ability, judging the country's mobilization ability, and demonstrating national cohesion. A few days ago, at the 2024 special research class on meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation for local party and government leading cadres held in Changsha, Hunan, 33 local party and government leading cadres from various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps exchanged practices, shared experiences and sought answers on the construction of a comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation and relief system, disaster risk management, improving the awareness of disaster prevention and reduction, as well as adhering to local conditions and pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and promoting the deep integration of meteorology into the development of all walks of life in the economy and society. Consolidate the foundation of the system and mechanism, strengthen the awareness of risk management and prevention To build the first line of defense for meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the mechanism and consolidate the institutional foundation. In light of local conditions, we should give full play to the role of the emergency linkage mechanism guided by meteorological early warning, and achieve practical results in comprehensive disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. In Jiangxi, preventing and responding to heavy precipitation and its secondary and derivative disasters, and scientifically organizing the transfer and avoiding danger are the key difficulties in flood prevention work. In this regard, the Jiangxi meteorological department has established a "631" risk early warning and response mechanism for heavy precipitation with "provincial 6-hour risk warning, municipal 3-hour risk notification, and county-level 1-hour risk 'call and response' service" as the core.

Local party and government leading cadres talk about meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation: adapt measures to local conditions, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and better empower high-quality development

In late April, Jiangxi rainstormed, and the Jiangxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau implemented the "631" mechanism for heavy precipitation. From 6 a.m. on April 20 to 6 a.m. on the 22nd, the province carried out 399 "calls" to leave enough advance for the transfer of personnel. Image source: CCTV News

How to promote the implementation of the "631" mechanism? Liu Yuncheng, deputy mayor of Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, believes that it is necessary to vigorously and orderly promote the construction of infrastructure such as meteorological monitoring, continue to promote the integration of the "631" mechanism into the construction of "digital Pingxiang", strengthen the sharing of departmental data resources, and continuously improve the city's comprehensive governance capabilities. At the same time, we should strengthen local microclimate research, further build the first line of defense for meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property. On May 10, a joint rescue exercise called "Emergency Mission 2024" was held in Jinhua, Zhejiang, highlighting the joint prevention and response to typhoons and river basin floods, urban waterlogging, flash floods and geological disasters. In recent years, the Jinhua Municipal Government has scientifically planned disaster prevention and mitigation work, and has continued to make efforts in top-level design. Li Binfeng, deputy mayor of Jinhua City, introduced that the city has achieved four-level penetration of cities, counties, townships and villages, and improved unified command, overall coordination and integrated combat capabilities; optimize the working mechanism and further rationalize the boundaries of departmental responsibilities; We have revised and improved 54 flood prevention plans, completed the revision of plans for flash floods, geological disasters and urban waterlogging in small watersheds, and strengthened disaster risk management. While strengthening the building of mechanisms, it is also necessary to do a good job in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief work at the grassroots level. Zhu Jingqi, deputy head of Jizhou District, Tianjin, condensed it into five words: tight, solid, fast, accurate and fine. In the face of extreme weather, we must tighten the strings of thought and tighten the responsibilities of all departments at all levels; It is necessary to find out the actual situation in various places, investigate risks and hidden dangers, and implement the work; It is necessary to quickly "call" the person in charge of flood control, and at the same time make decisive decisions and act quickly to transfer the people in dangerous areas; It is necessary to accurately release forecast and early warning information to ensure that effective prevention and response measures are taken; On the basis of formulating and perfecting various systems, we should do a good job in training, drills, publicity, review, and other links, and check and fill in the gaps. Through the study and exchange of the workshop, Liu Xiaodong, deputy mayor of Huludao City, Liaoning Province, further sorted out the meteorological disaster risks faced by the city at different times, and focused on risk management and in-depth thinking: "It is necessary to further enhance the awareness and management awareness of disaster risks, improve the ability to prevent and resolve risks, and strengthen the coordination and linkage between departments and the sharing of data resources." It is better to take precautions than to lose precautions. With the leadership of the party committee, the leadership of the government, and the linkage of departments, it is also necessary to obtain the support of the broadest masses of the people and promote the whole society to establish a strong awareness of disaster prevention and reduction. "The key to improving the ability to modernize social governance is to enhance people's awareness of safety and disaster risk prevention." Cai Ning, deputy head of Jinshan District, Shanghai, said that in addition to the systematic thinking and careful deployment of disaster prevention and mitigation "for the people", it is also necessary to fully "rely on the people" and improve the meteorological scientific literacy of citizens. "Each region faces different disaster risks, and it is important to cultivate the public in stages to raise their awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation and their ability to help themselves." He said. Adhere to local conditions and promote the deep integration of meteorology into high-quality development High quality and efficiency to help development is the key for meteorological departments to accelerate the modernization of social services. All localities adhere to local conditions, promote the deep integration of meteorological services into all walks of life in the economy and society, and empower high-quality economic and social development. During this year's "May Day" holiday, in Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the 7th Caravan Conference and the first Automobile Outdoor Camping Conference opened, attracting tens of thousands of off-road enthusiasts from all over the country to participate. Wuhai, a resource-based city thriving on coal, unswervingly implements the new development concept, gives full play to the unique tourism resource advantages of "mountain, sea, sand and city", and takes a new path of high-quality development guided by ecological priority and green development. Frequent meteorological disasters such as strong winds, dust, extreme high temperature and low temperature are one of the unfavorable conditions restricting the development of Wuhai's tourism industry. "The Wuhai Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attach great importance to meteorological work." Zhang Mingming, deputy mayor of Wuhai City, said that in 2023, the construction of the city's first X-band radar will be completed and put into operation, which has greatly improved the monitoring and early warning capabilities of small and medium-scale severe weather systems. "Focusing on the guarantee of major cultural and tourism activities, we further strengthen the integration and sharing of information between departments, support the high-quality development of professional meteorological services, and promote the deep integration of meteorology and cultural tourism." As far as agricultural production is concerned, disaster prevention is to increase production, and reducing losses is to increase grain. Strengthening the capacity of grain disaster prevention, mitigation and relief and striving to reduce the impact of extreme weather on grain production can lay a solid foundation for a bumper harvest of summer grain and even the whole year.

