
As the saying goes, "When five trees enter the yang house, the poor and the poor will be defeated", do you know which five kinds of trees there are? In ancient times, people were limited in their understanding of the world, so many of them were aware of the living environment

author:Gardenia says history

As the saying goes, "Five trees enter the yang house, and the poor family is also defeated", do you know which five kinds of trees there are?

In ancient times, people were limited in their understanding of the world, so many of their knowledge of the living environment was carried out in the form of exploration. Due to the lack of modern scientific tools and methods, most people can only understand the nature of their surroundings through their own imagination and life experience.

This situation has led to the passing down of many scientific principles in the form of traditional sayings, such as "When five trees enter the house, the poor and the poor lose".

Is this statement credible?

The five types of trees mentioned in the proverb are mulberry, pine, locust, pear, and willow.

Some people may wonder why the pine tree, as one of the "Three Friends of the Cold", is taboo by people? As an evergreen plant, pine has been loved by literati and scholars since ancient times. In the eyes of ancient literati, the pine tree symbolized an indomitable character, so it was revered by the literati. With the respect of the literati, the ancient people's preference for pine trees can be said to have increased.

In ancient times, pine trees were often planted close to mausoleums. This is because this kind of tree can make the mausoleum more solemn and, more importantly, make the deceased feel the evergreen of the spring breeze.

Ancient societies had a deep taboo against these things. It was believed that if such a tree, which was often in contact with the deceased, was planted in the home, it would be a bad omen. This is seen as a bad omen that can bring filth to the home and thus endanger the health of the family.

Therefore, for a combination of these two reasons, the pine tree is still listed as one of the trees that are forbidden to be planted in the home, even though it has a good symbolic meaning.

In Feng Shui, mulberry trees, if planted in the home, are believed to be ruining the fortunes of the family. This statement stems from the fact that the word "mulberry" in mulberry is phonetically homophonic with the word "mourning", so it sounds quite unlucky. This symbolizes that it may lead to bad luck in the family, especially in the financial fortunes of future generations and the family.

Therefore, once a mulberry tree is planted in the courtyard, it is believed that it may destroy the feng shui pattern of the entire home. This belief emphasizes the importance of the symbolism that plants take on the environment and the influence of Feng Shui on family fortunes.

It is important to note that although the mulberry tree may have negative effects in Feng Shui, from an economic point of view, the mulberry tree is a plant with extremely high economic value. Mulberry is a nutritious and delicious fruit, and mulberry leaves are the main food of silkworms, providing an important raw material for the silk industry.

The mystery of this homonym makes many adults often remind children: don't eat pears, because it seems to be an ominous "omen".

This warning is not just a superstition, but a cultural tradition deeply rooted in the people. Someone took Shen Teng as an example in the sketch, and his wife gave him pears to eat, which almost led to a divorce crisis of a loving couple. This seemingly absurd plot reflects the depth of people's taboo about "dividing pears".

Faced with such a "sign", more and more people choose to grow pear trees at home. Not only do they see it as a measure to protect the happiness of their families, but they also want to avoid it from becoming a reality and hurting themselves and those they care about.

Because pear trees not only have cultural meanings, but also have high economic value, some people even open up separate gardens to plant pear trees.

The locust tree, also known as the national acacia, is known for its tall tree shape and pinnate compound leaves. Its pale yellow flowers can be used not only for cooking and consumption, but also as traditional Chinese medicine or dyes. When the acacia flower is not in bloom, it is commonly known as "locust rice", which has a certain medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine.

In addition, the flowers of the locust tree can also be used to make honey, and the flowers and pods are used in traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of cooling and astringent, stopping bleeding and lowering blood pressure. The leaves and bark of the locust tree are used to treat sores and poisons, while the trunk provides wood for construction. In all respects, the locust tree is considered a valuable plant resource.

Despite all these uses and benefits, the locust tree is listed as one of the five trees for two main reasons.

First of all, from the perspective of word construction, the components of the character "Huai" are "wood" and "ghost", which means "there are ghosts in the tree". In ancient times, people had a deep fear of ghosts and gods, so locust trees were considered to have a sense of foreboding, making people feel creepy and shunned. At funerals, locust wood is used as a mourning stick, which further reinforces people's taboo against locust trees.

Secondly, the name of the locust tree is close to the bad sound and is considered a bad tree. The ancients had a proverb that said, "Huai does not go down to the hall", which means that Huai Mu cannot be used as a threshold, because it symbolizes that when you go out, you will encounter bad things and be regarded as an unlucky omen. This allegorical meaning also deepens people's avoidance of locust trees.

The ancients had a taboo against the willow tree, which was regarded as a "ghost tree", which is related to the fact that willow branches were used to "fight ghosts". Willow trees mostly grow in places near water sources, and this growth environment makes the willow itself full of yin, coupled with some mysterious colors given to it by the ancients, resulting in willow trees becoming one of the taboo tree species.

In ancient Feng Shui concepts, willow trees were not suitable for planting near houses, and there is a theory that willow trees are "ghost trees", which may be related to the environment in which willows grow and traditional beliefs. In addition, the unsightly appearance of growing willow trees in the home is another reason.

There are certain reasons for believing and not believing. Although these reasons may be rooted in ancient superstitions, for future generations and unseen fortunes, people tend to respect and follow the advice of their ancestors: choose plants carefully in the garden.

This seemingly superstitious belief plays an important role in cultural inheritance. For many, the courtyard is not only a part of personal life, but also part of a family legacy. Therefore, choosing which plants to plant in the yard may involve more expectations of the well-being and prosperity of the family. Despite the rapid development of modern society and the tremendous progress made in technology, people's respect for traditional beliefs and customs is still deeply rooted in their hearts.

When actually choosing, one might weigh ancient beliefs against modern scientific perspectives, taking into account the plant's beauty, economic value, and impact on the environment. It also reflects the balance between tradition and modernity, faith and reason.

As the saying goes, "When five trees enter the yang house, the poor and the poor will be defeated", do you know which five kinds of trees there are? In ancient times, people were limited in their understanding of the world, so many of them were aware of the living environment
As the saying goes, "When five trees enter the yang house, the poor and the poor will be defeated", do you know which five kinds of trees there are? In ancient times, people were limited in their understanding of the world, so many of them were aware of the living environment
As the saying goes, "When five trees enter the yang house, the poor and the poor will be defeated", do you know which five kinds of trees there are? In ancient times, people were limited in their understanding of the world, so many of them were aware of the living environment

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