
Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying


Text | Dairy Home Liquid Milk Evaluation and Research Center

On September 10, Weiquan released a new product - Osmanthus wine flavored yogurt, using osmanthus flowers that have just bloomed in autumn and the national geographical indication product "Zhuhu Pearl Glutinous Rice", brewing sweet rice wine, adding to yogurt, making a yogurt with osmanthus wine aroma, which is the seasonal product of autumn at this time.

The cutting-edge brand Lechun also has a kind of osmanthus wine-made yogurt, so what are the advantages and disadvantages of these two wine-made yogurts? In order to allow consumers to purchase clearly and clearly consume, in this issue, Dairy Home has evaluated the two wine-made yogurts from the brand background, product type, milk source traceability, nutritional composition, flavor extractants, lactic acid bacteria, nutritional supplements, sugars, food additives, flavor flavors, prices and word of mouth, respectively.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

Pre-test instructions:

The national standards and regulations mainly referred to in this period of evaluation are: the national standard "GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk"; the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016 Edition)"; and the national standard "GB 28050-2011 National Standard for Food Safety Prepackaged Food Nutrition Labeling General Rules".

This evaluation is initiated by the Dairy Home Liquid Milk Research Center, the products purchased by the evaluation, all the costs required for the evaluation are borne by the Dairy Home, the whole process is at its own expense, and does not accept sponsorship from any brand merchants. This evaluation is a non-profit activity, without any commercial purpose, all links adhere to the principle of objectivity and fairness, seek truth from facts, do not ignore the advantages of any product, but also do not hide the shortcomings of any product.

Objective, professional and valuable, it is the professional ethics upheld by Dairy Home, which aims to provide consumers with valuable decision-making references. If you have any comments or suggestions about our evaluation report, please leave a comment to point out that if it makes sense, we will carefully adopt it.

1. Background checks

The following table shows the corporate background of the two types of sake-brewed yogurt.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

Second, the product type

Yogurt is a liquid milk market size growth is very rapid category, there are many types of yogurt, the current market yogurt according to the different ingredients can be roughly divided into four categories: fermented milk, flavored fermented milk, yogurt, flavored yogurt.

The picture below shows the types of two types of sake-stuffed yogurt.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

The definition of flavored fermented milk in the national standard "GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" is: Flavored fermented milk is a product made of more than 80% raw cattle (sheep) milk or milk powder as raw materials, fermented by more than 3 kinds of bacteria, with or without food additives, nutritional supplements, fruits and vegetables, grains and other products.

brief summary:

●There are three kinds of ingredients in Miquan and Lechun, and nutritional supplements and food additives are added, so these two yogurts are flavored fermented milk.

Third, the milk source traceability

1. Milk base

Milk-based is the core raw material for making dairy products, and other ingredients such as sugars and food additives are added on the basis of milk-based products. Most products are based on raw milk, and some products add whole milk powder.

The picture below shows the milk base of two types of sake-brewed yogurt.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

At present, China's national standard "GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" stipulates that the milk base of flavored fermented milk needs to be ≥ 80%.

●The milk base of Misowawa is raw cow's milk, which ensures the freshness of the product

●The content of raw milk of Lechun > 80%, which is in line with the national standard

●Weiquan did not label the raw milk content, but the product passed the sampling inspection and could be successfully listed, indicating that the raw milk content was in line with the provisions of the national standard

2. Milk source

The milk source is the source of milk/goat milk quality and is the first barrier to quality. There's a saying that goes: a good cow/sheep produces good milk. The environment in which cows/sheep grow, the level of feeding management and the indicators of raw milk directly determine the quality of the milk/goat source.

Based on this, the dairy home evaluation report takes the traceability of milk source as the entry point in the research of the product itself, aiming to help consumers check the quality of the product source.

The following is the milk source of 2 types of sake-brewed yogurt.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

Taste full - milk source

Flavor full osmanthus wine wine yogurt uses the same raw milk of yanxuan farm, its milk source, production have been certified by international SQF, a number of raw milk indicators are stricter than the EU standard, raw milk will be tested more than 830 times a quarter, adhere to high standards of quality control.

Le Chun - milk source

Lechun does not have its own milk source, the product is foundry by Beijing Tianchen Dairy, the specific milk source is unknown, it may be a small pasture around the foundry, or a dairy farmer.

