
Oilseed wheat cabbage is the top grade of raw vegetables, and it is known as "phoenix tail".

author:Love Yinan
Oilseed wheat cabbage is the top grade of raw vegetables, and it is known as "phoenix tail".

In this bustling world, food is undoubtedly an indispensable part of people's lives. They can not only satisfy our appetite, but also make us feel the beauty of life in taste. Among the many delicacies, one dish stands out in particular, and that is the "black bean sauce, dace and oil and wheat vegetables". With its unique taste and rich nutrition, this dish has become a beautiful scenery on people's tables.

Tempeh dace with oil and lettuce, the name of this dish sounds appetizing. It uses a variety of ingredients such as fresh dace, green lettuce, and fragrant tempeh, and is carefully cooked to create a delicious dish with both color and flavor. The preparation of this dish is like a choreographed artistic performance, with ingenuity at every step.

First, the dace is scaled, gutted, washed and thinly sliced. Then, soak the tempeh in water and drain it. Next, wash the wheat cabbage and break it into sections. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pan, sauté the tempeh until fragrant, then add the dace fillets and stir-fry until browned. Finally, put the wheat cabbage into the pot, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, sugar and other seasonings, stir-fry evenly, and then it can be out of the pot.

Oilseed wheat cabbage is the top grade of raw vegetables, and it is known as "phoenix tail".

The taste of this dish is delicious and delicious, and the salty aroma of tempeh blends with the tenderness of dace. The lettuce adds a touch of crispness to the dish, making you feel like you're in a spring field during the tasting process. In addition, this dish is also rich in nutrients, such as protein, fiber, minerals, etc., which has a good effect on human health.

The dish of black bean sauce and dace with oil and wheat vegetables is not only a delicacy, but also a manifestation of a life attitude. It tells us that in our busy lives, we should learn to taste the beauty of life and feel the happiness brought to us by each dish with our hearts. And this love and pursuit of life is the spiritual wealth we need to have in this prosperous world.

In short, the dish of black bean sauce and dace with oil and wheat cabbage has become a beautiful scenery on people's tables with its unique taste, rich nutrition and beautiful meaning. It allows us to taste the beauty of life while tasting the food. Let's feel the joy of this dish together!

Oilseed wheat cabbage is the top grade of raw vegetables, and it is known as "phoenix tail".


300 grams of oily lettuce, 50 grams of canned dace with tempeh.


5 grams of minced green onion, minced ginger and minced garlic, and 2 grams of salt.


1. Wash the lettuce and fold it into 6 cm long segments by hand.

2. Open the canned dace with tempeh.

3. Put the pot on the fire, heat the oil, add the minced green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add oil, wheat cabbage, black bean sauce and dace and stir-fry for about 1 minute, then pour in minced garlic and stir-fry well, add salt to taste.

Nutrition inventory

Oilseed and wheat cabbage is the top grade of raw vegetables, known as "phoenix tail", which has the effects of lowering cholesterol, treating neurasthenia, drying and moisturizing the lungs, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, etc., and is a low-calorie, high-nutrition vegetable.

Delicious tips

Canned dace with tempeh already has a salty taste in it, so taste it before putting salt to avoid being too salty.

Editor丨Zheng Wei

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