
Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

author:Big head talks about literature

1. The chase of dreams

Since childhood, Yang Dan has been full of endless enthusiasm for music, and under the scorching sun, she longs to one day enter a music school and display her peerless talent on the glittering stage.

However, fate doesn't seem to favor her, and in her pursuit of her musical dreams, she encounters unexpected setbacks.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

In the first admission examination for art specialty students, Yang Dan was unfortunately eliminated in the first round of selection. At that moment, she stood alone on the playground of the art examination, tears sliding down her cheeks like broken pearls, and her heart was full of endless loss and frustration.

Dreams drift away, and the road ahead becomes blurred.

Just when Yang Dan was in a state of confusion in life, a kind elder walked up to her, looking at her lost soul, he gently comforted: "Maybe your singing skills still need to be honed, but becoming an excellent announcer may be more suitable for you."

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

These words are like a light in the darkness, guiding Yang Dan to a new direction in life. She bowed deeply and gratefully took the elder's suggestion. Since then, Yang Dan has resolutely given up his music dream and devoted himself to a new career as an announcer.

With excellent professionalism and unremitting efforts, Yang Dan was finally successfully admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute, thus embarking on a new journey to the CCTV stage.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

During the four years of college, she devoted herself to her studies and even put the idea of love behind her.

She once admitted to her friends that she has no time to take care of emotional matters at present, and only wants to concentrate on her studies, hoping to eventually become a job at CCTV.

(At the age of 40, Yang Dan finally ushered in a major turning point in his life.) After a long wait and intense scrutiny, she was ecstatic to learn that she was about to welcome her baby daughter.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

When she first saw her daughter's big clear and bright eyes and listened to the cry of a baby, Yang Dan's heart swelled with endless joy and happiness).

When the news of her daughter's birth came, her in-laws gave all-round support and assistance. The mother-in-law took good care of her and her granddaughter, and her husband Tong Qiang was even more considerate, so that Yang Dan could devote herself to her work without any worries.

Yang Dan went all out to chase her dreams, paid incomparable hard work and sweat, and finally climbed to the top of CCTV's internship through her unswerving hard work! Although she was unable to get a formal position at CCTV immediately after graduation, being able to work in CCTV has opened a new chapter in her career.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

Second, the workplace set sail

In 1995, Yang Dan finally stepped into the work hall of CCTV with full of enthusiasm and beautiful vision, which was undoubtedly an exciting moment for her to turn her dream into reality.

However, reality has dealt her a heavy blow.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

When Yang Dan started working as a weather forecasting anchor on CCTV, she realized that there were countless challenges and dilemmas hidden behind this seemingly ordinary job. The big screen in front of me shows a map that looks like a simple and straightforward map, but in reality, it's just a post-production effect.

What Yang Dan saw was just a monotonous green background.

It turned out that announcing the weather was not as easy and pleasant as she imagined. During the recording process, she found that even a short one-minute program needed to be re-recorded more than 20 times to achieve the desired effect.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

With no map and no teleprompter, she had to rely solely on her own memory. If you have the wrong mouth shape or the wrong direction, it means you have to start all over again.

What made Yang Dan feel even more pressured was that the recording time of the weather forecast was often half an hour before the broadcast of the program, and she needed to memorize the entire manuscript in such a tight time, and there was simply not enough time to fully prepare.

She only had less than half an hour to prepare for the show, which was often more than a minute, and such a tight recording schedule undoubtedly posed a great challenge to her.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

(At this critical moment, colleague Tong Qiang silently gave Yang Dan selfless support and encouragement.) He took every opportunity to ask her questions, quietly learned about her interests and habits, and carefully bought her a delicious breakfast every morning.

Tong Qiang has a sincere and fiery heart for Yang Dan, although he has never expressed it publicly, he silently conveys his deep friendship with practical actions.

In order to be able to do this job perfectly, Yang Dan resolutely devoted himself to a long and difficult learning process and repeated recitation. Day or night, she always memorized every detail and nook and cranny of the map, and even spent a lot of money to buy a green screen the size of her workbench for flawless simulation training in the comfort of her home.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

After a year of unremitting efforts, Yang Dan finally mastered the map of China, and she could say the name of any province or city on the map without hesitation, which made her feel proud and satisfied, and also won her brilliant achievements in the position of announcer.

3. The flower of love is in full bloom

With the steady development of his career, Tong Qiang, a colleague who has been silently in love with Yang Dan for many years, finally mustered up the courage and expressed his heart to her. In the face of Tong Qiang's sincere confession, Yang Dan gave an unexpected reply: "Of course it's okay to get married, but we must choose not to have children."

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

Yang Dan knows that in the highly competitive stage of CCTV, he is still in the initial stage of his career, and if he temporarily leaves his job because of childbirth, he is likely to miss many valuable opportunities and even be replaced by other newcomers.

In the face of Yang Dan's firm decision, Tong Qiang was inevitably a little disappointed in his heart, but based on his deep understanding and respect for her, he finally chose to support her wholeheartedly. In 1997, the couple finally became married, entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and opened a new chapter in their lives together.

In their married lives, Yang Dan and Tong Qiang devoted most of their time and energy to their respective work. They strictly followed the original agreement and never mentioned childbirth again.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

Both parents also showed great tolerance and understanding and never put any pressure on them.

(Fifteen long years passed silently.) It wasn't until one day in 2007 that an accidental moment finally made Yang Dan's concept of fertility change.

