
Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

author:Michito Kusatake
Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere


The purpose of this paper is to reveal the unique contribution and far-reaching influence of the famous painter Xiao Lang in the field of freehand flower and bird painting through an in-depth analysis of his artistic career, technical characteristics and spiritual connotations in his works. The article begins with a review of Xiao Lang's life and artistic history, and then explores in detail his small-hand techniques, including the use of brush and ink, composition and color treatment, and then delves into the rich spiritual atmosphere contained in his works, such as his love for nature, humanistic care, and the pursuit of the fusion of tradition and modernity.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

I. Introduction

In the 20th century Chinese painting circle, Xiao Lang left a strong mark in the field of flower and bird painting with his unique artistic style and profound cultural heritage. As an outstanding representative of the "small freehand" technique, Xiao Lang not only inherited the essence of traditional Chinese flower and bird painting, but also made bold innovations and breakthroughs on this basis, making important contributions to the modernization and transformation of Chinese painting. His works not only show superb skills and profound emotional expressions, but also contain rich cultural connotations and philosophical reflections, becoming a bridge between tradition and modernity, East and West art.

The study of Xiao Lang's artistic style and techniques is of great significance for understanding the development of modern Chinese flower and bird painting, the changes in artistic language, and the creative role of individual artists in this process. Xiao Lang's artistic practice spans decades and has witnessed tremendous changes in Chinese society, and his works not only record the imprint of the times, but also reflect the artist's personal pursuit of beauty and deep insight into the spirit of the times.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

II. Xiao Lang's life and artistic inheritance

A. Biography

Xiao Lang, formerly known as Xiao Xianhua, born in 1913 and died in 2010, is a famous flower and bird painter in modern China, whose artistic career spanned the entire 20th century, witnessing an important period of transformation of Chinese painting from tradition to modernity. Xiao Lang has been fond of calligraphy and painting since childhood, and showed extraordinary artistic talent in his early years. As a young man, he was fortunate to study under the famous flower and bird painter Wang Xuetao, and systematically learned the techniques and theories of traditional flower and bird painting, which played a decisive role in the formation of his artistic style. Under the guidance of Wang Xuetao, Xiao Lang studied the works of famous artists of the past dynasties, especially the freehand flower and bird paintings since the Ming and Qing dynasties, which laid a solid foundation for his future creation.

In addition to Wang Xuetao, Xiao Lang also had close contacts with Qi Baishi, Chen Banding and other artists. The acquaintance with Qi Baishi made Xiao Lang deeply influenced by his artistic concept of "the wonderful lies between the similar and the unlike", and this pursuit of both form and spirit has become a major feature of Xiao Lang's works. At the same time, Chen Banding's bookish spirit and literati feelings have also invisibly enriched Xiao Lang's artistic realm, making his works delicate and elegant without losing their elegance. These key artistic exchanges and learning experiences not only broadened Xiao Lang's artistic horizons, but also prompted him to find his own path between tradition and innovation.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

B. Mentorship Influence

Wang Xuetao's influence on Xiao Lang is mainly reflected in the technical level, Wang Xuetao is good at expressing the vitality and charm of flowers and birds with concise brushwork, and his flexible composition and vivid image shaping have a direct impact on Xiao Lang's freehand techniques. While inheriting Wang Xuetao's brushwork, Xiao Lang pays more attention to the injection of emotion, so that the picture has both traditional charm and personal emotional expression.

Qi Baishi had a profound influence on Xiao Lang's artistic concept, emphasizing that "those who learn from me live, and those who resemble me die", encouraging students to be brave in innovation and find their own style while learning from tradition. Xiao Lang deeply understands and practices this principle, and his works retain the essence of traditional flower and bird painting while incorporating more personal emotional experience and modern aesthetic pursuits, forming an artistic style that is both simple and novel.

Chen Banding's literati painting style also played a non-negligible role in the formation of Xiao Lang's artistic concept, he combined the beauty of calligraphy lines with the meaning of painting, emphasizing the sound outside the painting, which provided inspiration for Xiao Lang's exploration of picture layout and artistic conception. Xiao Lang's pursuit in his creation is not only the truth of the image, but also the artistic conception and emotion beyond the image through brush and ink.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

C. Formation of artistic concepts

Xiao Lang's artistic ideas are gradually formed through continuous study, practice and reflection. His understanding of traditional flower and bird painting is not only limited to superficial imitation and reproduction, but also goes deep into its cultural core and philosophical foundation. Xiao Lang believes that true art should be the harmony and unity of mind and matter, and the resonance of the artist's emotions and natural scenes. Therefore, when he creates, he always strives to capture and convey the beauty of nature and the inner feeling between the brush and ink, so that his works are full of vitality and appeal.

