
When you are older, keep your mouth shut, eat less melon seeds and peanuts, and eat more of these 4 alkaline vegetables to moisten dryness and reduce fire to help sleep

author:Longnan Xi and released

Many elderly people like to eat peanuts and tofu very much, and feel that they are both nutritious and not greasy, but the fat content in peanuts is very high, and the purine content in tofu is also very high. Compared with tofu and peanuts, the editor suggests that middle-aged and elderly people can eat more of the following 4 alkaline vegetables, so that their bodies will be more energetic and can often maintain a healthy state.


Okra, why did you hear the name and think it was a dish that can only be eaten in autumn, but in fact, okra is available all year round.

In addition to its excellent taste, okra also has a high nutritional value, rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and is known as "vegetable gold".

There is a record of okra in the "Medicinal Plants of Taiwan": "The fruit treats sore throat, gonorrhea, and difficulty urinating." ”

When you are older, keep your mouth shut, eat less melon seeds and peanuts, and eat more of these 4 alkaline vegetables to moisten dryness and reduce fire to help sleep

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, okra can replenish the kidneys and fill the essence, stop bleeding, and clinical studies have also proved that it has a good improvement effect on hematuria and proteinuria, and is very suitable for people with poor kidneys.

Western medicine believes that okra contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and a variety of vitamins, especially its mucus, which is the essence and has a particularly high nutritional value. The main component of viscous substances is okra polysaccharides, which belong to dietary fiber, which has the effects of assisting lipid reduction, antioxidant, protecting cardiovascular system, enhancing satiety, and relieving constipation.

Stabilize sugar and lower lipids

Okra is rich in soluble fiber, and for friends with high cholesterol, the consumption of okra can reduce the density of cholesterol and the level of lipoprotein cholesterol.

At the same time, okra is also an ideal food for diabetics. It itself is not high in calories, with a glycemic index of only 26, which is a veritable low-glycemic food. The pectin and mucin in mucus can also effectively delay the body's absorption of sugar and reduce the rise in blood sugar after meals.

Nourish the liver and protect the kidneys

Eating okra regularly can protect our liver through the viscous liquid contained in okra, galactan, calcium oxalate and other ingredients, and can also enhance everyone's physical strength.

Okra seeds can also help to support the liver and kidneys to a certain extent. It also contains a substance called pectin, which can help protect the liver, and people with liver damage can consume okra properly.

PART2 Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the most common vegetables on our daily table.

Eating broccoli can improve the body's immunity, because broccoli is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which can promote the production of many immune substances.

The nutrients in broccoli are not only high, but also comprehensive. One study concluded that broccoli was ranked first in terms of average nutritional value and disease prevention far beyond other vegetables.

Broccoli has a very complete range of vitamins, especially folic acid, which is an important reason why its nutritional value is higher than that of ordinary vegetables.

When you are older, keep your mouth shut, eat less melon seeds and peanuts, and eat more of these 4 alkaline vegetables to moisten dryness and reduce fire to help sleep

Stir-fried oyster mushrooms with broccoli


(1) Wash broccoli and oyster mushrooms separately and cut them into small pieces, and slice garlic and ginger for later use.

(2) Blanch the broccoli and oyster mushrooms separately and drain the water.

(3) Remove from the pot and pour oil, add ginger and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

(4) Add broccoli, oyster mushrooms, oyster sauce and salt and stir-fry evenly, thicken and reduce the juice.


Yam is a good ingredient for both medicine and food, it is said that "the four seasons strengthen the spleen and stomach", everyone eats greasy in winter, which is easy to cause spleen and stomach discomfort, so we should eat more yam to strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Of course, only eating yam is a bit single, and today I will recommend a few golden partners of yam to you.

Yam + red dates - nourishing blood and beauty

Yam can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and red dates can nourish blood and beauty, the two are matched together, can be steamed or boiled, while strengthening the spleen, it also regulates our qi and blood, and plays a role in beauty and beauty.

Yam + pumpkin – lowers blood sugar

Yam has a certain amount of dietary fiber, which can delay the rise and fall of blood sugar, and pumpkin contains some trace elements such as cobalt, zinc, copper, etc., which have certain benefits for us to control blood sugar.

Yam + wolfberry - tonify the kidney and brighten the eyes

When you are older, keep your mouth shut, eat less melon seeds and peanuts, and eat more of these 4 alkaline vegetables to moisten dryness and reduce fire to help sleep

Yam can be combined with wolfberry to boil wolfberry yam porridge, which can better play a nourishing effect, wolfberry has a good tonic effect, can tonify the kidneys and brighten the eyes. It is very suitable for people with internal heat and weak spleen and stomach, which can strengthen the stomach and eliminate food, clear heat and quench thirst.

Yam + longan - calms and calms the nerves

Longan is rich in B vitamins, and eating yam with longan can nourish and strengthen the body, calm and calm the nerves, which is very suitable for insomnia patients.


When it comes to longevity, kelp undoubtedly occupies the top of the list.

Known as the "vegetable of the sea", kelp is rich in a variety of healthy ingredients and contains almost no fat.

Kelp is not only a nutritious seafood, but it is also considered a medicinal herb in traditional medicine. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, kelp has a salty taste, a cold nature, can activate the meridians, and has a variety of effects such as clearing heat and water, relieving cough and asthma, and reducing blood lipids and blood pressure.

1. Blood sugar regulators

The abundant organic iodine in kelp helps regulate blood sugar, it promotes the secretion of insulin and adrenocortical hormones, as well as the metabolism of glucose in the liver and muscles.

2. Prevent blood clots

The kelp, which is rich in fucoidan and kelp, has the effect of preventing blood clots and lowering blood lipids, similar to heparin.

When you are older, keep your mouth shut, eat less melon seeds and peanuts, and eat more of these 4 alkaline vegetables to moisten dryness and reduce fire to help sleep

3. Lowering blood pressure and lipids

The potassium alginate salt in kelp helps to lower blood pressure, while its sulfate polysaccharide enhances lipase activity in the blood, which in turn lowers blood lipids.

4. Inhibition of tumors

The kelp polysaccharides in kelp can activate macrophages, inhibit and kill tumor cells, and also inhibit the production of tumor blood vessels, thereby inhibiting tumor growth.

5. Diuresis and swelling

Kelp is often attached to a layer of hoarfrost-like white powder, mannitol, which is a valuable medicinal substance.

Modern scientific research has proven that mannitol has the effect of lowering blood pressure, diuresis and swelling, especially in the lower legs.

6. Hair care

Kelp is extremely high in iodine and is an important raw material for the synthesis of thyroxine in the body, which has a direct effect on the shine of hair.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health WeChat Public Account (ID: zyys099)

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