
The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

author:Fat Boy Yu said

If you want to be able to play, you have to look at young people, no, I thought about it at the workstation again. Cultivating water-grown bananas in the office has become a new workplace phenomenon, and this new type of green plant is very popular with young people and leads a new trend on social platforms. Many netizens posted the new favorite "banana potted plant" on social platforms.

So much so that even the editor's colleagues have started their own journey of raising bananas.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Bananas raised by my colleagues

The new favorite of the workstation that can defeat the God of Wealth

The reason why this new type of green plant can be loved by the majority of young people is that there are many reasons, such as being able to eat and play, watching and making friends, and even many workers to spoof, of course, there is a beautiful meaning of "refusing anxiety (green)".

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

A colleague of the editor

As a result, many hot topics were born: "My new favorite in the office - forbidden anxiety", "Jiao Huang is not anxious", "Young people, how can there be no crazy", "There are several in the family, nine out of ten rich".

The process of growing bananas from green to yellow is simply for the sake of workers.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

My colleague bought a pot of small bananas half a month ago, weighing a total of eight pounds with bananas and stems, and as soon as it was placed on the desk, it immediately became the most beautiful scenery in the whole company.

Even our boss was attracted to it, looking at this new type of bonsai and sighing incredibly, who would have thought that an unripe banana could be used as a potted plant? And the editor also watched this little banana turn from green to yellow step by step, and then it was eaten cleanly.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

This new type of decompression method provides a good emotional value for workers, using the creativity of homophonic stalks, giving new souls to plants, vegetables and fruits, which is to move nature to the desk, in this fast-paced and high-pressure era, the emergence of "refusal of anxiety" naturally captures the hearts of the majority of workers.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Since then, banana socialization has been concrete

It is not only different from other traditional green plants, because it is really edible, it is a real banana, and the specifications generally purchased on the market are a whole pearl of green millet coke or apple coke, and there are about three to five pieces on the pole, and the specific number ranges from 20 to 40.

Merchants usually give a vase when buying, just insert the pole into a vase filled with water.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Wait for a week to begin to yellow, half a month when it is fully ripe, the worker personally witnessed the color from burnt green slowly to burnt yellow, you can eat, the taste is also fragrant, sweet and soft glutinous, eat and pick, see the fresh, than the boss painted the cake can be much more fragrant.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

With the different functions of hydroponic green bananas, there is also a new term, and "banana social" was born. As the saying goes, you can share blessings and diseases, of course, you must treat them together, during the banana cultivation period, you can invite a colleague to claim the banana, write his name or code name on the banana, and you can share the delicious taste together after it is ripe.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

A new one-time companion has appeared.

Hydroponic bananas harvest not only bananas, but also shorten the distance between colleagues, with the ripening of bananas, the relationship between colleagues will become ripe, everyone will also make wishes on bananas, many netizens will also post photos after being booked by colleagues, many netizens jokingly called

"It not only divides up the anxiety, but also burns the friends, which is really a double win."

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Of course, if you don't have enough time to pick it in advance, then both the taste and the texture will be greatly reduced, and the taste will be like chewing a plastic stick, hard and astringent.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Promote the development of agriculture

The explosion of new hydroponic green bananas is also inseparable from the packaging of those smart businesses, whose main production areas are distributed in Guangxi, Fujian and other places, and were originally only daily visible millet bananas and apple coke.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

The millet banana and apple banana produced by it are cut down and packed into green plants, and then the homophonic stalk anxiety of the burnt green is used, from the burnt green to the burnt yellow process, which also means the disappearance of the anxiety, and finally with the "rejection anxiety" tag that the workers cannot refuse.

With such a newly released image, it is all over the major live broadcast rooms and trading platforms, and he empathizes with contemporary young workers.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Such a millet coke with a rod that is different from traditional green plants is no longer a cute ornament on the table, and it is no longer a flower and grass in the traditional sense. It's hard to think about this latest way of decompression, so it naturally occupies the top spot in the office C.