Fourth, nutritional components

Yogurt is fermented from raw milk, in addition to retaining all the nutrients of fresh milk, the lactic acid bacteria added during the fermentation process can produce a variety of vitamins necessary for human nutrition, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and so on. Raw milk is rich in calcium, and the minerals do not change after fermentation, but the lactic acid produced after fermentation can effectively improve the utilization rate of calcium and phosphorus in the human body, so the minerals in yogurt are more easily absorbed by the human body.

In this edition, the two types of wine-stuffed yogurt are mainly evaluated and compared with the nutritional components such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, and sodium.

1. Protein

The protein content in milk is 2.8% to 3.3%, which is mainly composed of 79.6% casein, 11.5% whey (white) protein and 3.3% lactoglobulin, and a small amount of other proteins, such as immunoglobulins and enzymes.

Protein is an important component of all the cells and tissues of the human body, which has the effect of maintaining the normal metabolism of the body and the transportation of various substances in the body, providing energy, and participating in the immunity of the body as antibodies.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

"GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" stipulates that the protein content of flavored fermented milk should be ≥ 2.3g/100ml.

The national standard "GB 28050-2011 National Standard for Food Safety General Principles for Prepackaged Food Nutrition Labeling" stipulates that the protein content per 420KJ≥10% NRV can be claimed to be "high", according to the Standard of China's Food Label Nutrient Reference Value (NRV), the protein content per 420KJ ≥6g (60g×10% = 6g) can be called "high protein".

●The protein content of Weiquan and Lechun is in line with the provisions of the national standard

●The protein content of Lechun reaches a high protein standard

●The protein content of Miquan is 51.43% lower than that of Lechun

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016 Edition), the recommended daily intake of protein for babies aged 1-2 years is 25g, and 30g for 3-5 years old.

Based on the above 300 grams of yogurt per person per day, these 2 types of wine-made yogurt can supplement the protein content of consumers: 10.2g of flavor and 21g of lechun.

2. Fat

The milk fat in ordinary milk is about 2.8% to 4.0%, and the granular fat balls are dispersed in the emulsion, which is in a good emulsification state, easy to digest and absorb, and the absorption rate is as high as 97%.

The lipids in milk are mainly triglycerides, a small amount of phospholipids and cholesterol, the fatty acid composition in milk fat is complex, oleic acid accounts for 30%, linoleic acid and linolenic acid account for 5.3% and 2.1% respectively, and short-chain fatty acids (such as butyric acid, caprolic acid, caprylic acid) content is higher, about 9%, which is the reason why milk fat has good flavor and is easy to digest.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

"GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" stipulates that the fat content of flavored fermented milk should be ≥ 2.5g/100ml.

●The fat content of Weiquan and Lechun is in line with the provisions of the national standard

●The fat content of Weiquan is 37.25% lower than that of Lechun

3. Carbohydrates

The carbohydrates in milk are mainly lactose, and the lactose content of bovine is about 3.4% to 5.4%. Lactose in the intestine can promote the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals, improve their bioavailability; promote the reproduction of intestinal lactate bacteria, especially bifidobacteria, improve the microbiometric balance of the human body, and promote the synthesis of B vitamins by intestinal bacteria.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

"GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" does not directly stipulate the carbohydrate content in yogurt, but only requires "non-fat milk solids" (protein, lactose and minerals) to ≥ 8.1%. If the carbohydrate content of a yogurt is much more than 5%, that is, the carbohydrate content per 100ml is greater than 5g, it means that in addition to lactose, the additional sugar is added to the product, and the higher the carbohydrate content, the more sugar is added.

●The carbohydrate content of Weiquan and Lechun is far more than 5g/100ml, and the amount of added sugar is high

●The carbohydrate content of Miquan is 31.58% higher than that of Lechun

4. Sodium

Sodium belongs to one of the many minerals in milk, and also belongs to the "ash" (including various elements such as sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, sulfur, etc.), and the sodium content of buffalo milk is comparable to that of ordinary milk. An appropriate amount of sodium can ensure the balance of water in the body, regulate the water and osmotic pressure in the body, and maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

The level of sodium and ash content is related to the health of the cow itself, its living environment, and the additives in the product.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

"GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" does not stipulate the sodium content in yogurt. However, the normal ash content in milk is about 0.7%, and the ash content in human milk is about 0.2%.

Sodium in the human body is not easy to lack, excessive intake is not accumulated, relatively speaking, it is still relatively easy to control. Excessive sodium intake may cause symptoms such as edema, increased blood pressure, and elevated plasma cholesterol.

