
Handbags must learn the recipe for lemon curd sandwich cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Handbags must learn the recipe for lemon curd sandwich cake

Simple original cake embryos, with sweet and sour lemon curd, bake, cut everything, boil a boil, wipe, pile a stack is a delicious multi-layer cake!

By the morning rain sauce of The North Drift



5 eggs

Milk 50g

Corn oil 50g

Low gluten flour 60g

Caster sugar 50g


1 lemon

40g sugar

Eggs one

Butter 25g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Handbags must learn the recipe for lemon curd sandwich cake

1, isolate the egg white and egg yolk, egg yolk + milk + corn oil egg pumping mix evenly, sift in low gluten flour, draw Z shape and mix until there is no dry powder, put aside.

Handbags must learn the recipe for lemon curd sandwich cake

2, egg whites are divided into three times with sugar, beaten to not too hard dry foam, the appearance of slightly unstenable small pointed hooks can be, too hard may cause the cake embryo to crack. Stir the egg yolk paste evenly before use, add the beaten egg whites to the egg yolk paste three times, stir well and mix well.

Handbags must learn the recipe for lemon curd sandwich cake

3: Pour the mixed cake paste into a square baking tray covered with oil paper, shake it slightly or use a scraper to flatten the cake paste, put it in the preheated 150-degree oven and bake it for 36 minutes.

Handbags must learn the recipe for lemon curd sandwich cake

4, lemon curd: the egg, lemon juice and lemon peel and sugar mixed well, heat and stir in water, stir until slightly thickened, and then away from the water, add butter and beat evenly. Combination: Make a cake roll, cut out the size you like with a mousse ring, and then combine a layer of cake embryo and a layer of lemon curd with several layers.

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