
Although stir-fried bok choy may seem simple, it also contains a lot of cooking skills

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

Stir-fried bok choy seems to be a simple home-cooked dish, but there are actually many tips to make it look and taste good. Below, let me give you a detailed introduction to how to stir-fry delicious baby cabbage.

Although stir-fried bok choy may seem simple, it also contains a lot of cooking skills

First of all, we have to pick fresh baby cabbage. Fresh bok choy leaves are bright green, the stems are more tender, and the taste is better. When buying, you can choose a small bok choy with dew drops and an overall vibrant look, which makes the stir-fried taste even more delicious.

Next, we need to clean the cabbage. Soak the bok choy in clean water for a while, then rinse it off with running water. Be careful to scrub gently so as not to destroy the fiber of the vegetables and affect the taste. Drain the washed bok choy and cut it into suitable segments for later use.

Although stir-fried bok choy may seem simple, it also contains a lot of cooking skills

Before frying, we need to prepare some accessories. A few cloves of garlic, cut into minced garlic for later use, an appropriate amount of dried chili peppers, cut into small pieces for later use, if possible, you can also prepare some chopped green onions and minced ginger to add layers to the dish.

Now, let's start frying. First of all, heat the pan with cold oil, when the oil temperature is five or six hot, add minced garlic, dried chili peppers, chopped green onions and minced ginger, and stir-fry over low heat to bring out the fragrance. The purpose of this step is to enhance the aroma of the dish and make the cabbage more appealing.

Next, put the chopped bok choy into the pan and stir-fry quickly. At this time, the heat should be properly controlled, not only to ensure that the cabbage is cooked thoroughly, but also to avoid stir-frying. You can add some salt, chicken essence and other seasonings in moderation to enhance the taste of the dish.

Although stir-fried bok choy may seem simple, it also contains a lot of cooking skills

When the cabbage is fried until it is raw and slightly soft, it is ready to be cooked. At this time, the cabbage is bright in color and crisp in taste, which not only retains the original flavor of the vegetables, but also adds a layered sense of spices, which makes people appetize.

Finally, put the fried bok choy on a plate, tidy it up a little, and a stir-fried bok choy with good color and flavor is completed. This dish is both great as a side dish to a home-cooked meal or as a way to add color to the table when entertaining guests.

In the process of stir-frying bok choy, there are a few tips worth noting. First of all, the key is to choose fresh bok choy, fresh ingredients can be stir-fried to bring out the delicious taste. Secondly, it is very important to control the heat, not only to ensure that it is cooked thoroughly, but also to avoid frying. In addition, adding some spices and seasonings in moderation can enhance the taste and depth of the dish, which will increase people's appetite.

Although stir-fried bok choy may seem simple, it also contains a lot of cooking skills

In short, although stir-fried bok choy may seem simple, it also contains a lot of cooking skills. As long as we master these tips, we can easily stir-fry delicious baby cabbage and bring delicious dishes to family and friends. I hope that everyone can enjoy the process of cooking and feel the beauty and happiness brought by food.

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