
The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

Cuckoo Mom

2024-05-20 21:20Posted in Hunan parenting field creators

I saw a father on the Internet, you said he was lazy, he really put a lot of thought into it, you said he was serious about taking care of the baby, he was really lazy and went to a new realm.

How did this father bring up the baby?

One: "lazy" dad takes the baby to eat watermelon

Mothers often don't worry about letting their dad take the baby, because in their eyes, the dad with the baby is really unreliable, and they are too lazy to be speechless.

However, some dads are "lazy", they are really lazy and have gone to a new level, and they can even engage in inventions and creations, you really don't know whether to praise him or talk about him.

For example, this father, take the baby to eat watermelon, you can eat it deliciously, it is not unusual.

He fully mobilized his creativity, imagination and hands-on ability, not only let the baby eat delicious watermelon, but also sat there obediently without noisy him.

What did he come up with?

First, he had a stick firmly tied to the fan;

Then he tied another spoon to the end of the stick;

Then, he made the fan shake his head;

The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

Okay, that's it, he just needs to put the dug watermelon on the spoon, wait for the fan to shake the child's side, and the baby can open his mouth to eat the watermelon!

The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

Dad eats melons seriously, children watch cartoons seriously, everyone is busy, no one bothers anyone, Dad, you are really a talent.

After my mother saw it, she didn't know whether she was helpless or laughed angrily, so she casually filmed this scene on the Internet.

The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

So netizens gave a unanimous evaluation - let the electric fan "feed" the child to eat watermelon, you are really lazy out of a new realm.

Some netizens said that this father not only let the baby eat watermelon, but also trained his delayed gratification and observation, and he is also a cow.

Some netizens are also worried that this is too dangerous, what if the child swallows the spoon? And I sucked a belly of wind with one mouth, the key is still looking at my mobile phone, and my father is too big-hearted!

Another netizen summed it up - generally speaking, the children brought out by the father are very good in terms of athletic ability, thinking ability or logical ability, but the "survival rate" is too low.

Dad with a baby, it is indeed bigger, not as thoughtful and delicate as mother.

A friend of Bao Ma complained to me that she was really worried about letting her husband take the baby. He took it for a while, and the child came back with blood all over his face and a broken nose.

Bao's mother asked her husband angrily what was going on, and her husband also said confidently that if he cried early, how would I know what was wrong with him if he didn't cry?

Bao's mother was also speechless, and she didn't know how to refute.

Another mother said that she asked her husband to take the baby 3 times, her daughter learned to wash dishes, her son learned to take a bath, and her husband was lazy on the sofa the whole time.

Should you praise him, or should you speak of him?

The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

Two: The benefits of dad with a baby

Many people say that dad with a baby, just live, don't have too high expectations.

Dad will indeed be inferior to Mom in terms of thoughtfulness and meticulousness. Like what:

● Sometimes it's too casual

When a mother takes a child, she may be precise about how many pieces of clothes to wear, what to wear, what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. But Dad probably wouldn't think about it that much.

A father in my neighborhood never remembered to bring water when he took his children out, so when his children were thirsty, they had to run far away to buy water, or endure not drinking it.

Another time, the child went out and was pointed out, is the baby's clothes worn backwards?

Dad looked left and right, did he wear it backwards, why didn't I see it? The pros and cons are pretty much the same.

They do have a big grin and don't pay attention to so many details.

The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

●Strength "pit baby"

In addition to not paying attention to the details, Dad may also be "a pit baby".

For example, the mother usually takes the baby early to sleep late, but the father can take the child to sleep until the middle of the night;

The mother may control the child's snacks, afraid that he will not eat, grow moths, etc., but the father will secretly take the baby to drink drinks, eat candy, etc.

These details will give the mother a headache, and I don't worry about letting the father take the baby.

However, the father with the baby also has benefits that the mother can't compare. For example, the following:

● More creative, with a baby eclectic

Dad with a baby, often has a creative energy, eclectic.

Fathers will be more curious about the causes and consequences of the development of things and the laws of operation, so when they take the baby, they will often encourage the child to do it himself, and sometimes take the child to be creative.

Although they may often make a mess of things, it can also show children that there are many ways to try one thing.

This may make children wonder in the future, can they think of any fun and interesting solutions to solve a problem?

Such children will have more active thinking and more ideas.

The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

●Be more able to let go and cultivate children's independence

It is precisely because fathers are "lazy", unlike mothers who want to do everything well for their children, when they take care of their babies, they can let go more and exercise their children's ability and independence.

A father next to me took his children out to play, and he didn't care much about the baby, so he climbed trees and played with sand as he wanted.

This kind of "letting go" allows children to learn a lot of skills and become more confident and independent.

The lazy father took the baby to eat watermelon, and let the fan operate it on his behalf, what do you think about this?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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  • The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level
  • The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level
  • The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level
  • The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level
  • The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level
  • The "lazy" father took the baby to eat watermelon, and actually let the electric fan "feed" the child, and he was lazy to a new level

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