It was a sunny afternoon, and while they were taking a leisurely walk in the park, they stumbled upon a cute little girl who was sweetly calling "Mommy".

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

Tong Qiang sensitively noticed this subtle change, and he said softly: "Honey, should we consider having a daughter?" Yang Dan bowed slightly, and a faint smile was on her face, as if this decision had been carefully considered in her heart.

Under the eager and hopeful eyes of friends and family, the couple embarked on a highly anticipated but difficult journey to have children. After countless days and nights of anti-DDomy and thorough physical monitoring, the doctors finally revealed a hopeful picture of the future – be patient, and there will be surprises in the future.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

As an elite in the workplace, Yang Dan has always regarded her career as the top priority in her life, however, love is also the most cherished emotion in her heart. Tong Qiang's tolerance and understanding of her gave her endless strength, made the road of this marriage more and more firm, and also brought her rare peace of mind and stability.

Fourth, motherhood

After a long wait and meticulous examination, Yang Dan finally ushered in the exciting news - she is pregnant! This news was like a bolt of lightning, instantly stirring up layers of waves in the hearts of the couple and their family members.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

After learning the news of their daughter's pregnancy, Yang Dan's parents and in-laws were very excited, and they came to visit with full hearts, bringing baskets of local chickens and ducks and all kinds of nutritious tonics, for fear of missing every detail of their daughter's life.

The careful care and meticulous care of everyone deeply moved Yang Dan, and her heart was full of unprecedented warmth and happiness.

Despite being pregnant, Yang Dan still sticks to his job, taking the subway to and from CCTV every day to record programs. At this special stage, Yang Dan's in-laws are even more dedicated, they have a clear division of labor, take turns to pick Yang Dan to and from work, and even carry two mazahs with her, lest she walk too much and affect the fetus in her womb.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

In 2013, when Yang Dan, who was 40 weeks pregnant, welcomed her daughter, her heart was full of indescribable joy. When she saw her daughter's big clear and bright eyes for the first time and listened to the baby's cry like a heavenly sound, the happiness of motherhood came spontaneously, making her smile extremely warm.

Seeing this, the mother-in-law was even more anxious and expressed her willingness to take care of her granddaughter wholeheartedly, but Yang Dan politely declined her kindness and said gently: "Mom, the baby has just come to this world, and she is now very dependent on me and needs me to take care of it personally."

The mother-in-law nodded in understanding, she understood her daughter's intentions, and temporarily put aside her expectations.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

When Yang Dan's dream suffered a heavy blow and had to find another way, she went north to Shenzhen to pursue higher knowledge, and finally successfully entered the CCTV internship and was honored to join Huafeng Group.

However, as strong as her, she never flinched, and always adhered to that persistent dreamOn this challenging road, she bravely crossed one difficulty after another, and finally realized her long-standing wish.

Faced with the predicament, the mother-in-law did not choose to give up, but resolutely decided to go all out to support Yang Dan. She cooks soup and cooks the rice, takes care of the housework, and does her best to pass on the endless love and care to her daughter and granddaughter, providing all-round assistance to this first-time daughter-in-law, so that she can devote herself to childcare with peace of mind.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

5. A chapter of family happiness

After her daughter's full moon, Yang Dan returned to the workplace, but she was always worried about the problem of no one to take care of the children, and even had the idea of quitting her job and going home. Looking at her daughter's anxious expression, her mother-in-law stepped forward and took the initiative to take care of her granddaughter to create a reassuring working atmosphere for Yang Dan.

So, after Yang Dan went to work every day, her mother-in-law was busy shopping for her granddaughter and cooking all kinds of nutritious food. In the afternoon, she will also bring her husband to accompany her granddaughters, play with them, and enjoy the warm and pleasant parent-child time.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

Whenever Yang Dan came back from work, her daughter always waited downstairs early, and when she saw her mother's familiar figure, she was overjoyed, trotting to Yang Dan and offering a warm hug.

These warm and touching pictures made Yang Dan deeply appreciate the selfless care and warmth of his family.

Yang Dan often sighs that he really chose the right person and the right family. Her husband Tong Qiang cares for her very much, and every detail of the home fully takes into account her comfort needs.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

Although Tong Qiang also needs to work during the day, as soon as he steps into the house, the hot meal is ready.

This meticulous understanding and care enabled Yang Dan to devote himself to his work without any worries.

In Yang Dan's journey to chase her dreams, her colleague Tong Qiang has always silently given her firm support. He seized every opportunity to quietly understand Yang Dan's interests and hobbies, carefully prepared breakfast every day, and silently expressed his deep friendship with practical actions.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

In the process of working in the field of weather forecasting, Ms. Yang Dan has gone through countless hardships and dangers, and needs to memorize a lot of map information and undergo many hard training sessions to master key skills.

It is in these years full of challenges and opportunities that Mr. Tong Qiang has always fought side by side with her and survived the ups and downs.

Time flies, and now Ms. Yang Dan, who has gone through half a century of baptism, not only has a successful career, but also has a warm and harmonious family.

Yang Dan, the first sister of meteorology: married her first love at the age of 24 but Dink for 15 years, gave birth to a baby at the age of 40, and now she has regrets

She is deeply grateful for the hardships and hardships in the course of her life, and at the same time, she is extremely pleased with the slightly regrettable but rewarding life experience she has now.

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