
Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

author:Sweet to talk about things

Today, let's talk about the big news! Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long, the three super celebrities in the sports world, actually appeared on CCTV together to cheer for the "Sports Morning News" program, which is simply explosive news!

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

To be honest, after watching their support video, I really felt the deep love of Yang Ma's for them.

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

The three celebrities sent their blessings to the start of the Sports Morning News, oops, it just made this show so popular before it started! Ma Long and Sun Yingsha came up first to read out the copy, and the tone and demeanor were simple, as if they were cheering for their own children.

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

Ma Long said: "The Xiutan Morning News has been broadcast to witness our growth. As soon as these words came out, I felt that this show must be amazing!

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

Then, Quan Hongchan appeared in the finale, and the copywriting she read was really full of positive energy. She said: "May this show inspire the torch of national enthusiasm for sports and light up the city where everyone is fit." "Oh, as soon as these words came out, I instantly felt that my whole person was full of energy! Quan Hongchan, you girl is amazing!

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

After watching this video, I really think CCTV understands the hearts of our audience too well. It is simply a wise move to find these three big names to help the show.

They are not only our idols, but also examples for us to learn from. Their appearance made this show full of anticipation before it started.

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

Having said that, this sports morning newspaper is also a good show worth watching. It not only brings us the latest sports news, but also stimulates our passion for sports, making us love sports more and love life more.

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

So, everyone hurry up and pay attention to CCTV and look forward to the start of the Sports Morning News! I believe that with the help of these three celebrities, this show will definitely become more and more popular and loved by everyone!

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

Finally, I want to say, Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long, you guys are amazing! You are our pride and our example. I hope you will continue to bring us more surprises and touches in the coming days!

Quan Hongchan, Sun Yingsha and Ma Long appeared on CCTV together, for the "Sports Morning News" Yang Ma's love

Don't forget to leave a message in the comment area to tell us what you think of these three celebrities, or your expectations for the Sports Morning News. Let's cheer for the cause of sports and add color to our lives together!

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