
"My uncle violated me for 7 years!" In 2009, a Chinese family of five in Australia was tragically wiped out, and the only survivor was adopted by the murderer and molested for 7 years. The case shook out

author:Ah Qi said history

"My uncle violated me for 7 years!" In 2009, a Chinese family of five in Australia was tragically wiped out, and the only survivor was adopted by the murderer and molested for 7 years. This case shocked China and Australia, what will happen next?

July 2009 was the darkest day in Lin Jun's life. On this day, while training at the summer camp, she suddenly saw a report: an Australian family living in Sydney's Aiping was tragically killed, and the murderer is still absconding.

At first, Lin Jun still felt sorry for the family, but as the report deepened and more and more information about the case was disclosed, Lin Jun gradually realized that the situation was wrong, because almost all the information of the family was highly consistent with her family.

Lin Jun suddenly felt that the blood clotted all over his body, so he hurriedly asked the teacher who led the team for verification. But it doesn't matter if you don't ask for verification, this verification directly knocks her into the abyss - the victim's family is her family.

Lin Jun was sent back home halfway. In order to cooperate with the police investigation, Lin Jun had to witness the murder scene with his own eyes under the leadership of the police.

The once spacious living room was now devoid of the laughter of her family, and the smell of blood in the air reminded her of the fact that her family had died.

This murder case killed Lin Jun's parents, two younger brothers, and the aunt who lived at home, and Lin Jun even thought that it would be better if the murderer killed him together, instead of letting himself indulge in the grief of losing his loved ones and worrying all day long.

But soon, another relative of Lin Jun appeared. This is Lin Jun's aunt Lin Shu, who was heartbroken when she learned that her brother's family had been killed, and vowed to take care of Lin Jun to comfort her brother's soul in the sky.

At that time, many media reported on Lin Shu's righteous deeds, and some members of the public thought that Lin Jun finally had a home again, and even Lin Jun thought so. But everything that happened in the next seven years made Lin Jun realize what it means to fall into hell again.

Lin Jun's aunt Lin Shu's husband is named Xie Lianbin, and Lin Jun's pain and humiliation for the next 7 years came from him.

When she was 15 years old, Lin Jun lived in her aunt's house, but this new home did not bring Lin Jun the slightest sense of warmth, because her uncle Xie Lianbin always seemed to want to plot against her.

"Junjun is also a big girl, ha......" Xie Lianbin would comment on Lin Jun from time to time, but there was no appreciation of the elders for the juniors in his eyes, but a desire for women.

Lin Jun sometimes deliberately avoids getting along with her uncle, but after all, she is under the fence, even if she wants to hide, where can she hide?

One day, Lin Jun's aunt was on a business trip, leaving Lin Jun and Xie Lianbin alone at home. Lin Jun was like a great enemy, and he didn't even dare to take a bath, so he could only hide in the room.

But even if she was so careful, Xie Lianbin still didn't plan to let her go. That night, Lin Jun, who had been vigilant for a day, finally took off his guard and planned to take a rest. In the second half of the night, I always felt that someone was staring at me at the head of the bed, but after turning on the bedside lamp, I found that my uncle Xie Lianbin was staring at him directly.

Lin Jun saw his uncle's intentions and was about to rush out of the room, but was pressed on the bed by his uncle. Before Lin Jun could react, the clothes on her body were torn apart by her uncle, and she was violated by her uncle without accident......

There will be a second and a third time for the first such violation, and Lin Jun has been living in such a shadow for the next seven years.

But although justice came late, it was not absent after all. After the murder, the police attached great importance to the matter. Although the investigation was very difficult, the police never gave up the investigation of this case for several years.

Soon, the police rediscovered new evidence: the case was most likely the work of an acquaintance. Judging from the traces at the scene, the doors and windows were not damaged, which means that the murderer may have entered the door with a key.

Judging from the distribution of blood stains, all rooms except Lin Jun's room had varying degrees of blood stains. It can be seen that the murderer is also quite familiar with the layout of Lin Jun's house.

In fact, at that time, the police also suspected whether it was Lin Jun's aunt Lin Shu and her husband, but they couldn't find substantive evidence at all, so the clues could only be interrupted.

But later, in the records of a home visit by a teacher at Lin Jun's school, the police found new clues. Lin Jun's teacher reported to the police that Lin Jun seemed to be very afraid of his uncle Xie Lianbin, and Xie Lianbin seemed to be unusually close to Lin Jun.

When the police learned of the situation, they immediately summoned Lin Jun. At first, Lin Jun was reluctant to reveal the secrets, but under the psychological guidance of the police, she finally told the police what she had experienced over the years. "I've been sexually abused by my uncle for 7 years, and he threatened to kill me like my parents and my grand......parents if I told me about my loss."

Lin Jun was only 15 years old when he lived in Xie Lianbin's house, and under Xie Lianbin's intimidation, even if he knew that he was the murderer of his parents, he did not dare to speak out, and over time he was so mentally numb that he did not dare to mention it to anyone.

Later, the police arrested Xie Lianbin on charges of intentional homicide and rape of minors. In the end, Xie Lianbin was sentenced to life in prison, and Lin Jun also regained his life.

"My uncle violated me for 7 years!" In 2009, a Chinese family of five in Australia was tragically wiped out, and the only survivor was adopted by the murderer and molested for 7 years. The case shook out
"My uncle violated me for 7 years!" In 2009, a Chinese family of five in Australia was tragically wiped out, and the only survivor was adopted by the murderer and molested for 7 years. The case shook out
"My uncle violated me for 7 years!" In 2009, a Chinese family of five in Australia was tragically wiped out, and the only survivor was adopted by the murderer and molested for 7 years. The case shook out
"My uncle violated me for 7 years!" In 2009, a Chinese family of five in Australia was tragically wiped out, and the only survivor was adopted by the murderer and molested for 7 years. The case shook out
"My uncle violated me for 7 years!" In 2009, a Chinese family of five in Australia was tragically wiped out, and the only survivor was adopted by the murderer and molested for 7 years. The case shook out

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