5. Ingredients

1. Flavor extractant

Flavor extractant is a type of substance that enhances the flavor of dairy products and regulates the taste, and the common flavor extract agents are juice, jam, etc.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

Osmanthus wine is made of osmanthus flowers that bloom in autumn with rice wine, which is now the seasonal product of autumn, osmanthus wine is sweet and mellow, with appetizing and awakening, relieving muscles and blood, strengthening the spleen and replenishing deficiency, as well as a certain role in beauty and beauty.

The two wine-made yogurts in this issue are both added osmanthus rice wine, which has both the fragrance of osmanthus flowers and the faint aroma of rice wine.

Le Chun marked the alcohol content, only 0.24%, the content is not high, do not have to worry about the risk of getting drunk.

2. Lactic acid bacteria

Some of them are probiotics, so named because of their ability to ferment carbohydrates into lactic acid. A large number of research data show that lactic acid bacteria can promote the absorption of the gastrointestinal tract, maintain the balance of intestinal flora, reduce serum cholesterol, improve immunity and so on.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

"GB 19302-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" stipulates that the number of lactic acid bacteria in low-temperature yogurt should be ≥ 1×10⁶CFU/g (ml), but the number of lactic acid bacteria is not a mandatory labeling item of the national standard, so some products do not label the active lactic acid bacteria content on the packaging.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus commonly found in yogurt ingredients are common lactic acid bacteria, which are essential materials for making yogurt, and studies have shown that this bacterium can only reach the upper part of the small intestine, has no probiotic effect, and cannot colonize in the intestine.

Probiotics mainly include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus gratiss, Bifidobacterium and so on.

Therefore, consumers need to carefully check the bacteria in the yogurt ingredients when purchasing yogurt products, and try to choose yogurt containing probiotics.

Each type of lactic acid bacteria has a different function, and the following is analyzed according to the lactic acid bacteria of these two wine-made yogurts.

(1) Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Lactobacillus bulgaricus belongs to the classification of Lactobacillus lactobacillus, the full name is the Bulgarian subspecies of Lactobacillus dei. Lactobacillus bulgaricus can ferment lactose into lactic acid, which can promote the emptying of gastric contents, reduce excessive secretion of gastric acid, improve the utilization rate of calcium, phosphorus and iron, regulate the balance between bacteria in the intestine, inhibit harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, and inhibit the production of carcinogens.

(2) Streptococcus thermophilus

Streptococcus thermophilus is an oxygen-depleting gram-positive bacterium, which can reduce intestinal pH, promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent pathogenic bacteria from colonizing, improve the intestinal microenvironment, regulate blood pressure, fight cancer, delay aging, shorten the curding time of yogurt, and increase yogurt viscosity.

(3) Bifidobacterium lactis

Bifidobacterium lactis, also known as Bifidobacterium lactis, is one of the dominant bacteria in the intestines of humans and many mammals, and belongs to probiotics. It can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria and pathogenic bacteria, and can secrete a variety of enzymes to promote the degradation and absorption of food. It also maintains an acidic intestinal environment that facilitates the absorption of iron, calcium, and vitamin D, helping to prevent iron deficiency anemia and osteochondrosis.

●Both Weiquan and Lechun have added 3 kinds of bacteria, and the two products add the same kind of bacteria, and each has a probiotic

●The number of lactic acid bacteria is not marked on the taste, and the number of live lactic acid bacteria in Lechun meets the provisions of the national standard

3. Nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplements are an adjunct means of natural or synthetic nutrients and other nutrients added to foods in order to increase the nutritional content (value) of food.

It can not only supplement the deficiency of a certain nutrient in natural foods, but also improve the nutritional content and proportion in food to meet the nutritional needs of consumers.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

Each nutritional supplement functions differently, and the following is analyzed according to the nutritional supplements added to these two wine-brewed yogurts.

(1) Whey protein powder

Whey protein powder, a precious protein isolated from milk, is known as the "King of Protein" because of its high purity, high absorption rate, and the most reasonable amino acid composition. The components of whey protein powder mainly include: β- lactoglobulin, α- lactoalbumin, immunoglobulin, lactoferrin.

Whey protein powder is added to dairy products mainly to increase the protein content of the product. Whey protein and its main components can provide the amino acids needed for the body to form new tissues, enhance the body's anti-fatigue ability, manufacture enzymes in the body, improve gastrointestinal function, and deliver oxygen and various nutrients to cells.

