
There are many farts in the liver, more oil in the spleen deficiency, and more urine in the kidney deficiency, share 3 recipes to help you adjust the liver, spleen and kidney! 1. There are many reasons for liver depression and fart: the liver is mainly drained, the body's qi is regulated, and the liver qi is stagnant

author:Qi Huang University Chinese Medicine

There are many farts in the liver, more oil in the spleen deficiency, and more urine in the kidney deficiency, share 3 recipes to help you adjust the liver, spleen and kidney!

1. 肝郁屁多

Reason: The liver is mainly drained, regulating the body's qi, the liver qi is stagnant, and the qi is not smooth, resulting in a decrease in the ability of the spleen and stomach to transport food, and the qi is blocked in the spleen and stomach, and there will be stomach distention. At this time, Qi needs to find an outlet to get out, and it will fart vigorously, and at the same time, indigestion and irritability will occur.

The tongue usually appears as a swollen or red tongue with a sunken tongue.

Reference: Bupleurum Shugansan plus or minus.

2. Spleen deficiency and oily production

Causes: Spleen deficiency and dampness, moisture and turbidity, manifested in the appearance of the face and head on the outside of the body, in addition to often feeling weak, do not want to move, decreased appetite, sticky mouth and other conditions.

The tongue is white and greasy, and there are tooth marks on the side of the tongue

Reference: Shenling Atractylodes Powder plus or minus.

3. Kidney deficiency and excessive urination

Reason: The kidneys are watery and the main stool is in charge. If the kidney yang is insufficient, it will be unable to evaporate the water, and there will be frequent urination, frequent waking up at night, and wanting to go to the toilet as soon as you drink water, etc., and it will also be accompanied by cold intolerance, soreness in the lower limbs, cold hands and feet, etc.

The appearance of the tongue is as follows: the tongue is fat, the tongue is pale white, and the base of the tongue is sunken

Reference: 桂附地黄汤加减. #中医##健康#

There are many farts in the liver, more oil in the spleen deficiency, and more urine in the kidney deficiency, share 3 recipes to help you adjust the liver, spleen and kidney! 1. There are many reasons for liver depression and fart: the liver is mainly drained, the body's qi is regulated, and the liver qi is stagnant
There are many farts in the liver, more oil in the spleen deficiency, and more urine in the kidney deficiency, share 3 recipes to help you adjust the liver, spleen and kidney! 1. There are many reasons for liver depression and fart: the liver is mainly drained, the body's qi is regulated, and the liver qi is stagnant
There are many farts in the liver, more oil in the spleen deficiency, and more urine in the kidney deficiency, share 3 recipes to help you adjust the liver, spleen and kidney! 1. There are many reasons for liver depression and fart: the liver is mainly drained, the body's qi is regulated, and the liver qi is stagnant

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