
Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it

author:Ah San Food

In this era of increasingly popular baking art, making a piece of mellow and fluffy bread by hand seems to be another small blessing in home life. However, when we step into the bakery and are faced with a wide variety of bread varieties, is it wise to choose every time? Today, we will take a journey to explore the secrets of bread and uncover those bread veils that seem tempting but actually hide mysteries. I heard a senior baker quietly revealed: "It is fragrant and harmful, and these two types of bread are never touched by insiders." ”

Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it

Category 1 Warning Zone: Fluffy Bread

A piece of bread that is bulky and light as a feather makes you feel like it's worth the money? As everyone knows, there may be an unknown secret weapon hidden behind this - potassium bromate. As an additive once widely used in the baking industry, it gives bread an extraordinary fluffiness and elasticity, making every bite full of temptation.

Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it

But don't be fooled by this illusory delicacy! Potassium bromate, the former "magician" of the bakery industry, is toxic and can be caused by excessive intake of nausea, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. Although it partially decomposes during the roasting process, the risk of residue remains. As a result, there has been a red light on its use internationally.

Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it

How to identify "potassium"? Keep two things in mind: large and light, gluten or extra fluffy, this type of bread is likely to be the object you want to avoid. In addition, bread made with high-gluten flour is more likely to be a hiding place for potassium bromate, while bread with low-gluten flour is relatively safe.

Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it

The second type of vigilance: brioche bread

If potassium bromate bread is a hidden danger, then vegetable butter bread is a blatant sweet trap. According to statistics, more than 70% of the bread on the market is fortified with margarine, which has captured a lot of hearts with its attractive taste and puff pastry effect. But underneath the sweetness is the accumulation of fats that are not easy to metabolize. Margarine has a long metabolic cycle (about 50 days) in the body, and long-term consumption not only easily leads to obesity, but also may cause health problems such as cardiovascular disease.

Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it

The truth of margarine is even more staggering: from soybean oil through high-pressure hydrogenation, this process not only gives birth to trans fatty acids, but also has to go through a series of "beautification" operations such as bleaching and adding spices to get the white and attractive appearance. The next time you find words such as plant-based creamer or non-dairy creamer in the ingredient list, you may wish to be more vigilant.

Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it

Choose the best: Tips for buying bread

In the complex world of face-to-face packing, how do we make an informed choice? The first rule is to choose bread with an ingredient list, which is a guarantee of quality transparency. Secondly, the ingredient list rejects vegetable butter and embraces the delicacy and purity of natural animal butter; Reduce your sugar intake and look for healthy options that are low or no sugar. Of course, there's nothing wrong with occasional indulgence, it's all about balance and informed choice.

Buy bread, these 2 types of bread should be avoided, baker: eating fragrant is harmful, and insiders never touch it


In this sweet adventure about bread, we must not only learn to taste the delicious, but also learn to distinguish the authenticity and check the health of ourselves and our families. The next time you step into the bakery, may you no longer just be led by the fragrance, but be able to choose wisely and enjoy real health and deliciousness. So, dear bread lovers, have you ever paid attention to the ingredients in your bread? Feel free to share your bread story and selection experience in the comment area, so that we can become a more intelligent bread taster together. Here, thank you for your company, and may our lives be better because of knowledge!

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