(2) Cream

According to the national standard "GB 19646-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Cream, Cream and Anhydrous Cream", cream refers to: milk as raw material, separated fat-containing parts, with or without the addition of other raw materials, food additives and nutritional enhancers, processed into a fat content of 10%-80% of the product. Fat is a good energy storage substance in cells, mainly providing thermal energy; protecting internal organs, maintaining body temperature; assisting in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins; participating in all aspects of the body's metabolic activities.

(3) Milk protein

Milk protein, also known as cow's milk protein, is a general term for many protein mixtures in milk, which is mainly composed of two parts, casein and whey protein, and its proportion is exactly the same as that of natural milk (80% casein and 20% whey). Milk protein is added to dairy products, mainly to increase protein content. It is possible to improve human immunity and enhance brain power by supplementing with high-quality milk protein.

●Weiquan adds 3 kinds of nutritional supplements, mainly used to increase protein fat content

●The milk base of Le Chun is concentrated from 3 times raw milk, and the nutrients are high, so there is no need to add nutritional supplements

4. Sugars

The sugars in this review don't just refer to white sugar as we know it. Sugars are an important class of organic compounds that are widely distributed in nature. Sucrose for daily consumption, starch in grain, cellulose in plants, glucose in human blood, etc. are all sugars.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

The following is a detailed description of the various sugars according to the table above.

(1) White sugar

"GB 13104-2014 National Standard for Food Safety Sugar" defines white sugar as sugar crystallization made of sugar cane or sugar beet as raw material, processed by extracting sugar juice, purifying treatment, boiling crystallization and honey sharing. Excessive sucrose intake can lead to excessive calorie intake, which can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and people with diabetes fasting or eating less.

(2) Fructose syrup

Fructose syrup is a sweetener, which is prepared by hydrolysis of corn starch and belongs to the starch sugar class. Due to the relatively lower production costs and better taste and flavor, fructose syrup has become an alternative to sucrose in the food industry.

Studies have shown that fructose glucose syrup is directly absorbed by the liver in metabolism and converted into fat, which is easy to make people fat. Excessive intake of fructose syrup also increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

● These two yogurts are added with white sugar, which is not in line with the current trend of 0 sucrose

●Flavor is not only added white sugar but also added fructose glucose syrup, fructose syrup and white sugar, excessive intake will have an impact on health, in the choice of sugar and the amount of added taste is not as good as Le chun

5. Food additives

According to the provisions of China's Food Sanitation Law (1995), food additives are artificial synthetic or natural substances added to food to improve the quality of food color, aroma, taste, etc., as well as for the needs of preservative and processing technology, and the food additives in yogurt mainly include thickeners, emulsifiers, stabilizers, colorants, etc.

The additives in yogurt should be added in accordance with the requirements of the "GB 2760-2007 Food Additive Use Standards".

Most of the yogurts sold on the market now are added with food additives, which are added in the prescribed dose and will not pose a threat to health, so there is no need to worry too much about the harm of food additives, but the Dairy Home website advises consumers to choose products with a wide range of additives.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

Each food additive has a different effect, and the following is analyzed according to the food additives added to these 2 products.

(1) Guar gum

Guar gum is an extract of the legume plant guar bean, which is a kind of galactomannan, which is relatively inexpensive, high viscosity and widely used, and is generally used as a food thickener.

(2) Agar

Agar is a kind of plant glue, commonly used in seafood unicorn, stone cauliflower, river lily, etc., can be used as thickener, coagulant, emulsifier, preservative and stabilizer. In addition to helping to improve constipation, agar is also rich in minerals and multivitamins.

(3) Lactic acid

Lactic acid is a natural fermentation acid, natural lactic acid is a natural inherent ingredient in dairy products, it has the taste of dairy products and good antimicrobial effect, has a strong antiseptic and freshness effect, due to the mild and moderate sour taste of lactic acid, but also as the preferred natural sour agent for beverages.

●Flavor added 3 kinds of food additives, namely 2 kinds of thickener and 1 kind of acidulant, which shows that the quality of raw milk is slightly worse, and additives are used to achieve better texture and taste

●LeChun does not add food additives

●In terms of additives, the taste is obviously not as good as Lechun

6. Flavors

Flavor is a mixture of a variety of flavors and add-ons, and can also be said to be a food additive used to flavor food.