Xiao Lang's sense of artistic innovation is reflected in the deconstruction and reorganization of traditional techniques. He does not stick to the fixed mode of his predecessors, and dares to make bold attempts in composition, color, and brushwork, especially in the exploration of small-handwriting techniques, which not only retains the charm of Chinese painting, but also integrates modern aesthetic elements, so that his works present a unique charm that is both classical and modern. Xiao Lang firmly believes that the life of art lies in continuous exploration and experimentation, and he has been trying to find the best way to integrate traditional and modern, Eastern and Western art all his life, and this unremitting pursuit has finally achieved his irreplaceable artistic position in the field of flower and bird painting.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

III. Characteristics of Xiao Lang's freehand flower and bird painting techniques

A. Pen and ink language

Xiao Lang's small-scale freehand paintings of flowers and birds are unique in the language of brush and ink, and he skillfully combines the essence of traditional brush and ink with the expression of personal emotions. His brushstrokes are agile and varied, ranging from the boldness of a storm to the delicate and gentle gentleness, and this contrast and harmony are perfectly displayed in the nib. Xiao Lang is good at using different strengths and speeds to form a sense of rhythm in the picture, and every line of the pen seems to tell a story, full of movement and vitality.

In the use of ink color, he pays attention to the layering, the shade of dry and wet is just right, through the natural blending of ink, to create a far-reaching space and a three-dimensional sense of the image. In particular, Xiao Lang also integrates the interest of calligraphy art into his paintings, and his brushstrokes have both the backbone of calligraphy and the softness of painting, which makes the picture not only visually beautiful, but also more literati and bookish charm.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

B. Image Building

Xiao Lang pursues simplicity and vividness in image building, and he is good at conveying the richest connotation with the least amount of brush and ink. This ability is especially evident when depicting chickens and grass insects. Xiao Lang's chickens, whether they are strong roosters or docile hens, can accurately capture their dynamics and demeanor through a few brushstrokes, whether it is the pride of holding their heads high or the concentration of bowing their heads to forage, they are all lifelike, showing their spiritual temperament.

As for grass insects, he uses delicate observation to capture their momentary posture and subtle ecological relationship, even if they are as small as ants, they can also show their unique vitality on the picture. Xiao Lang attaches more importance to expressiveness than likeness in image building, and although the objects in his pen are simple, they can touch the heartstrings of the viewer and arouse infinite associations and resonances.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

C. Use of color

In terms of color processing, Xiao Lang shows his profound artistic attainments and unique aesthetic taste. He prefers light but not thin, bright but vulgar color combinations, and can find the perfect balance between light and bright. Xiao Lang's paintings are often dominated by light tones, but they are also subtly embellished with bright colors in key areas, such as a red flower to a green leaf, and a golden insect jumping onto the page, such color contrasts not only make the picture vivid, but also increase the visual focus, which is fascinating.

He makes good use of the interplay between blank space and color, so that the color layout of the picture not only has the beauty of traditional Chinese ink painting, but also loses the brightness and purity of modern aesthetics. Xiao Lang's color world, like a fresh and refined poem, makes people feel the tranquility of nature and the vigor of life, creating a picture atmosphere that is beyond the world and full of life interest. Through this use of color, Xiao Lang has successfully endowed his works with a unique artistic charm, making them a bridge between the beauty of nature and the deep emotions of the human heart.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

IV. The aesthetic concept and artistic conception construction of Xiao Lang's flower and bird paintings

A. Poetic

Xiao Lang's art of painting flowers and birds profoundly embodies the aesthetic pursuit of "painting in poetry, poetry in painting", and he skillfully integrates poetic expression into his works, creating a poetic spiritual realm. Xiao Lang is well versed in the tradition of literati painting, he is not only a painter, but also a poet, his pen often contains a deep understanding of nature and the philosophy of life, so that his paintings exude a strong bookish atmosphere.

Through delicate brushstrokes, elegant colors and subtle capture of the expressions of objects, he creates an artistic conception that transcends the picture, allowing the viewer to feel the sound of flowers and insects. Every branch and leaf, every bird and insect in Xiao Lang's paintings are all elements of the poem, woven together into a silent poem, leading the viewer into an ideal world that is both real and transcendent, and experiencing the tranquility and indifference unique to literati painting.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

B. Contemplation and life

Xiao Lang's works show a unique artistic charm in the opposition and unity of quiet observation and active life. The world of flowers and birds in his paintings is both quiet and contemplative, as well as vibrant. Through the subtle observation of the natural world, Xiao Lang skillfully combines the beauty of static and dynamic vitality to create an artistic effect of seeing movement in stillness and stillness in movement.

