
worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!


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Entertainment Notes

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worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!


It's a story of fatherly love, about giving, and about life choices.

When faced with the double test of career and family, how do we weigh it?

When life suddenly throws us with cold water, how do we respond?

Let's step into the world of Chan Kam Hung and explore the answer to this question.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

The golden age of TVB

In the 90s of the last century, TVB was synonymous with Hong Kong TV dramas.

In this golden age, countless classics and dazzling stars were born, and Chen Jinhong is one of them.

The dramas he starred in such as "New Shanghai Beach" and "O Record" were the ratings champions at that time, and the roles he played such as Xu Wenqiang and Hu Fei were even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

With his excellent appearance and superb acting skills, Chen Jinhong quickly became the leader of TVB.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

In that star-studded era, Chen Jinhong was undoubtedly one of the brightest stars.

Each of his works has attracted much attention, and every appearance has caused a sensation.

Countless fans are crazy about him, and countless advertisers are vying for invitations.

He seemed to have it all: fame, status, glory...... However, fate played a joke at this time.

However, when the career was in full swing, a bad news quietly came.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

Chen Jinhong's son was diagnosed with autism, and the news undoubtedly brought a huge blow to the family.

Faced with their son's special situation, Chen Jinhong and his wife fell into deep confusion and pain.

The son's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue, knocking this originally happy family to the bottom in an instant.

Chen Jinhong and his wife were at a loss, not knowing how to deal with this sudden blow.

They tried to find the answer, only to find that autism is still a mystery.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

Endless fear and worry enveloped them, and the confusion and uncertainty about the future were even more overwhelming.

Choice: Leave your career and take care of your son

After learning that his son has autism, Chan is faced with a difficult choice.

With a thriving career on the one hand, and a son who needs to be taken care of on the other, where should he go?

After careful consideration, Chen Jinhong made an admirable decision:

Leave your acting career for a while and devote herself to her son's recovery.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

This decision may seem simple, but it requires a great deal of courage and determination.

You know, at that time, autism was still a relatively new concept, and many people lacked understanding and awareness of it.

As a public figure, Chen Jinhong's choice will undoubtedly receive more attention and questioning.

But he took this step resolutely, because in his opinion, nothing is more important than his family.

Leaving the entertainment industry for the time being is a difficult and painful decision for Chen Jinhong.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

This means that he has to give up his years of hard work and dreams, and it means that he has to leave the stage and audience he loves.

This is undoubtedly a huge sacrifice for an actor who is at the peak of his career.

But Chen Jinhong did not hesitate at all, because he knew that at this moment, his son needed himself, and the family needed himself.

It's a long road to recovery

The road to recovery for children with autism is long and arduous, and Chan and his wife know this.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

In order to provide a better treatment environment for their son, they moved their family and traveled all over the country to seek medical treatment.

Chan Kam Hung is also incarnated as a "super dad", taking care of his son's diet and daily life, and accompanying him to receive training and treatment.

It is unimaginable that even teaching his son such a basic skill as going to the toilet took Chen Jinhong three years.

But he never gave up, because he firmly believed that with enough patience and love, his son would be able to grow up healthily.

In this process, Chen Jinhong deeply experienced the difficulties of families with autistic children.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

They have to face social prejudices and misunderstandings, and they have to bear huge financial pressure and mental burden.

Every day is an uphill battle, and every improvement is hard-won.

But Chen Jinhong did not flinch, because he understood that he was his son's strongest backing and the pillar of the family.

The hard work paid off, and under Chen Jinhong's careful care, his son's condition gradually improved.

He began to show amazing concentration and memory, and his academic performance improved by leaps and bounds.

Seeing his son's progress, Chen Jinhong felt sincerely relieved and moved.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

He understands that all this stems from his original choice and persistence.

Every progress of his son is the greatest encouragement and reward for Chen Jinhong.

He saw hope, he saw the light.

He understands that autism is not invincible, and with enough love and patience, miracles are bound to happen.

This made him more determined to devote himself to his son's rehabilitation.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

Spread positive energy

As a person who has come from the past, Chan Kam Hung is well aware of the difficulties and pressures faced by autistic families.

Therefore, he began to actively participate in various public welfare activities for autistic children, and brought hope and strength to more families by sharing his own experiences and experiences.

At the same time, he also called on the society to strengthen the understanding and tolerance of autism, and reduce prejudice and discrimination.

Chen Jinhong's story has touched countless people, and he uses his actions to interpret what is fatherly love and what is responsibility.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

He shows us that even a former big star can drop everything for the sake of his family.

He used his own choices to tell us that the meaning of life is not only in the achievement of our career, but also in our dedication and companionship to our families.

Chen Jinhong's experience has also made more people pay attention to the special group of autism.

His sharing gave hope to many families and made them understand that they are not alone.

His appeal has also sparked reflection in society and made more people aware of the importance of equality and inclusion.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

This is a warm and positive force, and it is also Chen Jinhong's most valuable asset.

The classics are revived, and we look forward to reuniting

In recent years, there has been news that "O Record" will be remade, which has made many viewers full of expectations for Chen Jinhong and Li Zi's cooperation again.

After all, they were the golden boys and girls in the play, and they have extremely high popularity and appeal.

However, for Chen Jinhong, it is no longer important whether he can return to the screen.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

His biggest wish now is to see his son grow up healthy and happy and live an ordinary and happy life.

Although he has faded out of the entertainment industry for many years, Chen Jinhong's status in the hearts of the audience has never wavered.

They are thinking about this former idol and looking forward to his return.

And Chen Jinhong has never forgotten his original intention;

He knows that the mission of an actor is not only to create classic characters, but also to influence and inspire others with his actions.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

Whether on screen or in reality, he is trying to live up to this belief.


Chan's story tells us that there are always unsatisfactory times in life, and the key is how we face and deal with them.

When life suddenly throws us with cold water, do we choose to run away, or do we choose to face it bravely?

When there is a conflict between career and family, how should we choose?

There are no standard answers to these questions, but Chen Jinhong gave a resounding answer with his own choice.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

He used his actions to interpret what is fatherly love, what is responsibility, and what is responsibility.

He shows us that even a former big star can drop everything for the sake of his family.

He has touched countless people with his story, and has also brought hope and strength to more autistic families.

worked hard to teach his son to go to the toilet, took a break for his autistic son for seven years, and now cultivates a top student!

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