
God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

author:Shallow book
(This article is the author's original first release in Toutiao, and it has been opened to protect rights on the whole network, please do not carry it)

After traveling with Hui to the south of the mountains and rivers, we learned that Henan people focus on a sincere, how good and cheap Henan's goods are.

Therefore, following the Henan special session, everyone left messages to the customer service, hoping that the Henan special session could return.

Walking with Hui also listened to persuasion, and arranged the return of the Henan special session two days ago. Everyone also bought their favorite goods, including Henan delicacies and Henan daily necessities.

In Henan cuisine, in addition to eggs, watermelon sauce, Gushi goose pieces, etc., people from other provinces discovered for the first time that Henan's milk was so delicious.

As a result, the two milk brands of Kodi and Huahuaniu were quickly remembered by the majority of netizens.

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

So when they returned, many people bought back Cody's pure milk and Huahuaniu's yogurt.

In the live broadcast on the 16th, when Dong Yuhui was selling Huahuaniu yogurt, he was unbelievable to find that only 4 bags were left among the 12 bags of samples sent by the manufacturer.

Video, clickable.


The director of the scene was pitiful and said that he still wanted to taste it.

Dong Yuhui said a little helplessly: The samples have been drunk by you, and you still feel aggrieved.

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

But since the director has spoken, he can't spoil his interest, so Dong Yuhui divided the remaining 4 bags of milk into two bags to the director. As a result, there are only two bags left on the site.

Dong Yuhui may also like to drink this yogurt, so he made an excuse for himself, saying that as an anchor, he must taste this yogurt himself in order to tell netizens the taste.

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

This guy also said very angrily: Just bear with the camera, after all, there is a division of labor in the profession.

The implication is that eating and drinking is the anchor's job, and you just do it.

After drinking, he smacked his mouth. It seems to be delicious.

In the end, Dong Yuhui said to the director: Buy more samples in the live broadcast room.

This live video is first-class, and everyone thinks that Huahuaniu is too picky, and the samples in the live broadcast room are not enough.

Some netizens didn't think it was a big deal to see the excitement, so they went directly to the comment area of Huahuaniu's official website to leave a message.

Some netizens humorously said: The last time I drank milk, it was because you had the longest store name, so everyone remembered it. And this time you returned to the scene because you were too picky, and you only sent a box of samples and were remembered. The way you're famous is so special.

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

Someone else said: Can't you learn from Weilong cookies? It's a little bigger. It stands to reason that the scale of your production line is not small, and the samples are sent to Hui peers, and the pattern is larger, don't search too much. [covers face] [covers face]

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

Indeed, before Weilong Biscuits came out of the circle, they desperately gave big gifts in the live broadcast room to brush their sense of existence. attracted the attention of Dong Yuhui, coupled with the good quality of his own products, he frequently walked with Hui later. It's been a long time coming.

If Huahuaniu manufacturers have this kind of vision, the later sales are estimated to be covered by the mother-in-law.

Some netizens said: We must be atmospheric in Henan, Henan buys milk in two boxes and mentions, and how to send a sample has to be mentioned in four boxes. [covers face] [covers face]

As a relatively large dairy industry in Henan, Huahuaniu manufacturers still have a large pattern. After seeing the reaction of netizens, he immediately responded in the latest video.


He said: Because Mr. Dong said that our yogurt was so delicious during the live broadcast, the samples were all drunk. Fans and friends make us a little more atmospheric.

So as long as Mr. Dong wants to drink yogurt, he will give as much as he wants, and he will definitely be enough. It's really not good, let's take a production line to Mr. Dong's house.

This response is also too humorous. Bring the production line to Dong Yuhui's home? Is this asking Teacher Dong not to eat and specialize in breastfeeding?

Some netizens are already working on the idea of the production line. [covers face] [covers face]

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

From the video posted by Huahuaniu, it can be seen that their production scale is still quite large! The production line is producing smoky yogurt, and the warehouse is full. It seems that meeting the needs of the mother-in-law is not a problem.

In fact, Dong Yuhui said that the sample was drunk by the staff, not that the manufacturer was stingy, but only that their yogurt was too delicious.

Maybe this is Dong Yuhui's propaganda for the manufacturer, after all, he hasn't played with reverse goods.

Don't you see that some netizens said it? If it weren't for Dong Yuhui, I really hadn't heard of this brand.

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

Some netizens suggested that because of the short shelf life, the last time I walked with Hui in 20 days. Don't wean me.

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

You see, as soon as you pass through Dong Yuhui's hands, won't business come?

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!
God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

So if it's okay, just send two more boxes of samples. You don't have to worry about samples, Dong Yuhui will also pay.

The majority of mothers-in-law, have you ever bought Huahuaniu's yogurt? I just bought two cartons of Cody milk. What flavor do you think is the best? Some people miss the pineapple-flavored ones.

God replies! Dong Yuhui complained that the yogurt sample was drunk on the front foot, and the back foot Hua Huaniu responded with humor!

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