Millet bananas could not have imagined that they would be associated with such a fashionable hot stalk, becoming a hot Internet celebrity fruit, and sales have hit a new high, and a large number of fruit farmers have also benefited from the explosion of millet bananas, which has promoted the development of agriculture.

Information source: 2024-05-11Poster News: "I grow bananas at the station": The daily sales are 80,000 catties, and this class of workers is raising a very new kind of work partner
The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Therefore, there are also flower shops that benefit, because the varieties of bananas are different, the quality of offline purchases may be better, and Xiaomi Jiao and Apple Jiao did not expect to double the price of a transformation.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Ways to relieve anxiety

Some people regard hydroponic bananas as a hope, as if eating it can relieve anxiety, but after all, it is an indicator that does not cure the root cause, and I have also summarized several ways to relieve anxiety for you;

1. Correctly understand anxiety itself, understand the causes of anxiety, anxiety is a normal psychological phenomenon, do not overdistribute fear and worry.

2. Start a healthy life, maintain a healthy lifestyle, go to bed early and wake up early, eat a reasonable diet, and exercise moderately.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

3. Learn relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, listening to music, doing exercises, etc. to help you relax.

4. Think positively, cultivate a positive way of thinking, pay attention to all positive things, and put an end to negative psychology.

5. Try to solve problems, don't run away from them, face them bravely, make plans, ask for help, and not be overly anxious.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Of course, the most important point is not to neglect self-care, to be patient and tolerant of yourself, not to be too harsh on yourself, to learn to accept your own imperfections, and to pay attention to self-growth and development.

After all, in this world, except for the people we care about the most, there is nothing more important than ourselves.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Everyone's situation is different, and the way to reject anxiety is also different, but anxiety can be overcome, and by maintaining a positive attitude and actions, you will definitely be able to get out of anxiety.

Other Internet celebrities in the homophonic meme circle

In the world of homophonic stalks, in addition to bananas that "refuse bananas", various fruits and vegetables have also turned into Internet celebrities, attracting people's attention with their unique homophonic charm.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

The first to appear is the "apple", which transforms into a symbol of peace and good luck. The sales volume at various festivals is also very impressive, and every time people take a bite of an apple, they seem to feel the peace and happiness.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

In addition, "grapes" became "Portuguese escape", which means fleeing as soon as the shop is laid.

Escape is not the solution, but sometimes people need to escape the stress of reality for a while and find a piece of peace of their own. The sweet and sour taste of grapes also implies the ups and downs of life, making people cherish the happy life in front of them more.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

The homophonic stalk of "pear" has a relaxed meaning of staying away from troubles, and these four words represent an attitude to life, hoping that we will stay away from those complicated things and maintain a relaxed and happy heart.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

In the homophonic stalk circle, there is also a bigwig-level, and the influence of "Persimmon Ruyi" should not be underestimated. The hot stalk of persimmon Ruyi has been widely circulated on the Internet, which has stimulated the enthusiasm of many young people to create homophonic stalks, making this cultural phenomenon more colorful.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

These creative homophonic stalks are not only creative, but also contain profound cultural connotations. They interpret the bits and pieces of life in a unique way, so that people can feel the beauty and variety of life in their daily life.

Whether it is the peace and auspiciousness of apples, or the escape of grapes, whether it is the pears away from troubles, or the persimmons of persimmons, they are all deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the days to come, we can continue to discover the lovely side of these things, and bloom more brilliantly in the ocean of language.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

In the future, the new trend of "workstation banana planting" may continue to develop, and may even evolve into more forms and ways of playing. It has become the only memory of this generation of migrant workers. And those bananas that thrive in the workplace will also become a beautiful scenery in the working life of migrant workers.

The post-00s took action to rectify the workplace, and banana social networking is popular all over the country, boss: Sick, right?

Text: Editor: F

Information sources:

2024-05-11Poster News: "I Plant Bananas at the Workplace": With a daily sales of 80,000 catties, this class of workers is raising a very new kind of work partner

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