In general, according to the national standard, a small amount of edible flavor has little impact on human health, but the safety of spices assessed by legislation and folk is not 100% safe, in fact, the list of spices identified as safe is also constantly improving and updating with the advancement of science and technology and the accumulation of practice, such as sunflower musk, which was considered GRAS in 1968, and was found to be neurotoxic and banned. Therefore, the safety evaluation of spices is an understanding process that must be tested by long-term practice.

Public information shows that most of the flavors used in edible flavors are artificially made, and rarely all of them use natural flavors. Therefore, if consumers in a large or long period of use, will lead to the accumulation of flavor in the body, can not be discharged in time, will be the human reproductive system or kidney system damage, but also there will be a risk of carcinogenicity, so it is best to eat less food with flavor.

If the food is added to the food is made of 100% natural flavors, the side effects are relatively small.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

● Flavor has added flavor, in today's trend of paying more attention to health, the addition of flavor is obviously not enough attention to the nutritional health of consumers

Sixth, the price ranking

For most families, when buying dairy products, they should not only pay attention to safety, but also pay attention to product quality, and pay more attention to product price. Spending the least amount of money to buy the best products should be the common desire of all consumers.

Since its inception, Dairy Home has been designed to help Chinese and even global consumers choose dairy products with better quality and fairer prices. Through our objective and professional assessment and comparison, we aim to provide more consumers with valuable, objective and professional decision-making references.

Because the product specifications are different, the "gram unit price" is an indicator of the price of each product. Next, we made statistics on the price and gram price of 2 types of wine-brewed yogurt:

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

Note: The above price data comes from channels such as Jingdong's official flagship store, most of the products are more or less buy-free, so the retail price is not an absolute value, because the promotion time and promotion intensity will change in real time, so it is for reference only.

●The unit price of the gram of weiquan and le pure is higher than that of ordinary yogurt, and the price is high

●The unit price of the whole flavor is 42.97% lower than that of Lechun

Warm tips: there is no inevitable connection between the price level and the quality of good or bad, when purchasing products, consumers should conduct a comprehensive study of product quality according to their own conditions and product quality, and then make the final rational choice.

7. Word of mouth

The following table shows the reputation of the companies that belong to the two types of sake-brewed yogurt.

Two kinds of wine-made yogurt, Le Chun is worth buying, and the taste is not worth buying

●The sampling pass rate of these 2 wine-brewed yogurt enterprises in the past five years is 100%, and there is no negative news, indicating that the production safety of the enterprise is sufficiently guaranteed, and the production capacity and inspection ability of the enterprise are trustworthy

●The praise rate of these two wine-brewed yogurts on the e-commerce platform is above 98%.

VIII. Summary of this issue

Which of these 2 wine-made yogurts is more worth buying? Around this topic, the Dairy Home Liquid Milk Evaluation and Research Center conducted a horizontal comparison and evaluation of the above two wine-brewed yogurts and made the following recommendations:

Recommended product: Le Chun

Recommended for:

Le pure protein content of 7.0g/100ml, to meet the high protein standard, 206% higher than the taste of the whole

Le pure carbohydrate contains 11.4g/100ml, which is 24% lower than the total flavor, and the amount of added sugar is relatively low

Lechun does not add food additives

Le Chun does not add flavor

Not recommended product: Taste full

Reasons not to recommend:

The total protein content of the flavor is 3.4g/100ml, which is 51.43% lower than that of Lechun

The total carbohydrate content of the flavor is 15.0g/100ml, which is 31.58% higher than that of Lechun, and the amount of added sugar is relatively high

Two sugars are added to the flavor, and excessive intake can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease

With the addition of 2 thickeners and 1 sour taste agent, it can be seen that the quality of raw milk is not high, and it needs to be compensated by food additives

Flavor has added flavor, in the current popular zero additives in China's dairy and food and beverage industries, a little too outdated, too much emphasis on consumer nutrition and health

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● If you have any comments or suggestions on this issue of the assessment, you can write a message at the bottom of the article to discuss and communicate together

● If you encounter food safety problems in the process of consumption and have no way to appeal, you can break the news to the dairy home at the first time, and we will defend your rights together with you!

● If you still want to know more about liquid milk and milk powder products, read more professional and objective evaluation reports, please log on to the PC side, mobile phone or APP of the dairy home website

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