
After winter, cold air frequently strikes, constantly irritating people's throat mucosa, resulting in frequent pharyngitis and pharyngeal pharynx

author:Dr. Zeng, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Winter pharyngitis is repeated, what can be done to effectively get rid of it?

After the winter, cold air frequently strikes, constantly irritating people's throat mucosa, resulting in frequent pharyngitis, so that many patients have dry throat, sore throat, cough and other uncomfortable symptoms. So what should we do at this time to effectively relieve the discomfort and get rid of the disease? It is recommended that everyone improve from two aspects.

On the one hand, symptomatic medication. It is made by extracting the active ingredients of Lingdan grass through high-tech production technology, which has the effect of clearing heat and dispelling wind, detoxifying and relieving pharynx, cough and expectorant, and can effectively improve symptoms such as sore throat and pulmonary fever and cough caused by cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract infection and other diseases, and the sore throat and pulmonary fever cough can be effectively improved, and the effect of sore throat is more significant, and it is also very convenient to carry. Generally, it is recommended to take 2-3 bags at a time, 3-4 times a day, 2-3 boxes for a course of treatment, and take 1-3 courses of treatment in combination with the severity of symptoms.

On the other hand, develop good eating Xi. After the onset of pharyngitis, patients should also pay attention to a light diet, do not eat irritating food, eat more vegetables and fruits, especially fruits containing more water, such as watermelon, apples, bananas, etc., can play a certain role in moistening the throat; before and after meals, you can rinse your mouth with warm water, pay attention to maintaining oral hygiene, and you can also use more normal saline to rinse your mouth every day to help accelerate the recovery of the disease.

Under the dual conditioning of active medication + diet maintenance, I believe that everyone's pharyngitis can recover quickly#冬季咽炎反反复复如何缓解! #

After winter, cold air frequently strikes, constantly irritating people's throat mucosa, resulting in frequent pharyngitis and pharyngeal pharynx
After winter, cold air frequently strikes, constantly irritating people's throat mucosa, resulting in frequent pharyngitis and pharyngeal pharynx
After winter, cold air frequently strikes, constantly irritating people's throat mucosa, resulting in frequent pharyngitis and pharyngeal pharynx

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