
The oil pastry flower roll is not soft, easy to break, the layer cannot be unopened, the twisted flower pattern is ugly, the key improvement steps for these problems are as follows!! 1. The point is that the surface should be soft, which is the basic point of the above problem, positive

author:Pastry chef Lao Mo

The oil pastry flower roll is not soft, easy to break, the layer cannot be unopened, the twisted flower pattern is ugly, the key improvement steps for these problems are as follows!!

1. The point is that the surface should be soft, which is the basis of the above problem, the normal water addition is 60 grams of water per 100 grams of dry powder, just after the hand feels slightly soft and hard, wake up fully absorb water after the softness is just right. Make it soft and fluffy.

2. The initial dough must be kneaded with moisture, and the surface of the dough can be kept non-sticky. If the moisture is not kneaded evenly at the beginning, it will be particularly sticky after fermentation, and the fermentation is incomplete, which will affect the steaming effect.

3. The flower roll pattern is not twisted well, you need to pay attention to two problems, one is that the dough is not too small, and the other is that the pulling is too long. The first agent is too small and the thin effect is difficult to come out, the second pull should be measured, a gentle pull is enough, as long as it can twist 1-2 turns, don't go too far.

4. The fermented dough can be a little stronger, so that the time will be longer, the dough moisture absorption is even, the gluten is relaxed, and it can naturally stretch and stretch more freely when pulling.

5. It is still necessary to look at the state of secondary fermentation and keep the effect of the hair surface appropriate, in order to ensure that it is soft and fluffy after steaming, and it is still easy to be like bread when it is hot.

6. The puff pastry can not be thick, it is better to be slightly thinner, in addition, remember to roll and lift when rolling the puff pastry, so that the puff pastry will not run out, and there will be no place for the surface to stick to the noodles, and it will be opened as soon as it is cooked.

In fact, not only steamed flower rolls are like this, but also steamed steamed buns, that is, the details are noted, and it is not difficult to do well!

Thank you guys for their support as always, I hope you have gains and progress every day, if you don't understand something, you can pay attention to leave a message to me, let's study and discuss together!

#Brilliant Flower Creation Challenge# #Autumn Food Awards# #面食技巧#

The oil pastry flower roll is not soft, easy to break, the layer cannot be unopened, the twisted flower pattern is ugly, the key improvement steps for these problems are as follows!! 1. The point is that the surface should be soft, which is the basic point of the above problem, positive
The oil pastry flower roll is not soft, easy to break, the layer cannot be unopened, the twisted flower pattern is ugly, the key improvement steps for these problems are as follows!! 1. The point is that the surface should be soft, which is the basic point of the above problem, positive
The oil pastry flower roll is not soft, easy to break, the layer cannot be unopened, the twisted flower pattern is ugly, the key improvement steps for these problems are as follows!! 1. The point is that the surface should be soft, which is the basic point of the above problem, positive
The oil pastry flower roll is not soft, easy to break, the layer cannot be unopened, the twisted flower pattern is ugly, the key improvement steps for these problems are as follows!! 1. The point is that the surface should be soft, which is the basic point of the above problem, positive

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