
(120) Punch in every day, learn a little English grammar by formula method (junior high school), make it simple, make it difficult, and constantly improve your English level!

author:Eight talents

(120) Punch in every day, learn a little English grammar by formula method (junior high school), make it simple, make it easy, and constantly improve your English level!


Comparative rank of adverbs

Comparative-grade usage

公式120 like… better than…

It means "and...... I prefer ......".

>I like apples better than oranges.

I prefer apples to oranges.

>I like movies better than radio.

I prefer movies to radio.

>I like this story best of all.

Of all the stories, this one is my favorite.


The superlative usage is: like... (the)best+ comparison range

Apply to complete sentences

A: Which colour do you like better, red or blue?

I ___red ___.

A: Well , and of the three sizes , which do you like best?

B: l ___the biggest one ______all.

(The answer is below)

like; better

like; best of

(Network map invasion and deletion)

(120) Punch in every day, learn a little English grammar by formula method (junior high school), make it simple, make it difficult, and constantly improve your English level!
(120) Punch in every day, learn a little English grammar by formula method (junior high school), make it simple, make it difficult, and constantly improve your English level!
(120) Punch in every day, learn a little English grammar by formula method (junior high school), make it simple, make it difficult, and constantly improve your English level!

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