
From seed to picking, what does the pepper go through Every year in April, the pepper begins to sprout, and as the temperature rises, it grows faster and faster until it blossoms and bears fruit. chili pepper

author:Literary and historical relics

From seed to picking, what peppers go through

Every year in April, the peppers begin to sprout, and as the temperature rises, it grows faster and faster until it blossoms and bears fruit. The growth cycle of pepper is generally about eight months, during which it has to go through five stages: germination, seedling, flowering, fruiting and maturity.

During the germination period, pepper seeds need to go through a period of soaking and germination before they can germinate. At this stage, pepper seeds need to absorb enough water and nutrients to grow smoothly in the soil.

During the seedling stage, pepper seedlings need to receive plenty of sunlight and moisture to thrive. At this point, you need to water the peppers and take care to keep the soil moist.

During the flowering period, peppers produce yellow flowers that attract bees and butterflies to pollinate. At this stage, the pepper needs to be fertilized to ensure its nutrient requirements.

During the fruiting period, peppers begin to bear fruit, and the fruits are initially green and then gradually turn red, orange, and purple. At this stage, the pepper needs to be provided with sufficient water and nutrients to guarantee its yield and quality.

During the ripening period, the fruit of the pepper is fully ripe and can be picked for processing or sale. At this stage, the peppers need to be picked in time to avoid fruit shedding or rotting.

In conclusion, the growth of chili peppers needs to go through multiple stages, and each stage needs to pay attention to its needs in order to guarantee its yield and quality.

Black pepper seeds: Medium-early maturing, the outer skin is close to black-purple, bright and beautiful, high-yielding, spicy and strong, pepper seeds

From seed to picking, what does the pepper go through Every year in April, the pepper begins to sprout, and as the temperature rises, it grows faster and faster until it blossoms and bears fruit. chili pepper
From seed to picking, what does the pepper go through Every year in April, the pepper begins to sprout, and as the temperature rises, it grows faster and faster until it blossoms and bears fruit. chili pepper
From seed to picking, what does the pepper go through Every year in April, the pepper begins to sprout, and as the temperature rises, it grows faster and faster until it blossoms and bears fruit. chili pepper
From seed to picking, what does the pepper go through Every year in April, the pepper begins to sprout, and as the temperature rises, it grows faster and faster until it blossoms and bears fruit. chili pepper
From seed to picking, what does the pepper go through Every year in April, the pepper begins to sprout, and as the temperature rises, it grows faster and faster until it blossoms and bears fruit. chili pepper

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