
#Micro Headline Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after which family will fall If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), whether

author:Big-headed cat who loves life

#Micro Headlines Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after that

If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), will Yu Minhong arrange Dong Yuhui in other sections and then open up new businesses.

If Yu Minhong and Dongfang Selection do not arrange Dong Yuhui after handling this matter coldly, they may be consumed until Dong Yuhui leaves on his own, and a large part of the promised treatment may not be obtained, and it may also be necessary to bear the high liquidated damages corresponding to the non-compete agreement, which may not be available to Dong Yuhui, who has not yet received the income he deserves. There are two possibilities in this case:

1, Dong Yuhui was forced to leave, because he is a sentient person, he has no background to rely on when he is young, he may not be able to get anything, and he can't do live broadcast work because of the non-compete agreement, so he will find a job across the bank and start all over again.

2. Dong Yuhui was recruited on a larger platform, but he needed to bear all the capital expenditures he bore as a result. So even if you have a heart, the platform will consider it carefully!

#Dong Yuhui denies joining董宇辉成东方甄选 "big profit"?##Brother Xiao Yang evaluates Dong Yuhui##"Splashing wealth and wealth" is the turn of Gaotu##业内称董宇辉带货额占东方甄选50%##Dong Yuhui's fans have surpassed Yu Minhong##罗永浩: Willing to support Dong Yuhui's entrepreneurship##高途董事长赞董宇辉 The stock price rose 72% in 4 days##Media commented on Dong Yuhui's Meng Yutong incident##倪萍曾劝孙东旭: If there is Dong Yuhui, steal the fun##冯唐曾解读俞敏洪对董宇辉的期待##演员曹征: Because Dong Yuhui started reading books again##东方甄选: Dong Yuhui's income is more than tens of millions##Weitoutiao Incentive Plan##Challenge 30 days to write a diary in Toutiao##东方甄选市值蒸发超40亿港元##

#Micro Headline Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after which family will fall If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), whether
#Micro Headline Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after which family will fall If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), whether
#Micro Headline Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after which family will fall If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), whether
#Micro Headline Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after which family will fall If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), whether
#Micro Headline Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after which family will fall If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), whether
#Micro Headline Incentive Plan#Conjecture about Dong Yuhui's prospects: Dongfang Xiaosun will decouple Dong Yuhui after which family will fall If Dongfang Selection is determined to decouple Dong Yuhui (so far), whether

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