
A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

author:Ah Yuan talks about the world

First, a dazzling prologue

On that star-studded night in 2011, Han Xue made a stunning appearance at a heavyweight entertainment dinner in the industry with her expensive 20 million yuan diamond ring, which instantly aroused strong attention and boiling from the audience!

I saw that this giant diamond ring, like a giant crystal in a fairy tale, was crystal white all over, and its width was like an enlarged pigeon egg, exuding a dazzling light between Han Xue's slender and graceful fingers, especially under the reflection of the stage lights, its brilliance simply blinded everyone's eyes!

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

Countless scholars in this feast were fascinated by this iconic and valuable 20 million yuan diamond ring, and they couldn't help but pay attention to it, eager to see this unique treasure.

According to rumors, this diamond ring is the only one in the world, and even the well-known wealthy sister-in-law Bei covets it, but in the end, it was taken into Han Xue's pocket and became a precious treasure in her personal collection.

At that moment, the focus of the audience was focused on Han Xue, and everyone couldn't wait to get a glimpse of the true appearance of this top diamond ring. Seeing this scene, Han Xue smiled slightly, and elegantly stretched out her hands for everyone to enjoy.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

Her heart was full of joy, because this priceless treasure was undoubtedly the most eye-catching focus on the scene, attracting the envy and admiration of everyone.

From this scene, we can clearly see that Han Xue's love for luxury goods and her extravagant lifestyle have earned her the reputation of "luxury sister" in the entertainment industry.

And this diamond ring, which is worth up to 20 million yuan, undoubtedly reveals the luxury of Han Xue's daily life.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

2. Uncover the mystery of luxury life

In this entertainment industry full of money temptation, the speed at which celebrities make money is amazing. Some actors even earn as much as 2.08 million yuan a day, so it's no wonder that they are able to live a luxurious life with a lot of money.

For example, the controversial actress Yang Ying, although her acting skills have been criticized, her salary is as high as 80 million yuan. When faced with doubts from the outside world, she responded without modesty: "I'm worth the price!" From her words, it is not difficult for us to feel an arrogant capitalist mentality.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

A huge amount of wealth poured into the pockets of celebrities like a surging river, and they naturally lived a life of extreme luxury, a level of luxury that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

They squandered their money and indulged in the pursuit of others, and this lifestyle has become the norm in their lives.

Such a high amount of wealth and extremely extravagant consumption concepts, as well as the pace of life that ignores money like dung, cannot help but give birth to a qualitative sign of value change in our hearts.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

In such an extremely pompous materialistic environment, celebrities are more and more fanatical to show off their wealth accumulation, and at the same time, they are also influenced by this drunken entertainment industry, forming a profligate lifestyle.

Their perception of money is gradually deviating from the right track, as if only through extravagant consumption can they show their social status.

3. Look back at the glorious days of those luxury cars and mansions

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

Looking back, it is not difficult to find that celebrities' pursuit of luxury goods has reached the point of almost obsession. Take veteran actor Zhang Fengyi as an example, with his years of hard work in the entertainment industry, he has already accumulated amazing wealth.

According to public reports, he owns a luxury house in Beijing that covers an area of up to 500 square meters. Despite the simplicity of the interior, the interior of the home exudes an air of luxury, which is a testament to the owner's financial strength.

In addition, Zhang Fengyi is even more noble in terms of travel, and the car is a high-priced convertible luxury car. Some media have photographed him strolling on the street with his wife and dog, which looks relaxed and comfortable, fully demonstrating his wealthy aristocratic life taste.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

Looking at Shen Mengchen, the host of Mango Channel, although he has not yet reached the status of a first sister in the entertainment industry, he has made a lot of money with his hard work in front of the screen and her husband Du Haitao's deep connections in the circle.

She was once witnessed driving a Bentley blue luxury car worth up to 3.5 million yuan, the whole car exudes a luxurious light, and the design is atmospheric and stable.

When it comes to the mansions of celebrities, the kings and queens are undoubtedly the most luxurious representatives. For example, the king-level singer Xiao Jingteng, whose mansion is as high as 8 floors, covers an area of 3,000 square meters, and costs up to NT$200 million.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

The interior of this mansion is very modern, and the design elements of luxury and atmosphere can be seen everywhere, which can be called a model of the "ability to absorb gold" in the star world.

Fourth, the obsessive pursuit of expensive daily necessities

In addition to luxury cars and mansions, celebrities' extravagant pursuit of daily necessities is also jaw-dropping. Take Zhou Bichang as an example, there is a kitchen knife worth up to 600,000 yuan on display in her home.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

This charismatic kitchen knife is anything but ordinary! The handle is made of marshwood that has been precipitated for centuries, and the surface is skillfully inlaid with 25 dazzling precious stones, exuding an irresistible sense of prestige.

It is worth noting that singer Zhou Bichang boldly showed in front of the camera, easily using this rare "national treasure" level kitchen knife for daily fruit cutting tasks, and the calm and calm on his face in the process seemed to be just an ordinary kitchen knife.

As a viewer, witnessing this scene is undoubtedly shocking and eye-opening.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

Also amazing is the unique mirror in the home of the "star girl" Lin Yun. This mirror is from the hands of internationally renowned designers, and its price is as high as more than 60,000 yuan.

For us ordinary people, this figure is undoubtedly a fantasy, but for Lin Yun, this mere 60,000 yuan mirror may be just a drop in the bucket of her daily consumption.

According to herself, she spends up to 8 figures a year on online shopping, which can be called an online shopping expert.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

As for Hua Chenyu, every breakfast he eats at home uses tableware that is worth a lot of money. From delicate wine glasses to knives and forks, luxury ceramics start in four figures and are staggeringly expensive.

Fifth, priceless treasures are rampant

In the world of celebrities, even those seemingly mundane daily necessities can be priceless. For example, according to media reports, singer Lin Junjie once owned a pair of global limited edition sneakers worth up to 800,000 yuan.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

A pair of sneakers costs 800,000 yuan? For us ordinary people, this is undoubtedly an unimaginable astronomical number.

However, for star JJ Lin, the expensive sneakers may be just the tip of the iceberg in his vast collection. As a popular singer, he naturally has the ability to "spend a lot of money" to buy these luxury items and enjoy a luxurious life that is difficult for others to reach.

And Jay Chou's luxurious life is even more jaw-dropping. According to insiders, a chair in his home is priced at 3.6 million yuan! It's unbelievable that an ordinary chair can sell for such a high price.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

However, for a superstar like Jay Chou, money seems like something that can be treated casually. As a leader in the Chinese music industry, his concept of wealth is very different from that of ordinary people, and buying priceless treasures and paying a lot of money for them may be a trivial matter for him.

As it is often said, "nouveau riche hedonism" does exist! Many celebrities treat money as if they are at their fingertips, no matter what kind of luxury goods are at their fingertips, and they never care about the value or not.

For them, it seems to be commonplace for them to pervade their daily lives with such high-end luxury goods, so let's look forward to and condemn their profligacy, unbridled behavior.

A kitchen knife is 600,000 yuan, a chair is 3.6 million, and the life of a star is so luxurious that you can't imagine it

6. The voice of reason

While the stars are showing off their squandering, we ordinary people are inevitably full of deep thoughts in our hearts while being amazed. Money is not a sin in itself, but it is hard to accept that celebrities can easily get a huge fortune with just a beautiful face.

We hope that they can rely on their real dedication and outstanding performance to be worthy of this high reward. For those stars whose acting skills are still immature and squandered the old days, we hope that they can take this as a warning and work hard to improve their professional skills in the future journey of life, instead of indulging in the life of drunken money forever.

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