
asked Quan Hongchan to endorse, but was ridiculed by the group! Founded less than half a year ago, how to become an official partner of the diving team

author:Warm coffee

Please endorse Quan Hongchan, the brand choice is hotly discussed! How did Diving Nova become the official partner of the brand that was established in less than half a year?

Recently, an emerging brand that has been established for less than half a year announced that it would invite Quan Hongchan, a rising star of the Chinese diving team, as its brand spokesperson, but this decision has caused widespread controversy and ridicule on the Internet. Some people question that this brand does not match Quan Hongchan's image, and some people wonder how this brand can cooperate with the diving team in such a short period of time. As a professional fashion writer and fashionista, I'm going to take you deep into the story behind this event.

First of all, let's review Quan Hongchan's diving career. Quan Hongchan, the teenage diving genius, quickly rose to prominence with her outstanding strength and stunning performance. She has won many good results in major competitions at home and abroad, and has become a bright new star of the Chinese diving team. Her outstanding performance not only won the love of the audience, but also attracted the attention of many brands.

However, the cooperation between the brand and Quan Hongchan this time has raised some questions. Some people think that this brand does not match Quan Hongchan's image, and some people even think that this is a "mismatched" combination. But in my opinion, this skepticism is not entirely correct. Fashion is not only an external expression, but also an internal attitude and spirit. As a young diver, Quan Hongchan's youthful vitality and positive spirit are exactly what this brand needs.

asked Quan Hongchan to endorse, but was ridiculed by the group! Founded less than half a year ago, how to become an official partner of the diving team

So, how did the brand manage to reach a partnership with the diving team in less than half a year? As I understand it, there are many reasons behind this.

First of all, the brand has always maintained a high level of attention and support for sports. They understand the importance of sportsmanship to the development of their brand, which is why they are committed to building close partnerships with major sports and athletes. In contact with the diving team, they found that Quan Hongchan is not only an athlete with outstanding strength, but also a young idol with wide influence and a good image. This fit made them decide to invite Quan Hongchan to become the brand's spokesperson.

Secondly, the brand is also aware of the importance of young consumers. In today's society, young consumers have become the main force in the market. They pursue fashion, pay attention to quality, pay attention to health, and are more picky and diversified in the choice of brands. As a young diver, Quan Hongchan's fan base is mainly young people. This overlap of fan groups allows brands to see great commercial value.

In addition, the cooperation between the brand and the diving team has also been supported and promoted by relevant departments. The Chinese diving team has always been the pride and representative of Chinese sports, and they have not only achieved great results in the international arena, but also won honor and dignity for the country. Therefore, the cooperation with the diving team can not only enhance the brand's awareness and reputation, but also expand the brand's market share and influence with the help of the diving team's influence.

asked Quan Hongchan to endorse, but was ridiculed by the group! Founded less than half a year ago, how to become an official partner of the diving team

After learning about the brand's collaboration with Quan Hongchan, I interviewed several fashion industry experts and consumer representatives to find out their views on the incident.

Fashion expert Professor Li said: "The cooperation between the brand and Quan Hongchan is a win-win choice. As a young diver, Quan Hongchan's youthful vitality and positive spirit are very consistent with the brand's philosophy. At the same time, she also has a wide fan base and influence, which can bring more exposure and attention to the brand. ”

Xiao Wang, a consumer representative, said: "I think this cooperation is quite interesting. Although I felt a little mismatched at first, if I think about it carefully, Quan Hongchan, as a young idol and athlete, still has a certain correlation between her image and the brand's products. Moreover, she is also one of the favorite objects of our young people, and such a collaboration can make us pay more attention to this brand. ”

Overall, although the brand's cooperation with Quan Hongchan has caused some controversy and doubts, it has been a very successful cooperation from multiple perspectives. It not only brought more exposure and attention to the brand, but also enhanced Quan Hongchan's popularity and commercial value. At the same time, this cooperation also allows us to see the perfect combination of fashion and sports, which provides more possibilities and opportunities for future development.

asked Quan Hongchan to endorse, but was ridiculed by the group! Founded less than half a year ago, how to become an official partner of the diving team

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