
Personally verified 6 fast milk increase soup, the mother instantly turned into a cow, pregnant women and pregnant women are collected 1, angelica astragalus soup 2, eel soup 3, pig's trotter soup 4, astragalus chicken soup 5, golden needle pork chop soup 6, mutton yam soup

author:Two moms
I remember when I was raising my older child, because I had no experience and I didn't prepare well in advance, I didn't breastfeed until the 5th day after giving birth. Later, I did not deliberately drink a nutritious soup that nourished the body's milk, so I had to give milk powder to the eldest children to grow up. Therefore, from the pregnancy of the second child, I began to collect a variety of ways to nourish the body and increase milk, and the next day after giving birth to Xiaobao, I had milk, and like a cow, I had enough milk to exclusively breastfeed Xiaobao until she was two years old before weaning. Now I tell you the best 6 milk stimulation methods, hoping that more mothers can benefit.
Personally verified 6 fast milk increase soup, the mother instantly turned into a cow, pregnant women and pregnant women are collected 1, angelica astragalus soup 2, eel soup 3, pig's trotter soup 4, astragalus chicken soup 5, golden needle pork chop soup 6, mutton yam soup

Take 10 lessons of angelica, 5 grams of astragalus, 5 grams of tongcao, use these three flavors to cook into a bowl of medicinal juice every day, and add a spoonful to all kinds of food made for pregnant women, so that the smell of Chinese medicine is not heavy, and it can play a role in making up and passing the milk, at the same time, the amount of these three flavors of Chinese medicine is not large, suitable for weak mothers to supplement, and it is not easy to catch fire.

1 pound of eel, 1/2 pound of lean pork, 5-8 slices of ginger, 1 green onion, 100 cloves of garlic, then add salt, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer over low heat until cooked. Regular consumption can play a role in tonifying blood, kidney, kidney cold, and can also be used for waist and leg pain, limb weakness, lack of milk.

Personally verified 6 fast milk increase soup, the mother instantly turned into a cow, pregnant women and pregnant women are collected 1, angelica astragalus soup 2, eel soup 3, pig's trotter soup 4, astragalus chicken soup 5, golden needle pork chop soup 6, mutton yam soup

2 pig's trotters, 1 peanut, soybean and 1 red date, put into a casserole dish, add water, add ginger, salt and cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over low heat until cooked. Regular consumption can play a role in blood replenishment, appetizer, and milk.

1 hen, 1/2 astragalus, 3-5 slices of ginger. Wash the chicken and put it in a pot, add astragalus and ginger, bring to a boil over high heat, change to low heat and simmer for an hour, add salt when cooked. Regular use of this soup can enhance physical fitness, anti-sweating, and has a good effect on postpartum milk deficiency.

Personally verified 6 fast milk increase soup, the mother instantly turned into a cow, pregnant women and pregnant women are collected 1, angelica astragalus soup 2, eel soup 3, pig's trotter soup 4, astragalus chicken soup 5, golden needle pork chop soup 6, mutton yam soup

One pound of pork chops, half a pound of nasturtiums, wash the pork chops and put them into water to boil, then fish out, pour out the water in the pot, and then put in the small ribs and washed goldenrods, add an appropriate amount of water, put in the right amount of ginger slices, salt, boil over high heat and turn to low heat to stew until the ribs are cooked through. This formula is suitable for summer prolactin consumption.

One pound of lamb, half a pound of yam, wash the lamb, put it in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes, then fish it out, put it in a clean pot, add an appropriate amount of water, add ginger, salt, boil on high heat and turn to low heat, after half an hour add the peeled yam cut into pieces, continue to simmer for 30 minutes. This formula can warm the spleen and kidneys, nourish the qi and nourish the blood, and has a good effect on maternal supplementation and prolactin.

After raising two children, I found that whether the milk during lactation is sufficient, and it is also very important for the mother to maintain a happy mood in addition to drinking more nutritious soups that nourish the body and increase milk after childbirth!

—— Part of the soup content of this article is excerpted from "Parents are the best doctors for children"

2017-10-27 【Two Mothers】

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