
is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

author:Doulai said
is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

The news of Wang Feng's announcement of his relationship continues to ferment, the woman is an Internet celebrity named Forest North, although Forest North is not very old, but she already has a child and is a single mother.

After seeing the photos of Lin Bei, many people think that she and Zhang Ziyi have similarities, and some people comment on the Internet such as "Guanguan Class Qing", which also set off a craze on the Internet.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Wang Feng's love life is very rich, and the people he has dated are very good-looking, it can only be said that Wang Feng is indeed a talented person, otherwise there would not be so many women who would choose him.

There are five of them that he has officially announced, not to mention that there is a very high probability of a secret relationship, and the most famous of the five he officially announced are Ge Huijie and Zhang Ziyi.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

The birth of the "Little Apple".

Wang Feng met Ge Huijie after the failure of his first marriage, and his first marriage lasted only a few months, and the specific reason is unknown.

Because of the recording of a show, the two met, Ge Huijie was a well-known model at that time, just seventeen years old, while Wang Feng was already an "old driver" who had been in the entertainment industry for several years.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Wang Feng's momentum at that time was also popular, little girls will have the psychology of Mu Qiang, Ge Huijie is no exception, she is attracted by the mature Wang Feng, and Wang Feng also has thoughts about her young and beautiful.

The two fell in love in a back and forth, maybe love is vigorous, a happy but unfortunate news happened - Ge Huijie is pregnant.

Although this is the crystallization of their love, they did not step into marriage, which is unmarried and pregnant, and at the same time, she is not very old and her career is booming, such a situation is something they couldn't have imagined.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

After discussion between the two people, they finally decided to keep the child, which was undoubtedly a mistake for Ge Huijie many years later.

Ge Huijie was pregnant when she was still an adult, which also caused her to have an insecure situation, and she often suspected Wang Feng of cheating, and at the same time, her friends often told her that Wang Feng and Kang Zuoru were very close.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Kang Zuoru is Wang Feng's next girlfriend after Ge Huijie, in fact, Ge Huijie's suspicions are not unreasonable, after all, this rumored girlfriend has become the next one for Wang Feng to break up with him, and until now, Ge Huijie often scolds him for cheating on the Internet.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Because Ge Huijie was still pregnant and there was no specific evidence, she did not choose to break up, but waited until the child was born before parting ways with Wang Feng.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out
is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out
is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

This child is the "little apple" Wang Manxi, and the custody of Wang Manxi was handed over to Wang Feng, which is inevitable, because Ge Huijie chose love in the rising period, so her career took a sharp turn and she could not give the child a good growth environment.

But the custody in the hands of Wang Feng did not allow Wang Manxi to have a happy childhood, Wang Feng was busy with his music career and had no time to take care of the children, so he could only hand over Wang Manxi to his grandmother to take care of.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Wang Manxi in the middle

Wang Feng himself did not take care of the child in person, nor did he let Ge Huijie contact him, and also changed the contact information of the nanny, completely cutting off Ge Huijie's contact with her daughter.

It can be said that Wang Manxi's childhood was lonely, and she couldn't enjoy the warm time with her mother, but Zhang Ziyi's appearance made up for her lack of maternal love.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Zhang Ziyi, who treats children as her own

After Wang Feng divorced Kang Zuoru, he met Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Ziyi's career was also in full swing at that time, and the fate of the two of them actually originated from Zhang Ziyi's parents.

Wang Feng once helped Zhang Ziyi's parents, and later learned that the other party was the rock genius Wang Feng, and then Zhang Ziyi thanked Wang Feng when recording the show, and the two began to bond.

Under the revelations of the media, netizens found that the two of them were in the same frame many times, and launched a series of discussions on the Internet, until Wang Feng confessed Zhang Ziyi in public at the concert, and the relationship between the two was officially announced.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

In 2015, Wang Feng proposed to Zhang Ziyi at Zhang Ziyi's birthday party with a ring the size of a pigeon egg, and the planning and design of the entire birthday party was handled by Wang Feng, which also cost a lot.

gave Zhang Ziyi a grand marriage proposal ceremony, and when the photos of this birthday party were uploaded to the Internet, they immediately exploded, some were envious, some were blessed, and some were not optimistic, in short, it caused a lot of heat.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

After they got married, they took Wang Manxi to take care of her, which made netizens feel admired, after all, this is the child of her husband's ex-wife, and she can still be so generous.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

And Wang Manxi has no hostility towards this stepmother, according to Zhang Ziyi, she called her mother directly when Wang Manxi saw her for the first time, which made Zhang Ziyi feel very distressed about her.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Later, Zhang Ziyi also gave birth to two children, one of whom is named "Wake Up", even after giving birth to her own daughter, she is not partial, and she will never lack a share that belongs to Wang Manxi.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Zhang Ziyi also often takes Wang Manxi out to play together, and many netizens have also photographed their intimate state, and when participating in Zhang Ziyi's movie activities, they also look like mother and daughter.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Wang Manxi when he grew up

Even if Wang Manxi did not live with her biological mother Ge Huijie, the blood on her body was still Ge Huijie's, and it could not be changed no matter what.

