
On the fifth day of accompanying my husband to run the goods, I couldn't hold it back, so I casually found a toilet and went to the toilet

author:Motivated breeze K

In life, we always encounter some small awkward moments. Sometimes, these moments of embarrassment can make us embarrassed, but they also teach us some valuable lessons. This article will share an embarrassing experience I had when I accompanied my husband to run a shopping trip, and the advice I drew from it for the essentials of going out.

It was the fifth day I had been running with my husband, and we were on our way. Suddenly, I felt a wave of discomfort and urgently needed to go to the toilet. I hurriedly found a toilet, but the most embarrassing thing for me was that I forgot to bring paper. At this time, I noticed that there was a piece of paper on the windowsill of the toilet, and even though it looked dirty, I didn't hesitate to use it. This experience made me deeply aware of the importance of carrying the essentials when going out so as not to encounter similar embarrassing situations again.

On the fifth day of accompanying my husband to run the goods, I couldn't hold it back, so I casually found a toilet and went to the toilet

From that embarrassing experience, I concluded the importance of what to have when going out. Whether it's paper towels, phone chargers, or other small items, they can help us solve problems at a critical moment. I recommend checking your pockets or bags before heading out to make sure you have the following items with you:

Paper towels or wet wipes: used to go to the toilet, wipe hands, etc.

Phone charger: Make sure your phone is fully charged in case of an emergency.

On the fifth day of accompanying my husband to run the goods, I couldn't hold it back, so I casually found a toilet and went to the toilet

Snacks or water: Maintain your strength and avoid hunger or thirst.

Umbrella or sunscreen: Bring something according to the weather.

The little awkward moments in life, while embarrassing, also teach us some valuable lessons. Through this experience, I learned the importance of carrying the essentials when I go out. I hope that you can also learn from my experience and be prepared to avoid similar embarrassing situations.

On the fifth day of accompanying my husband to run the goods, I couldn't hold it back, so I casually found a toilet and went to the toilet

In the days ahead, let's learn to learn from life's little embarrassments, prepare for work, and enjoy a more enjoyable journey. At the same time, learn to accept and face the small awkwardness in life, as they are part of our growth.

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