
Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day?

author:Everything is changed

# q1#

## Doctor's Reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day?

### Description:

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day?

Everyone says that health is the greatest wealth, but few people can really grasp their health time. Today, as the editor of Toutiao, I specially invited a doctor friend to unveil the two most healthy hours of the day for you. Are you still wasting your time?

### Body:

As a doctor, I often encounter many patients who are unwell, and I deeply feel that many people do not pay enough attention to health. The body is like a delicate machine, we need to give it regular care and maintenance to achieve a better quality of life. And today, I want to tell you that in a day, there are actually two hours that are the most suitable for health, so don't waste it in vain!

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day?

### First hour: 6 to 7 am

6 a.m. to 7 a.m. is a very precious time of the day, the first hour after waking up, are you always in a hurry to rush to the toilet or pick up your phone to read the news?

During this period, it is recommended that you can do some simple stretching exercises to move the joints and muscles of the whole body. Morning exercise helps to promote blood circulation, increase metabolism, and also strengthen physical fitness and immunity. You don't need to do complicated exercises, such as taking deep breaths, twisting your waist, swinging your arms, etc., as long as you can get your body moving.

Doctor's reminder: What are you doing during the two most healthy hours of the day?

In addition to being physically active, 6 to 7 a.m. is a great time to meditate and relax. You can find a quiet place, close your eyes, breathe quietly, relax yourself, and reduce the stress of daily work. Meditation can help improve focus and concentration, relieve anxiety and stress, and allow you to start the day with all your heart and mind.

### Second hour: 9 pm to 10 pm

After a hectic day, 9 to 10 p.m. is also a very valuable time of the day for wellness. After a tiring day, you need to give yourself some opportunity to relax and rest at this moment to allow your body to recover and replenish.

First of all, we recommend starting to prepare for sleep during this time period. A regular schedule is very important for your health, especially between 9 and 10 p.m. is the best time to fall into a deep sleep. Therefore, try to avoid using radiation devices such as mobile phones and computers to give yourself a good sleeping environment.

In addition, you can also use this time to do some muscle-soothing activities. For example, bathing or warm compresses are very effective in relieving fatigue and relaxing muscles. Soaking in a bath relaxes nerves and muscles and improves sleep quality, while warm compresses increase blood circulation and relieve pain and tension.

Finally, 9 to 10 p.m. is a great time slot for reading. Reading helps to relax the brain, improve thinking skills and reading comprehension skills. Choose your favorite book and enjoy reading!

### Conclusion:

Dear readers and friends, the two most healthy hours of the day are around you, are you ready? Don't waste any more precious time, seize these two hours for health and wellness, and let yourself have a better quality of life. May every morning from 6 to 7 a.m. and from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. be a beautiful moment for you to take care of your body and relax your mind!

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