
Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

author:Big head talks about literature

1. Tranquility, which has entered the stage of "knowing the destiny of heaven", its unique and quiet view of love is still attracting attention!

has stepped into the tranquility of the later years of "knowing the destiny of heaven", and was once the dazzling "true lover" actress. Although she is getting farther and farther away from the screen now, her maverick view of love has always been the focus of public pursuit.

From the past to today, she has always been frank and decisive about her love life. In a popular variety show, she expressed her unique views on love without reservation.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

When the host asked her if she could tolerate her boyfriend's cheating, Tranquility frowned slightly, as if she had fallen into deep thought. After a brief silence, she replied firmly: "I will choose to forgive the other person, but I will never be in a relationship with him again."

Her answer shocked the audience, and her honesty and courage were admirable.

In fact, her remarks are not groundless. In the world of feelings, tranquility has always given people a sense of "laissez-faire". She smiled and told the host: "As long as they are measured outside and don't let me know."

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

However, her expression reveals what she really thinks in her heart: she just has a tolerant attitude towards love, rather than really accepting being deceived.

The media have labeled her as "suitable for all ages" and "playing with men in the palm of their hands". Indeed, looking back on the quiet love history, her attitude towards age can be described as indifferent.

A few years ago, she even directly signed up for a popular love variety show in China, and started a passionate love journey with a "little fresh meat" with an age gap of more than ten years.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

However, the relationship eventually ended because "they couldn't hone in on each other's values". In the face of this result, Tranquility did not show too much sadness, but revealed an open-minded look of "love has something to return".

She once publicly said: "As long as I see a handsome guy, I will not hesitate to take the initiative to come forward and talk."

In general, Serenity's attitude towards romance is really unprecedented boldness and boldness. Her courage and sincerity in unabashedly presenting her unique understanding of love in front of the public is truly amazing.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

2. The mental journey of the popular actress, her personality and opportunities have shaped her "true temperament"

When it comes to Tranquility's "Queen of the Sea" broad-mindedness and her open-minded personality, all of this stems from her rich experience in the film and television industry. As a well-known "actress", the years have not erased the appearance of the newcomer who was full of enthusiasm and vitality at the beginning, but made her true self and unremitting efforts shine more and more.

Looking back on the past, when Tranquility first set foot in the film and television industry, she was just an inconspicuous little green leaf, not well known. However, her perseverance and unyielding personality quickly emerged in the crew and left a deep impression on everyone.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

I remember one time, during the filming, bad weather encountered heavy rain, and the crew hurriedly packed up their equipment. At this time, Tranquility stepped forward without hesitation and took the initiative to assist in carrying the heavy props, and the spirit of hard work and resentment moved everyone present.

Since then, Tranquility has established a good image of "true temperament" and hard work in the crew. She takes each role very seriously and responsibly, will repeatedly study the script, humbly ask the director and seniors for advice, and even do not hesitate to consult relevant materials all night in order to interpret the role more deeply.

It is with one excellent work after another that Tranquility has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry and won wide attention.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

People began to appreciate her superb acting skills, and at the same time, they also deeply fell in love with her straightforward, capable and helpful personality. Whenever the atmosphere on the set is tense, she can always tell some witty and humorous jokes at the right time to bring joy to everyone; When the new actor is confused and helpless, she will also take the initiative to step forward and patiently answer questions.

Her quiet, humble, courteous and helpful qualities have made her widely regarded in the industry and she has met many like-minded friends.

With her excellent acting skills and good personality, Tranquility was able to continue to get more performance opportunities and began to play a series of challenging roles one after another. She is fully engaged every time and has a deep understanding of the plot, thus winning unanimous praise from the audience and critics with her superb acting skills.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

In this way, Tranquility gradually grew into a high-profile actress and won the reputation of "true lover".

However, Tranquility does not fully agree with the evaluation of "true temperament". She confessed that she was just doing her truest self and never deliberately created a specific persona.

Her simplicity and generosity from life, as well as her rich experience in the film and television industry over the years, have enabled Tranquility to successfully shape her maverick image of "Queen of the Sea" and her open-minded attitude towards life.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Tranquility, sunshine-like initiative, stems from her honest and humble qualities, but also from her deep love for life and career.

As long as you have personally encountered her warm, friendly, humble and polite side, it is not difficult to understand why she has won the praise of "true lover".

3. The quiet course of the two marriages is full of twists and turns

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Tranquility, a woman who has walked through the wind and rain, has also experienced countless ups and downs in the emotional world. Her independent personality has never added too much pretentiousness to any relationship, and she has always maintained a free and open attitude towards her feelings.

