
A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Fang Song, what the hell are you doing with this leg? It can't be that I went to climb the mountain again and slipped, right? Zhang Peng looked at his friend Fang Song, who limped into the hospital with concern, they have been tea friends for many years, and they usually like to go to the mountains to pick tea together.

Fang Song responded with a wry smile: "No, I didn't look at the road when I went down the mountain last time, and I was careless..." The doctor was discussing something with them, and his face looked very serious.

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

"As a result of long-term consumption of homemade bread, your whole family has unfortunately developed stomach cancer." The doctor's words made Zhang Peng very curious, and he decided to come forward and ask.

Zhang Peng is an ordinary bank clerk who is usually busy with work but is interested in medicine, especially in terms of dietary health. He asked the doctor in detail about the situation. "They use a lot of self-milling flour to make their bread, which is prone to mould growth, especially Aspergillus flavus," the doctor explains. ”

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

After hearing this, Zhang Peng was deeply shocked. He knew that food safety was a serious problem, but he didn't expect that the bread he made could also become a health hazard.

The doctor continued, "According to studies, aflatoxins can accumulate in the long term, even in small amounts, to cause serious diseases such as liver cancer and stomach cancer. According to the World Health Organization, more than 25,000 people worldwide develop liver cancer each year from the consumption of food contaminated with aflatoxins. ”

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

The more Zhang Peng listened, the more frightened he felt, he looked back at Fang Song, and there was a trace of worry in both of their eyes. "So, how can this be avoided?" Zhang Peng couldn't help but ask. The doctor's advice is: "When making bread or using flour products at home, always buy from a reputable merchant and make sure that the flour is stored in a dry, ventilated environment and used within the expiration date." ”

Zhang Peng carefully noted down these points, and he decided to check the food storage at home when he returned home, and to tell more people about this important information. The discussion of the story did not stop there, Zhang Peng decided to use his spare time to carry out a series of community lectures on food safety to raise everyone's awareness of prevention.

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

After a while, Zhang Peng's efforts in the community were reciprocated, and more and more residents began to pay attention to the safe handling of food, and they also began to share their tips and experiences in food safety, forming a positive cycle.

After a conversation with a doctor at the hospital, Zhang Peng was inspired and decided to further investigate the issue of food safety, especially the details that are often overlooked in home cooking. When he returned home, he began to review relevant research materials and reports, hoping to find more practical ways to ensure food safety.

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

He found that not only bread, but also many ingredients used in home cooking could be a safety hazard. In addition, home-grown vegetables can also pose a threat to human health if the chemicals remain if they are inappropriately used or over-fertilised.

After digging deeper, Zhang Peng learned that many people ignore the importance of temperature and humidity control when handling and storing ingredients. When it comes to the preservation of ingredients, many families are not aware of the optimal storage conditions for different ingredients, such as certain vegetables that need to be stored in a dry environment, and meat products that need to be stored in a cold environment.

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

A few weeks later, on a return visit to the hospital, Mr. Zhang met again with the doctor who had previously discussed the issue of homemade bread. The doctor was very happy to see him and asked Zhang Peng about his current condition. "Mr. Zhang, I heard that you have been researching food safety recently, do you have any new discoveries or suggestions?" The doctor asked with concern.

Zhang Peng replied, "Yes, doctor." I've found that in addition to proper handling and storage of ingredients, it's just as important to choose reliable suppliers and transparent food sources. As consumers, we should learn how to identify and choose safe food, especially when buying meat and seafood. ”

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

This conversation strengthened Zhang Peng's belief that food safety is not only the responsibility of the government and enterprises, but also the education and awareness of consumers themselves.

What do you think about stomach cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A family of three has been eating bread made by themselves for a long time, and they were all diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the doctor sighed helplessly: he did not listen to persuasion

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