
Cucumber yogurt soup appetizing to cool off

author:Overseas network

Source: Guangzhou Daily

Recommendation: Department of Clinical Nutrition, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Main effects: appetizing and cooling, regulating intestinal flora

Recommended for: General population

Ingredients: 500g yogurt, 1 cucumber, 15g walnuts, 1/2 tbsp olive oil, salt, black pepper crushed to taste (1-2 people)

Cooking method: peel and remove the cucumber, cut into small pieces and put them into the basin, add the appropriate amount of salt, black pepper, fruit vinegar and olive oil, smash the walnut kernels and add them; add water to the yogurt (300-500ml, see if you like it) and stir well, then add other ingredients to continue stirring; put in the refrigerator for half an hour and eat.

Soup review: May Lingnan region has entered the summer, this season it is recommended to drink more light soup water to prevent too much greasy to hinder the spleen and stomach. As a fermentation product of dairy products, yogurt not only has a unique flavor, rich in nutrients, but also has many health care effects such as more conducive to human absorption, anti-inflammatory effect, and can also regulate intestinal function. On the other hand, due to the decomposition and fermentation, milk intolerant people rarely eat bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other conditions, which is an essential food for young and old. Cucumbers are added to this soup to make it more refreshing, walnuts are also healthy ingredients used to increase the sense of layering, like delicate and tend to be thicker and thicker, you can also add some avocados and dried fruits yourself. This soup has an appetizing effect, but people with cold stomachs are not recommended to drink it as a pre-dinner soup.

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