Because of this, she treats every relationship in the most simple and authentic way, never pretentious or forced.

Looking back on Serenity's emotional journey, the most striking thing is undoubtedly her marriage to American actor Paul Kesai. At that time, Paul was still in the stage of obscurity, and Tranquility was already a hot film and television superstar.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

They met during a shoot, fell in love at first sight, quickly fell in love and decided to get married.

This "old and young matching" has caused a lot of shock in the entertainment industry. As one of the most well-known female movie stars in China at the time, it was surprising that Tranquility got together with an ordinary foreign man.

Many people are talking behind their backs, speculating that this may just be the result of Serenity's impulses, which will soon disappear.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

However, this was not the case, and Serenity's marriage to Paul lasted for three years, during which time their relationship remained unparalleled. However, the good times are always short-lived, and in the end, they choose to break up due to differences in values.

As he parted, Paul tearfully said to Serenity: "You are an extraordinary woman with a unique and advanced view of love, but I am too young to fully understand you.

After bidding farewell to her last relationship, Tranquility chose a quiet time to be alone and reflect on the past. After about a full year, she finally had a new opportunity, where she stepped into the world of a British martial arts instructor, and they quickly developed a deep emotional bond with each other, and soon decided to join hands in the palace of marriage.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Although it is regrettable that this marriage did not last long, and only two years of sweet time ended in a helpless ending, but for all this, Tranquility showed an extraordinary calmness, and did not reveal too much of her inner feelings to the outside world.

Although these two emotional experiences ended in failure, they did not shake her firm belief in true love in the slightest. She always maintained that innocent expectation, bravely pursued for the love in her heart, and in the next relationship, she still faced it with the most sincere and simple attitude, and never set too many preconditions.

As she often said, "Even if I get married ten times and divorce ten times, as long as my heart is still full of love, I will bravely seize every possible opportunity".

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

This free-spirited attitude to life may seem confusing to the onlooker at times, but Serenity is clearly prepared to face all the consequences calmly.

She is just unswervingly looking for the soul mate who can truly understand her, no matter what difficulties she will encounter on this path, she does not care, because in her eyes, the most precious thing in life is to be able to experience the only love in this world with sincerity.

Fourth, the emotional entanglement between Tranquility and Jiang Wen and Ma Jingtao has sparked heated discussions

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

What is even more striking is the emotional entanglement that once existed between Tranquility and two legends in the film and television industry. One of them is the famous director Jiang Wen who has directed her, and the other is Ma Jingtao, a well-respected veteran actor.

When it comes to Jiang Wen, we have to go back to the years when he was a young man and made independent films. At that time, Jiang Wen was still a film and television newcomer living under the roof of others, and he relied on the funding of his wife Liu Xiaoqing to barely maintain his film dream.

It was at this critical moment that Serenity came into his life and led him to the heroine in his debut work, Sunny Days.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

At first, the relationship between them was more like that between teachers and students. However, as the filming deepened, Jiang Wen seemed to be attracted by Tranquility's unique personality, and love gradually sprouted in his heart.

Similarly, Tranquility was deeply moved by this talented young director, and a teacher-student love affair between a mentor and a student quietly began.

There is a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes staff, in the shooting scene in the dark, Jiang Wen and Tranquility snuggled intimately, whispering, and Tranquility will even appear as Jiang Wen's "girlfriend" role, frequently appearing at the premieres of major theaters.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

This unknown relationship was once praised as the hottest topic in the entertainment industry.

However, this "thunderous love" did not last long. When Liu Xiaoqing learned of this, she was furious, and she carefully planned a "bitter meat plan", which finally made Jiang Wen throw herself into the arms of others.

The moment Tranquility learned the truth, she remained calm and did not make any comments on the matter, despite the heavy blow in her heart.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

As for Ma Jingtao, a veteran actor, the relationship between him and Tranquility is even more confusing. At that time, Ma Jingtao was already over half a hundred years old, and Ning Jing was just over 30 years old and in the prime of his youth.

Although they have co-starred in several film and television works, there are also many rumors about their intimate interactions in private.

According to what the staff saw, between shooting, Ma Jingtao often communicated with Tranquility in private. Their body language is ambiguous and intimate, making one wonder if they have fallen into a secret romance.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Tranquility's straightforward and vivid personality and Ma Jingtao's sophisticated and cunning way of dealing with the world have formed a unique tacit understanding to a certain extent.