Local party and government leading cadres talk about meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation: adapt measures to local conditions, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and better empower high-quality development

In late February, there was a cold wave, rain and snow in Hubei, and the meteorological department of Shiyan City, Hubei Province encrypted the research and judgment 4 times a day, strengthened the observation guarantee, and issued major meteorological reports in a timely manner, as well as early warning signals such as cold waves, heavy rains, and road ice.

In response to disastrous weather, the meteorological departments of cities and counties in Hubei Province have strengthened active interaction and linkage, closely monitored, and jointly studied and judged the situation, so as to provide a scientific basis for local governments and relevant departments to take response and prevention measures. The agricultural and rural departments in Jingzhou have set up special work teams to guide towns and villages to make emergency preparations and post-disaster disposal according to weather changes and disasters. "We have built X-band radars, optimized the layout of the meteorological monitoring station network, and improved the monitoring and forecasting capabilities of disaster weather, laying a solid foundation for avoiding losses caused by disasters." Li Kang, deputy mayor of Jingzhou City, said. Tonghua City, Jilin Province, located at the foot of Changbai Mountain, not only has rich forestry resources, but also develops agricultural characteristic industries such as ginseng, fresh corn, blueberries, red pine cone forests, and authentic medicinal materials based on resource endowments. "These special crops have different growth cycles, and meteorological services are directly connected to the needs of agricultural conditions, and targeted services are provided throughout the cycle." Zhou Yanchun, deputy mayor of Tonghua City, said that while playing a profit-seeking role, the meteorological department also seized the favorable opportunity to carry out weather modification operations during the critical period of forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing, and effectively reduced the meteorological level of forest fire danger. Combined with the "Implementation Plan for Tonghua City to Promote the Construction of a Strong Meteorological City and Help Tonghua High-quality Development" issued by the Tonghua Municipal Government, the city will continue to build a modern agricultural meteorological guarantee system, optimize the public meteorological service system, serve rural revitalization, and meet the needs of the people for a better life.

Author: Huang Bin, Yang Luping, Meng Lei, Duan SiruEditor: Wu Tong, Liu Zhao Release: He Yusheng Review: Duan Haoshu

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