
In the duel between man and wolf, Pu Songling firmly chose man over human nature

author:The moon is light and windy

In Pu Songling's "Liaozhai Zhiyi", there are many contents related to wolves, and the wolves in them basically represent negative characters. What we are familiar with is "Three Rules of Wolves". Both the butcher and the wolf are fierce characters. In the duel between the butcher and the wolf, the butcher kills the fierce and cunning wolf. In these three stories, although the butcher is also fierce, he is in a life-and-death duel with the wolf. The butcher, with his wisdom, kills the fierce wolf, and the author's evaluation of the wolf is only cunning (cunning), and in the end the wolf is just a joke. These three stories are pleasant to read and applaud the butcher's cleverness.

In the duel between man and wolf, Pu Songling firmly chose man over human nature

Illustration of "Chatting with Zai Zhiyi"

However, another story is about man and wolf. Reading it, the mood is a little complicated. The name of the story is "Pastoral Erection". The story is not long, I copied it below.

The two shepherds entered the mountain into the wolf's lair, and the cave had two little wolves, and plotted to divide and capture them. Climb a tree each, and take dozens of steps. A few moments, the big wolf arrived, lost his son in the cave, and the meaning was very hasty. Erected in the tree, twisting the ears of the little wolf's hooves, so that the big wolf heard the sound and looked up, and ran furiously under the tree, and crawled and grabbed. One of them was erected in the other tree, causing the little wolf to cry out, and the wolf looked around, and when he first saw it, he gave up this and went to the other, and ran as before. The front tree whined and ran away. There is no stopping sound in the mouth, no stopping on the toes, dozens of reciprocating, running slowly, the sound gradually weakening; even if it is dying and lying stiffly, it will not move for a long time. Looking down, the qi is gone.

Shepherd is a servant of shepherds, and "vertical" was not a good word in ancient times. Like "vertical" and "castrated", they are used to curse people. This pastoral is not. After all, the master does not graze the cattle, and the work of herding is generally done by servants. Therefore, the "pastoral vertical" here is only a kind of work, not pejorative. The point is that these two mushu are very clever, at least, in Pu Songling's eyes.

The story is not complicated.

In the duel between man and wolf, Pu Songling firmly chose man over human nature


Two shepherds found a wolf den on the mountain with two young wolves in it. So the two men discussed catching the she-wolf as well. They came up with a brilliant idea. The two men climbed up two trees separately, and the two trees were dozens of steps apart.

Not much effort. The she-wolf is back. A shepherd in the tree twisted the wolf's paws vigorously. The little wolf ate pain and howled. The she-wolf looked up to find her child and ran wildly under the tree, howling and climbing the tree. Wolves don't climb trees. But Mu Shu didn't know. Another shepherd, on another tree, began the same performance. So, another little wolf also began to cry out to the she-wolf for help. The she-wolf heard the howl and instinctively ran towards the little wolf. So the first shepherd began to perform again.

The two shepherds took turns making the little wolf howl. The she-wolf ran desperately between the two trees and never stopped for a moment. After running like this dozens of times, the she-wolf ran slower and slower, and the howling gradually became lower. Finally, the she-wolf was tired and lay motionless on the ground.

After a long time, I saw that the wolf had not moved. The two men climbed down from the tree. Take a closer look. The wolf was dead. The two shepherds easily harvested three wolves.

Judging by the results, the wisdom of these two shepherds was superior to that of the three butchers. It didn't take much effort to eliminate the three wolves. However, this story is not so comfortable to read.

The author does not comment here. Instead, I wrote something else.

Now there is a strong son, and if he presses his sword with angry eyes, he will fight, and he who is angry will be swept away. Isn't the one who is as loud as he can, and the more invincible, not proud of himself? I don't know the power of this beast, so people think it is a joke.

The were looking for someone to fight, and the other side closed the door. As a result, the blocked the doorway of people's homes, scolded for half a day, and scolded until they were exhausted. I thought I was invincible in the world. He didn't know that the other party was teasing him.

