
Discussion on the Experience of Ideological and Political Education | Make full use of the "mobile classroom" to build a new position for ideological and political education

author:Shandong Armed Police

Text/Picture 🖊 Deng Jiasheng, Jiang Kaiwen, Wang Zhenbiao

"It is from participating in that competition that I am more determined to take the road of serving the country from the army and strengthening the armed forces......" At the training ground of a brigade of the Jinan Detachment of the Armed Police, a unique "re-walking my growth road" exchange micro-discussion is underway. Squadron Leader Wang Zhenbiao took advantage of the training break to share with everyone his experience from a high school graduate joining the army to growing into a squadron commander step by step through unremitting efforts.

"Wherever the officers and men are, the classes will be held and the study will follow." The education class has been moved into the training ground, and this brigade has become a "mobile classroom" that actively extends the brigade, flexibly carrying out "micro-classrooms," "micro-discussions," and "micro-discernment and analysis," and using military language to tell about the people and things around them, so that education and training can always maintain a true portrayal of resonance at the same frequency.

Discussion on the Experience of Ideological and Political Education | Make full use of the "mobile classroom" to build a new position for ideological and political education

"Between millions of cash and loyalty to the party, how will you choose?" In the clean government education hall, the docent was earnestly explaining to the officers and soldiers who had come to visit and study. In order to enable officers and men to receive education in various forms and to be imperceptibly edified, while strictly implementing the traditional mode of taking large classes, they have persisted in adapting measures to local conditions, relying on training grounds, honor rooms, clean government education halls, and other places to simplify the "mobile classrooms" and reduce them into parts.

Three to five minutes is not too short, three to five square meters is not too small, and three or five people are not too small; they have talked freely with officers and men about their mission and responsibilities in a "homely" manner, and have made every effort to create a "walking classroom" for the "last mile" of ideological and political education, so that the content of the education will have a height, depth, and breadth even with antennas, and will be grounded with mud, dewdrops, and steam.

Discussion on the Experience of Ideological and Political Education | Make full use of the "mobile classroom" to build a new position for ideological and political education

The classroom follows the task, and education goes with the task. Not long ago, a "dialogue meeting between new and veterans" was held in the honor room of the squadron. While displaying the medal, Second Sergeant Huan Wei told the story of the officers and soldiers on duty of the squadron who were not afraid of hardships and hardships and stuck to their posts when they participated in major service tasks, which deeply touched the recruits present.

Discussion on the Experience of Ideological and Political Education | Make full use of the "mobile classroom" to build a new position for ideological and political education

The times are changing, the audience is changing, and the form of ideological and political education is also changing. The detachment has actively carried out educational activities that are in line with the characteristics of officers and men in the new era, such as "re-taking the road of my growth," and summed up the "living teaching materials" from vivid events and typical examples around them, so that spiritual strength can take root and sprout among officers and men and radiate new vitality.

Discussion on the Experience of Ideological and Political Education | Make full use of the "mobile classroom" to build a new position for ideological and political education

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(This article is the original article of Shandong Armed Police, please contact for authorization for reprinting)

Producer: Zhao Mengjiang

Editor-in-chief: Li Qingling, Wang Yihai

Editor in charge: Yang Yiming

Editor on duty: Wang Dazhen

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