
It turns out that sweet potato noodles are still fake? Remember "3 do not buy", for the health of the family, do not ignore how sweet potato noodles are fake?

author:Small crispy meat delicacy

Many friends in life like to eat vermicelli, especially sweet potato noodles, which are the most common in the market and usually eat the most at home. In the winter season, people eat noodles more frequently, whether it is to make sour and spicy powder, stew, stew, shabu-shabu will use this ingredient, cooked noodles to eat smooth and strong, but also suck enough soup aroma, especially delicious.

It turns out that sweet potato noodles are still fake? Remember "3 do not buy", for the health of the family, do not ignore how sweet potato noodles are fake?

Sweet potato noodles are delicious, but there are many "problem noodles" on the market, you know? Because of the particularity of this ingredient, ordinary people are difficult to distinguish between real and fake sweet potato noodles, and when buying vermicelli, they often buy some "problem vermicelli". These "problem noodles" are much worse than pure sweet potato noodles in terms of taste and nutritional value, and some additives that are not conducive to human health will be added to achieve high toughness, low cost and long shelf life.

It turns out that sweet potato noodles are still fake? Remember "3 do not buy", for the health of the family, do not ignore how sweet potato noodles are fake?

The year is approaching, many people will hoard some sweet potato noodles, today Xiaobian will share the method of selecting sweet potato noodles for everyone, remember "3 do not buy", stay away from fake noodles, for the health of the family, do not ignore.

It turns out that sweet potato noodles are still fake? Remember "3 do not buy", for the health of the family, do not ignore how sweet potato noodles are fake?

First, look at the color

Sweet potato noodles are made of sweet potato starch, because sweet potato starch is easier to be oxidized and blackened, so in the process of making vermicelli, there will inevitably be some oxidation phenomena, resulting in uneven or dark color of the finished vermicelli, which is a normal phenomenon. However, if the color of the sweet potato noodles is white and looks very shiny, it can be basically determined that this is not a pure sweet potato noodles, and the white, translucent sweet potato noodles are likely to add other low-priced starches on the basis of sweet potato starch, or add some additives.

It turns out that sweet potato noodles are still fake? Remember "3 do not buy", for the health of the family, do not ignore how sweet potato noodles are fake?

So when buying vermicelli, it is important to remember that sweet potato vermicelli with a white color and translucent color cannot be bought.

Second, break it by hand

Sweet potato starch compared to other starch, although the texture is relatively hard, but the toughness is relatively poor, after making sweet potato noodles, the toughness is not particularly good, pure sweet potato noodles, with a light break with the hand, there is a crisp feeling when breaking the noodles. If the sweet potato noodles are not easy to break, and they are very tough, it can be basically determined that they are not pure sweet potato noodles, but some additives are added during the production process, so that the vermicelli reaches high toughness.

It turns out that sweet potato noodles are still fake? Remember "3 do not buy", for the health of the family, do not ignore how sweet potato noodles are fake?

Sweet potato noodles that are not easy to break by hand cannot be bought.

3. Burn with fire

Burning with fire is the most direct way to distinguish the authenticity of vermicelli, use a lighter to ignite sweet potato vermicelli, if it is pure sweet potato vermicelli, after burning the vermicelli will expand rapidly, smell a little faint starch flavor; if the vermicelli does not expand after burning, smells bad, it means that it is a fake sweet potato vermicelli.

It turns out that sweet potato noodles are still fake? Remember "3 do not buy", for the health of the family, do not ignore how sweet potato noodles are fake?

Sweet potato noodles that do not swell after the fire and smell peculiar cannot be bought.

In addition to learning how to distinguish the authenticity of sweet potato noodles, we usually try to buy vermicelli from regular manufacturers when buying sweet potato noodles, and refuse three no products.

<h1>How are sweet potato noodles faked? </h1>

First, add additives

In order to reduce the production cost of sweet potato noodles, some merchants will purchase some low-cost inferior sweet potato starch, but the toughness and gluten of these starches are very poor, directly made into sweet potato noodles, whether it is sold or taste is relatively poor, so it is necessary to add some borax, gelatin and other additives, the purpose is to make sweet potato noodles have gluten and toughness; but this additive is harmful to health.

Second, add other starches

Because the price of pure sweet potato starch is relatively high, the price of sweet potato noodles made is naturally not cheap; in order to reduce costs, some merchants will add corn starch, tapioca starch and other low-priced starch in the process of making sweet potato noodles, so that the texture and taste of sweet potato noodles are slightly worse than pure sweet potato noodles.

Have you learned about the selection of sweet potato noodles? Remember to share it with your family and friends after watching it! Remember "3 don't buy" and stay away from fake sweet potato noodles.

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