As Wang Manxi grows up day by day, she can find that she looks more and more like her mother, and she has the shadow of Ge Huijie on her body.

Because Ge Huijie is engaged in the modeling industry, she has a very good figure, tall and thin, so Wang Manxi's adult figure is also very tall and graceful.

Not only are they similar in figure, but they also have similarities in appearance, Wang Manxi's eyebrows and eyes are carved out of the same mold as Ge Huijie's, although they are not as aggressive as Ge Huijie's appearance, but they still resemble their mothers.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Maybe it is also inherited from her mother's beauty genes, or maybe it is because of Zhang Ziyi's fashion influence, Wang Manxi's daily outfits also follow the trend.

The style she tried before was more innocent, which seemed more pure, and it didn't feel like Ge Huijie, so it didn't cause so many people to discuss.

And her style is more mature now, her dress is more sexy, and her carefully posed poses are also coquettish, just like Ge Huijie when she was young.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

She often posts photos of herself on the Internet, and she is always full of confidence in the photos, and I have to say that Zhang Ziyi's love for her has a great effect.

This makes her not have stage fright at all in the photo with others, and she can clearly see the difference between the "second generation of stars" and ordinary people.

Wang Feng usually holds family gatherings and posts group photos on social media, in which he sees the three women in Wang Feng's family with different appearances.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Some netizens even think that Wang Manxi is even better looking than Zhang Ziyi when she grows up, Zhang Ziyi's age is not young after all, even if her bones are beautiful, she will be relaxed.

And Wang Manxi is in the prime of her youth, so she is naturally in a much better state than Zhang Ziyi, Wang Manxi is beautiful with her mother, and there are two pear vortices, she and Zhang Ziyi are two completely different beauties.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Wake up at the moment

In this photo, another woman who is not mentioned is Zhang Ziyi's biological daughter who woke up, in the group photo, Wang Manxi and Zhang Ziyi are often discussed, but the appearance of waking up has also been compared by many people.

In 2015, she was born when she woke up, and grew up under the constant attention of netizens, because her mother is a famous beauty, so netizens have high expectations for her.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Even though she was only three or four years old at the time, she was also attacked and ridiculed by netizens, because she did not inherit her mother's excellent genes, Zhang Ziyi's face was not fleshy, but when she woke up, it was different, she had a round fleshy face.

In fact, she couldn't see anything at her age at the time, but netizens always like to seize this kind of hot spot to discuss.

Not everyone will inherit the best genes, after all, she will also inherit her father's genes, and her awake eyes are very similar to Wang Feng's, not big or single eyelids.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

The face shape is also more similar to Wang Feng, it is a round face, and her facial features are not deep, but this does not mean that she is not good-looking, after all, she will grow up.

Now that she has grown a lot, her face looks more perfect, and there are no hard injuries, which is better than many ordinary people, and I look forward to her appearance in the future.

In fact, her sister Wang Manxi was not a beauty when she was a child, she was more like her father Wang Feng between her eyebrows and eyes, and her nose was not as delicate as it is now.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

The overall temperament is also a little earthy, so don't worry about waking up, the eighteen changes of the female college, with Zhang Ziyi's genetic blessing, it will not be bad.

In addition to her appearance, Xingxing is very different from her sister Wang Manxi, she is a girl surrounded by happiness and love, and her closest mother can be by her side, giving her enough security.

Children who grow up in love can be nourished, and Wang Manxi also experienced maternal love after Zhang Ziyi came to her world, so that she was able to become so generous.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Even though she grew up in a family full of security, the excessive involvement of the media and netizens also had an impact on Awakening.

She is not as flamboyant and confident as Zhang Ziyi, but more shy and quiet, and such a character may grow up with awakening.

The end of Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's marriage also has an impact on Xingxing, in order for her to live in a stable environment, I hope the media and netizens will not pay too much attention to her state, so as not to affect her.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out


Although Wang Manxi and Xingxing are both Wang Feng's children, the two children are not of the same type, even if they both have Wang Feng's genes, the difference is very big.

For netizens, there is no need to pay attention to their appearance frequently, and for the two girls, there is no need to have too much anxiety because of various voices on the Internet.

is also Wang Feng's gene, put Zhang Ziyi's daughter and Ge Huijie's daughter together, and the difference will come out

Looks are not completely dependent on genes, and a large part of it depends on the development of the day after tomorrow, even if it is not so beautiful, it can also improve its appearance through makeup technology.

But the face is not the most important, what is more important than the external beauty is the inner beauty, and the self-confidence from the inside out is the biggest factor affecting the temperament.

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