
37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

author:Chunchun loves entertainment

1. Ge Huijie's frequent "scolding war" against Wang Feng caused controversy

Recently, 37-year-old model Ge Huijie once again lashed out at her ex-boyfriend Wang Feng on social media. She angrily accused Wang Feng in the dynamic: "Are you uninspired to write songs?" Can you take responsibility for the children, such a big person will not even protect his own private life. "

This is not the first time Ge Huijie has publicly "scolded" Wang Feng. Over the years, she has seized the opportunity to make all sorts of accusations and abuse against the well-known musician. Some netizens believe that she is doing this mainly to gain popularity and attract attention.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

Indeed, compared with Ge Huijie's usual low-key state on social platforms, whenever there is hot news about Wang Feng, she can always quickly emerge and publish various "revelations" and accusations. This latest story has also received thousands of comments and more than 30,000 likes, far exceeding the popularity of her daily life updates.

Some people pointed out that Ge Huijie's approach is inevitably suspected of "hype". But if you dig deeper into the reasons behind it, I'm afraid there are still some issues worth paying attention to.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

2. Ge Huijie and Wang Feng's "Past Events"

To understand the grievances between this former couple, it is necessary to trace back to the past when they met and fell in love.

In 2004, 17-year-old Ge Huijie and 16-year-old Wang Feng started a relationship. The following year, 19-year-old Ge Huijie gave birth to her daughter Wang Manxi. However, the two did not immediately enter the marriage hall.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

Subsequently, Wang Feng broke up with Ge Huijie on the grounds that she "plays games every day and won't take care of her daughter". Ge Huijie claimed that Wang Feng even gave her a breakup fee at that time, but the custody of her daughter Wang Manxi fell into Wang Feng's hands.

Since then, Ge Huijie has repeatedly broken the news on the show, saying that Wang Feng cheated after she became pregnant or gave birth, which even led to her suicide. This statement was also confirmed by Wang Feng's other ex-wife, Tang Zuoru.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

It can be said that for Ge Huijie, this relationship experience with Wang Feng is destined to be the "heart knot" of her life. Not only because Wang Feng's cheating hurt her, but also because the custody of her daughter was also taken away by Wang Feng, making it impossible for her to maintain a good relationship with her daughter.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

3. Ge Huijie's injustice and regret

It has always been known that in the marriage of Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Ziyi has a very close relationship with her stepdaughter Wang Manxi. Zhang Ziyi always treats Wang Manxi as her own daughter, and frequently posts photos of the two on social media.

This kind of "mother-daughter love" undoubtedly brought huge psychological pressure to Ge Huijie. As Wang Manxi's biological mother, Ge Huijie couldn't even find her daughter's contact information, let alone keep in touch with her.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

In this regard, Ge Huijie once said frankly that it was because during her daughter's growth, Wang Feng frequently changed her contact information, resulting in her unable to contact her daughter. This regret of not being able to get close to her relatives has undoubtedly become the biggest shadow in Ge Huijie's life.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!
37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

To some extent, 37-year-old Ge Huijie seems to have been living in the shadow of Wang Feng. She has not been able to establish a close mother-daughter relationship with her daughter, and she has never been able to get out of the trauma caused by this relationship. For her, this is undoubtedly a huge life regret.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

Fourth, Ge Huijie's "Broken Cauldron and Sinking the Boat"

Although Ge Huijie has been "scolding" Wang Feng on social media for many years, Wang Feng himself has rarely responded to this. This makes people sigh, is Ge Huijie just to win attention and carry out this kind of "breaking the boat" behavior?

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

In fact, Ge Huijie's life over the years can also make people see her inner struggle and uneasiness. It is reported that the 37-year-old is still unmarried and has remained single. This is undoubtedly related to her inability to get rid of the shadow of Wang Feng's ex-boyfriend for many years.

