
The Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of national security education and publicity activities

author:Jiaxiang Fusions

On April 15, the Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of publicity activities such as "National Security Education into the Workshop", "National Security Education into the Enterprise", "National Security Education into the Construction Site", and "National Security Education into the Organs".

National security education into the workshop

In the production line of Chenguang Tape Co., Ltd., volunteers presented more than 50 copies of publicity materials such as "Overall National Security Concept Publicity Manual" and "National Security Knowledge Manual" to the employees of the enterprise. Publicize and explain the overall national security concept, send national security knowledge into the workshop and into the team, and internalize the overall national security concept in the heart and externalize it in action.

The Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of national security education and publicity activities
The Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of national security education and publicity activities

National security education into enterprises

In Shandong Defeng Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., a national security education symposium was held, and volunteers interpreted legal knowledge such as the "Provisions on Counter-espionage Security Precautions" and "National Security Knowledge Manual", and explained the national security legal system, case warnings, security precautions and other related safety knowledge, so that the employees could intuitively feel the importance of national security education.

The Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of national security education and publicity activities

National security education is carried out on the construction site

At the Dongchen Automation construction site, volunteers explained to the workers the origin and significance of the National Security Education Day, the specific content of national security, the obligations and rights to safeguard national security, and other related knowledge, advocating everyone to learn national security laws and regulations and popularize confidential knowledge. "Through this event, I really feel that national security is all around us. Li Jin, a technician in the engineering department of the project, said.

The Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of national security education and publicity activities
The Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of national security education and publicity activities

National security education into the organs

At the meeting of the national security education organs, Comrade Yin Sixia, vice chairman of the county trade union, emphasized the importance of national security to national development and social stability, and called on all cadres and workers to study national security knowledge in depth and earnestly perform their duties of safeguarding national security.

The Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions carried out a series of national security education and publicity activities

Through a series of publicity activities on national security education, it has received positive response and extensive participation from the broad masses of employees. Everyone said that through this activity, they have deeply realized the importance of national security and enhanced their security awareness and confidentiality awareness. In the next step, the Jiaxiang County Federation of Trade Unions will continue to strengthen the publicity and popularization of national security education, so that the concept of national security will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and contribute to the construction of a strong national security defense line. (Contributed by Jiaxiang Trade Union)

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