
Quan Hongchan turned the chair for the interview and was reminded, and after politely apologizing, she instantly switched to a formal and rigorous state

author:Hui Tsai Sports said

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Quan Hongchan is a rising star of the Chinese diving team, and she performed well at this Asian Games, winning the women's singles and double 10m platform competitions. In the interview, she showed her true face and felt very real and natural. At the beginning of the interview, Quan Hongchan involuntarily turned her chair because she was nervous, and she also responded politely after the host reminded her. Next, she adjusted her sitting posture, lowered her hands, and became more dignified and formal. This allows one to see her mischievous side, but also her progress and adaptability.

Quan Hongchan turned the chair for the interview and was reminded, and after politely apologizing, she instantly switched to a formal and rigorous state

When talking about her professional projects, she gradually relaxed her nervousness and naturally smiled on her face. The 16-year-old showed her strength and confidence, and gave hope to people with social phobia. Although some people may feel that she is still a child and should express herself without restrictions, the host's reminder also makes sense, and it is very important to maintain a consistent image. Quan Hongchan's truth and progress let us see the growth and future potential of a young person. Quan Hongchan, this name is a household name in the Chinese sports world.

Quan Hongchan turned the chair for the interview and was reminded, and after politely apologizing, she instantly switched to a formal and rigorous state

She is a member of the Chinese shooting team and one of the leaders of the Chinese women's shooting team. In her body, we can see the coexistence of feminine tenderness and strength, which is one of the reasons why she is widely loved by the audience. In the shooting competition, Quan Hongchan can be called a "sharpshooter". She won the women's 50m rifle three-position gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics, becoming the first Chinese athlete in history to win an Olympic gold medal in this event. In shooting competitions, she is always calm and focused, and her stability in hitting targets is amazing.

Quan Hongchan turned the chair for the interview and was reminded, and after politely apologizing, she instantly switched to a formal and rigorous state

However, in the eyes of the outside world, Quan Hongchan's success is not only because of her excellent technique, but also because she has a very rare quality - tenacity. In her career, she has faced setbacks and difficulties many times, but she has never given up and has always maintained her love and dedication to the shooting career. It is this spirit that has made her the backbone of the Chinese shooting team and a role model for many young people. In addition to her performance on the field, Quan Hongchan also attracts much attention in daily life.

Quan Hongchan turned the chair for the interview and was reminded, and after politely apologizing, she instantly switched to a formal and rigorous state

Her girlish appearance and sweet smile have made her the object of many fans. Although she rarely speaks on social media, her Weibo followers have exceeded 4 million, which is enough to prove her position in the public's mind. Recently, another photo of Quan Hongchan has also attracted everyone's attention. In this photo, she is wearing a sportswear, slim and smooth lines, showing the health and vitality of an athlete.

Quan Hongchan turned the chair for the interview and was reminded, and after politely apologizing, she instantly switched to a formal and rigorous state

The photo is also reminiscent of her performance in shooting competitions, where her physical qualities and shooting skills complement each other to present a perfect state. In this era of countless stars and Internet celebrities, Quan Hongchan has proved a truth with her actions - only true strength and quality can win people's respect and love. Her success is not only the pride of China's sports industry, but also a role model for all young people to follow.

Quan Hongchan turned the chair for the interview and was reminded, and after politely apologizing, she instantly switched to a formal and rigorous state

In general, Quan Hongchan is a woman who deserves our respect and learning, she interprets what is called "tenacity" with her actual actions, and also shows us the standard of a real "sharpshooter". Her success tells us that as long as you have enough enthusiasm and persistence, you can create your own brilliance in your field.

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