Even when there was a crack in Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi's marriage, Ge Huijie did not let go of the "attack" on Zhang Ziyi. There are reports that she once thought that Zhang Ziyi was "borrowing her daughter to show her mother's love". This is also obviously related to her own regret that she was not able to build a good relationship with her daughter.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

It can be said that Ge Huijie's "scolding and fighting" behavior over the years may just be an expression of her inability to rest in her heart. In the face of all kinds of injustices and regrets in her life, she seems to be the only way to vent her dissatisfaction and anger.

Although this practice has sparked controversy, we can't help but feel that for a "scarred" person like Ge Huijie, perhaps understanding and sympathy are needed more than simple condemnation.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

Fifth, society needs to pay attention to the reasons behind similar tragedies

Through the analysis of Ge Huijie's experience, it is not difficult to find that the various difficulties she faces actually reflect some deep-seated problems in the upper strata of society.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

First of all, this incident highlights the problem of unfair distribution of wealth within the celebrity circle. As a model who was in the limelight back then, Ge Huijie made a certain contribution to Wang Feng's career development, but in the end she failed to benefit from it. In contrast, the "harmonious family" built by Wang Feng and his later wife Zhang Ziyi has been favored by more social resources. This kind of injustice also exists in other celebrity circles.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

Second, it also exposes the shortcomings of the current divorce legal system in the mainland. Judging from the separation between Ge Huijie and her daughter Wang Manxi, the distribution of custody of children after divorce often brings great harm to both parties and even children. This clearly requires a better legal system to safeguard the interests of vulnerable groups.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!
37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

Thirdly, this case also reflects the unkindness of society towards the group of single mothers. As a single mother raising her daughter independently, Ge Huijie has undoubtedly faced huge life pressure and psychological burden. But in the eyes of the outside world, she is easily labeled as "hype" and "troublemaker". This discriminatory view of the disadvantaged has undoubtedly exacerbated their plight.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

What is even more noteworthy is that Ge Huijie's experience reveals a deeper social problem - prejudice against the status of women. In this dispute, Ge Huijie, as a woman, not only faced emotional trauma, but also suffered the deprivation of child custody, which undoubtedly reflects the lack of social protection of women's rights and interests.

It can be said that Ge Huijie's experience is not an isolated case, but a microcosm of many problems such as social class division, imperfect legal system, and prejudice against vulnerable groups. This not only needs to attract the attention of relevant departments, but also needs the reflection and change of the general public.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

6. Hope for reconciliation with his daughter

Although Ge Huijie's current life is in a difficult situation, we still can't give up our sympathy and understanding for her. After all, as a mother, her biggest regret and pain undoubtedly comes from not being able to establish a close relationship with her daughter Wang Manxi.

For Ge Huijie, perhaps reconciliation with her daughter is her greatest wish. Even though her past experiences have cast a shadow on her life, as long as she can reconnect with her daughter, I believe she still has the courage and determination to regain her strength.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

It can be said that Ge Huijie's desire is not out of simple motherhood, but more out of a woman's pursuit of self-worth. As an independent individual, she does not want to be bound by Wang Feng and her past emotional experiences, but hopes to reshape her life value through reconciliation with her daughter.

Therefore, we should look at Ge Huijie's situation with a more tolerant and sympathetic eye. Her "scolding war" behavior is certainly inappropriate, but the inner monologue and life dilemma behind it are really embarrassing.

37-year-old Ge Huijie scolded Wang Feng again, she was "delayed" by Wang Feng for her life, and her daughter is the biggest regret!

Perhaps, if society can provide more care and support for such vulnerable groups, they can also regain the courage and motivation to live. Ge Huijie's life path may still have a chance to be reversed, as long as she can find inner peace and hope.

In short, no matter what Ge Huijie has experienced in the past, as an independent individual, she should be given the opportunity to reinvent her life. We need to be more tolerant and understanding to help those who have suffered injustice and regret to get back on their feet. Only in this way can society truly pay attention to the needs of vulnerable groups and eliminate some deep-seated social problems.

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