
Broth is more nutritious than the meat in broth?Doctors remind: These 3 types of people are advised to drink less broth

author:Dr. Sun Xiaoqiang, Department of Cardiology

At a hearty family gathering, you may hear an elder confidently proclaim, "Drinking broth is much better than eating meat, and the nutrients are all in the soup!" But is the broth really more nutritious than the meat in it? When the question is weighed on the scales of science, the truth may not be as simple as we think.

It will take you to see through the fog of traditional ideas and gain insight into the nutritional relationship between broth and meat. At the same time, it will also reveal that frequent consumption of broth may not be the best option for certain populations.

Broth is more nutritious than the meat in broth?Doctors remind: These 3 types of people are advised to drink less broth

Nutrition Face to Face: The Truth About Broth VS Meat

When discussing the nutritional content of broth and meat, let's first make it clear that the nutrients in meat and broth are not set in stone. They vary depending on factors such as cooking style, time, and temperature. In this part, we will take a deep look at the nutritional content of broth and meat, and unravel the mystery of whether broth is really better than meat.

Meat itself is rich in protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. When the meat is cooked into a soup, a portion of the nutrients, especially water-soluble vitamins and minerals, dissolve into the soup. The protein and some of the fat in the meat are mostly retained in the solid part. Therefore, in terms of the distribution of nutrients alone, broth and meat have their own merits.

Broth is more nutritious than the meat in broth?Doctors remind: These 3 types of people are advised to drink less broth

Who's the winner in nutrition?

For a long time, it was widely believed that broth was more nutritious than meat. Part of the basis for this view is that the nutrients dissolved in the broth are easily absorbed by the body. However, this view ignores an important fact: many of the nutrients in meat are not completely dissolved in water during cooking. In fact, some key nutrients, such as protein and essential fatty acids, are more retained in the meat.

Let's dig a little deeper. When it comes to cooking broth, temperature and time are key factors. Prolonged boiling at high temperatures can lead to the loss of water-soluble vitamins, such as B vitamins and vitamin C. Minerals such as calcium and potassium are relatively stable and more soluble in water.

The type of meat also affects the distribution of nutrients. For example, bone broth will have higher calcium and collagen content than pure broth.

Since broth and meat have their own strengths, how can we enjoy a delicious broth while retaining the most nutrients? Here are some practical tips:

Cooking techniques: Slow cooking reduces the loss of nutrients and makes the meat more delicious.

Bone selection: Adding bones can increase the calcium and collagen content in the soup.

Nutrition: When consuming broth, pairing it with foods rich in vitamin C can promote iron absorption and make nutrition more balanced.

After taking a closer look at the nutritional content of broth and meat, we can conclude that while broth is good, it is not always more nutritious than meat. Its true nutritional value depends on a variety of factors, including how it is cooked, the type of meat and the individual's eating habits. Therefore, when enjoying broth, it is important to make an informed choice based on your personal health and nutritional needs.

Broth is more nutritious than the meat in broth?Doctors remind: These 3 types of people are advised to drink less broth

Who shouldn't indulge in the aroma of broth?

Broth, a traditional delicacy, is revered in many cultures. However, this nutritious liquid isn't suitable for everyone. Drinking broth can cause health problems in certain groups of people, especially the following three groups.

Patients with cardiovascular disease: The fat and cholesterol in broth may be bad for the heart. High-fat broth increases the burden on patients with cardiovascular disease, especially those with elevated systemic arterial blood pressure.

Patients with kidney disease: The high sodium content in broth may cause blood pressure to rise, increasing the burden on the kidneys. Patients with renal insufficiency should especially avoid high-salt foods.

People with digestive disorders: Rich fats and proteins take longer to break down during digestion and may worsen the symptoms of some digestive disorders.

Broth is more nutritious than the meat in broth?Doctors remind: These 3 types of people are advised to drink less broth

How to enjoy broth wisely?

The nutritional value of broth cannot be overlooked, but the right way to drink it is equally important. Here are a few practical tips to help you enjoy your broth healthily:

Low-fat options: When making broth, choose low-fat meats and remove the fat that floats on the surface after cooking, which can drastically reduce the amount of unhealthy fats you eat.

Eat a varied diet: Broth is good, but it shouldn't be at every meal. Make sure your diet also has a high percentage of foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to ensure a varied intake of nutrients.

Listen to the body: Everyone's physical condition is different. If you feel unwell after drinking broth, stop immediately and seek medical advice.

Through the above, we hope that readers will be able to treat the consumption of broth more rationally and make informed choices based on their own health conditions. Healthy eating is not a constraint, but an improvement in the quality of life. Enjoy broth properly and make it a healthy addition to your diet.

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