However, this is just speculation. Whether it is with Jiang Wen or Ma Jingtao, or even many other scandal objects, Tranquility has always been tight-lipped about her personal emotional life and has never revealed too much to the outside world.

She just silently endured the accusations and speculations of the outside world, and bravely pursued the true desire of her heart.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

This frank, direct, and unpretentious personality has created a quiet "queen of the sea"-like image - fraternity, freedom, and freedom. Her outlook on love and behavior often arouse heated public discussions, and some people question her playing with men, but she always responds firmly: "Even if I get married ten times and divorce ten times, as long as my heart is full of love, I will embrace that sincere feeling."

Part 5: The bold heroine participated in a love variety show and bluntly set off a storm again

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

I have to say that Ms. Tranquility's bravery and honesty in dealing with the relationship problem are really unprecedented. As the years entered her old age, she practiced and admired this "boldness" more diligently, which made her behavior eye-catching.

Just a few years ago, as a mature woman in her fifties, Ms. Tranquility did not hesitate to sign up for a high-profile domestic love reality show.

In this show, she started a fiery love affair with a young little fresh meat.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Despite the huge age gap between the two, Ms. Tranquility's choice to be "suitable for all ages" has caused an uproar in the online world, with many people questioning whether she is "playing with fire".

However, in the face of all kinds of doubts from the outside world, Ms. Tranquility did not pay much attention to it, and still firmly followed her own path and responded with a reasonable attitude. In the show, she bluntly expounded her unique perspective on feelings, which caused widespread controversy.

At the scene, many young viewers were puzzled by her "tolerant" attitude and cast strange glances. However, Ms. Serenity does not seem to care about the gaze of others, and always expresses her heart confidently.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

"In my opinion, what woman has not experienced betrayal by her boyfriend?" She said calmly, "As long as their behavior outside will not be noticed by me, just keep a certain bottom line."

This "laissez-faire" view undoubtedly caused a commotion at the scene.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

For Ms. Serenity, however, this is simply a reflection of her unique and edgy and open-minded view of love. She once said frankly: "As long as I see a handsome guy, I will not hesitate to take the initiative to strike up a conversation."

Such bold and straightforward remarks make people can't help but regard her as a "love master" who always pursues love. She also makes no secret of her view of love, and never adds any pretentious embellishments.

Perhaps because of this, she can win the attention and love of many people. Some accuse her of "playing" men, but many more appreciate the courage and determination she has shown on her path to true love.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Ignoring the eyes of the world, Lady Serenity is preoccupied with pursuing her heart's deepest desires.

Sixth, the turmoil continues, and the woman who is obsessed with finding true love is really admirable!

Throughout the ups and downs of Ms. Tranquility's life, her unique understanding and persistent pursuit of love are clearly unique in this world. Despite the challenges of the past years, she still proudly walks through the long river of time.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Some of the exaggerations and prejudices that portray her as "dominating men in the palm of their hands" are undoubtedly an injustice to her. After all, although Tranquility is open-minded when dealing with relationship issues, she has never really hurt any man who loves her deeply.

She just expressed her inner emotions too directly and frankly, without concealment.

However, her free and open attitude towards love, as well as her unremitting pursuit of true love, are indeed worthy of our sincere admiration. As she enters old age, she is still able to maintain a childlike heart to chase her innermost desires, which is enough to prove how touching her innocent attachment to love is.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

Life is not always smooth sailing for tranquility. Her two marriages ended in breakdown, and she was not spared from her emotional entanglements with many rumored men.

However, she has never been crushed by the tricks of fate, and has always stood there firmly, living in the moment with hope, looking for the true love of her life.

This courage and tenacity are the most shining highlights of her character. She is never pretentious, nor does she deliberately hide her true colors, she does what she wants, and she is as passionate as fire. When you love someone, you can put your heart and soul into it, and after a breakup, you can let go completely without worry.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

This frank personality may be the source of her unique charm.

It can be said that Tranquility, with its unique concept of love, reinterprets the new meaning of "feminism" in the field of feelings. She is neither bound by the world nor pretentious, but just follows the most primitive heart, embraces life warmly, and is free to find her own true love.

During this long journey, she was repeatedly blamed and questioned by public opinion, but in the end, these have all disappeared. Because tranquility has never been defeated by worldly evaluations, she has always been full of hope, with dreams, and shining brightly on the road to finding true love.

Tranquility "eats all ages", and "plays" with men early on

This kind of courage and perseverance is her most admirable quality of life.

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