Pu Songling used this incident to evaluate the previous thing. The two shepherds were clearly appreciated for their approach. The troublemakers are regarded as evil people like wolves. Pu Songling sided with Mu Zhu (the common people).

Obviously, in this particular case, the wolf is the weaker side, and the victory of the two shepherds is to take advantage of the kinship between the she-wolf and the young wolf. This is what makes my heart tangle.

In "Liaozhai Zhiyi", Pu Songling borrowed the charm of the flower demon fox to lash out at social injustices and satirize various social ills. Among them, the author praises and even praises many ghosts and foxes. Only to the wolf was he full of disgust. Because in his heart, the wolf represents evil, the officials and cool officials who run amok for the tiger in the township. In Dream Wolf, he makes his point.

Alien Shi Shi Yue: The official tiger of the world and the wolf of the official, Bibiye. That is, the official is not a tiger, but the official will be a wolf, and the one who is fiercer than the tiger is!

This is because Pu Songling's career was not smooth all his life, and he lived in the countryside most of the time, and he was accustomed to the fierceness and cruelty of corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and the wanton expropriation of the people. Hence the hatred for them. However, reality made him powerless to resist, and he could only put this resentment into writing.

In Pu Songling's pen, the wolf is mostly a negative character, and the portrayal is also merciless, in addition to the previous few places, Yu Jiang's killing of the wolf in "Yu Jiang" to avenge his father is also a pleasant mood.

In the duel between man and wolf, Pu Songling firmly chose man over human nature

Dream Wolf

The official in "Dream Wolf" is three points for the description of the wolf. Bai Jia became an official, and his father Bai Weng went to visit,

(Bai Weng) entered another door, and saw the upper and lower halls, the seated and the lying, all wolves. And in the middle of the view, the white bones are like mountains, and they are afraid.

Suddenly, a giant wolf entered the dead. Weng Zhanti rose up, "This nonsense? A: "Talk about the kitchen." ”

This was the naked reflection of the display at that time, and it was no wonder that Pu Lao did not have a good feeling for wolves.

Although I understand Pu Songling's deep hatred of corrupt officials and corrupt officials, I still do not approve of Mu Shu's behavior in "Mu Shu".

At that time, wolves were indeed a dangerous species, and often brought danger to the lives of ordinary people. People are also using various methods to hunt wolves. However, this wolf hunting method of mushu makes people's backs cold.

People's hearts are in danger. Half beasts, half angels. Lu Xun also said: "I have never been afraid to speculate with the worst malice Chinese. ”

Most of the stories in "Liaozhai Zhiyi" are to persuade people to be good, and good is rewarded, which can be said to be the tone of the book. Ancient intellectuals paid attention to morality, meritorious service, and speech, and the purpose was also to persuade goodness. Pu Songling also consciously insisted on this point, although sometimes it was very far-fetched, he could still guide here. Like the fame in "Promoting Weaving", it is obvious that he is the persecuted party, and the last person who benefits the most is the inspector, and the one who benefits the least is him, but Pu Lao puts the cart before the horse.

Heaven will reward those who are rich, so they will send fuchen and lingyin, and be urged to weave a yin. Smell: One man soars, fairy and chicken dog. Shinfu!

In the duel between man and wolf, Pu Songling firmly chose man over human nature


He did this for a clear purpose: to persuade goodness. Do a good job, good people have good rewards.

The wolves in his writing are not all villains, like the two wolves in "Mao Dafu".

However, in the small story of "Mu Shu", it is difficult to say that the two Mu Shu are good people, because they catch wolves and use the family relationship between the she-wolf and the little wolf. Perhaps when he was writing this story, the officials were looking for trouble for him, and it was not known whether he was in a very unhappy mood at the time.

In short, he is on the side of man, even though the human heart is sometimes not so good.

I am @ moon light wind blue, thank you for reading and attention, feel inappropriate, please leave your valuable comments in the comment area.

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