In his paintings, even the still flowers seem to whisper, while the birds in flight carry the viewer's thoughts with them. This unity of opposites is not only reflected in the form, but also reflects Xiao Lang's understanding of the philosophy of harmonious coexistence of all things in the universe and his deep insight into the nature of life. Through artistic creation, he has reached a lofty realm of forgetting the object and the self, and the unity of the object and the self, so that the work is not only a natural reproduction, but also the externalization of the artist's spiritual world.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

C. Contextualization and thematic reinforcement

Compared with contemporaries such as Wang Xuetao, Xiao Lang shows a distinct personality and unique aesthetic pursuit in the treatment of backgrounds. He deliberately dilutes the background of the picture and reduces unnecessary details and colors in order to highlight the subject and enhance the expressiveness of the subject. Xiao Lang's technique not only avoids the chaos of the picture, but also makes the subject more vivid and full of visual impact. While watering down the background, Xiao Lang skillfully uses the blend of blank space and light ink to create an ethereal and profound sense of space, making the picture reveal rich emotions and profound artistic conception in simplicity.

In addition, through the careful composition and dense arrangement of lines, he ensures the harmony and balance of the whole picture, even when the subject is prominent, it does not appear abrupt or isolated, but forms a subtle interaction with the background, maintaining the life tension of the picture. This treatment is undoubtedly an innovation and sublimation of the background treatment of traditional flower and bird paintings, and demonstrates Xiao Lang's unique insights and artistic wisdom as an outstanding artist.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

V. The cultural value and artistic status of Xiao Lang's flower and bird paintings

A. Cultural inheritance and innovation

Xiao Lang's flower and bird painting art is not only a profound inheritance of the essence of traditional Chinese flower and bird painting, but also an innovation and expansion of traditional artistic language in the context of the new era. He has deeply studied the small-hand techniques since the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially the essence of the brush and ink of masters such as Xu Wei and Bada Shanren, and on this basis, he has integrated personal emotions and the atmosphere of the times to give his works new vitality.

Xiao Lang's innovation is not only reflected in the technical level, but also in how he conveys his personal emotions, understanding of life and deep understanding of nature to the viewer through the composition, color and brushstrokes of the picture, creating an artistic style that is both simple and novel. This exploration of combining the essence of tradition with the spirit of modernity not only enriches the expressive language of Chinese painting, but also provides valuable inspiration for the development of contemporary Chinese painting, and promotes the continuous prosperity and innovation of traditional art in modern society.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

B. Impact on future generations

With his unique artistic style and profound artistic attainments, Xiao Lang has had a profound impact on the Chinese painting world. His works and artistic ideas have become valuable resources for later generations of painters to learn and draw on. Under his influence, many young painters began to pay attention to the excavation of traditional culture and the sincere expression of personal feelings, and strive to find their own artistic language between tradition and modernity.

Xiao Lang's emphasis on "writing God in form" pursues the inner spirit and artistic conception of the picture, inspiring those who come after him to constantly explore the new realm of flower and bird painting. In the history of art, Xiao Lang is recognized as one of the important promoters of the development of modern Chinese flower and bird painting, and his artistic achievements and theoretical thinking have made indelible contributions to the modernization process of Chinese painting, and established his status as a grandmaster of a generation.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

C. Socio-cultural significance

Xiao Lang's flower and bird paintings are not only a display of his artistic talent, but also a mirror image of the social and cultural background and a symbol of the national spirit. His paintings not only celebrate the beauty of nature, but also contain the yearning for a harmonious society and a better life. In the rapidly changing modern society, Xiao Lang's works remind people to return to nature and find inner peace, thereby enhancing national cultural self-confidence.

At the same time, Xiao Lang's art transcends borders and becomes a bridge for cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Through international exhibitions and academic exchanges, his works have demonstrated the charm of traditional Chinese culture and the vitality of contemporary Chinese art to the world, and enhanced understanding and respect between different cultures. Xiao Lang's artistic practice not only enriches the treasure house of art in China and the world, but also promotes cultural diversity and common prosperity, and embodies the important role of art as a cultural soft power in promoting social progress and dialogue among civilizations.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

VI. Conclusion

The core value of Xiao Lang's flower and bird painting art lies in its profound cultural heritage, exquisite freehand techniques and the strong spiritual atmosphere revealed in his works. With his delicate observation, profound learning and unique artistic language, he integrates the essence of traditional flower and bird painting with modern aesthetic awareness, creating an artistic style that has both classical charm and a sense of the times.

Xiao Lang's artistic charm lies in his ability to capture the vivid forms of flowers and birds with simple brushwork, and at the same time convey far-reaching philosophical thoughts and emotions, so that his works transcend the objects themselves and reach the subtle realm of "writing God with form and conveying feelings with God". In the field of small freehand, Xiao Lang is not only a skilled practitioner, but also a key figure in promoting the innovation and development of this style of painting, whose artistic influence transcends time and space, and has become a cultural bridge between tradition and modernity, East and West.

Xiao Lang's Research on the Art of Flower and Bird Painting: An Exploration of Small Freehand Techniques and Spiritual Atmosphere

Author: Lu Xilin


"Lang Paintings"

Paintings of Chinese Modern and Modern Masters - Xiao Lang

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