
39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

author:Moonlight on the edge of the clouds

1. Dragonfly VS Helicopter. Scientists built a helicopter based on the way dragonfly's wings absorb shock and the dragonfly's body balance skills. Helicopters have become a classic case in bionics.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm
39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm
39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

2. The four seasons of the tree, which is located on the territory of Slovakia. There are flowers in spring, there is a moon in autumn, there is a cool breeze in summer, and there is snow in winter.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

3. The lady painted by the artist (left) VS the picture of the lady (right), the painter painted it so well, the portrait of the lady, and better than the lady!

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

4. Curve driving is the easiest item in the driver's license test. In real life, there is a strengthened version of the curve driving everywhere.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

5. The honey brewed by bees in each season varies in color. After all, they pick different flowers every season.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

6. Before becoming a mother: "Travel around the world to see art exhibitions." After becoming a mother: "My two children have an exhibition of paintings on my face......"

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

7. After the metal titanium is connected to different voltages, it shows different colors. The price of titanium alloy is around 200 yuan/kg.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

8. You kid knows romance?! Then I wish you a hundred years of happiness and a good old age! Boy, the object is so beautiful, you have to cherish it!

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

9. At night, the light in the eye of the astigmatism eye VS the light in the eyes of a normal person. Astigmatism can be overcome with glasses.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

10. Norwegian men's athletes VS women's athletes, their looks are so good. It's easy for an athlete to be a good-looking representative of a country.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

11. Netizen quotes: Children are in danger, and fathers are the strongest guardians. The child is not in danger, the father is the greatest danger......

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

12. No makeup VS light makeup. It doesn't take much time to wear light makeup, but it can cover up 90% of the shortcomings on your face.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

13. Photograph the sunset for 10 consecutive days in the same place, and then excerpt the sunset taken every day to form a picture.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

14. This road looks dangerous, but it's not safe at all. There is a feeling of "the driver dancing on the tip of a knife with a group of passengers".

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

15. The sculpture "David" is bigger than what you see on TV. The statue has a head, about the size of a normal person.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

16. The border between the United States and Mexico. The United States is full of high-rise buildings and people, while Mexico is overgrown with grass and few people.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

17. The face of Lincoln's eleventh grandson VS the face of Lincoln. The Lincoln family is genetically too strong.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

18. Comparison of the paintings of the genius painter Picasso at the age of 18, 25 and 90, his painting style has moved from reality to abstraction.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

19. U.S. women's basketball team VS El Salvador women's basketball team. For the Salvadoran women's basketball team, a 10-point loss in this game is considered a win.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

20. Under the impetus of humans, the chicken started its atavistic path, and the ancestor of the chicken was the famous dinosaur.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

21. Dachshunds are bred by humans (humans like to choose long dachshunds), and the body of dachshunds is getting longer and longer.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

22. Indian mother and daughter take a group photo after 22 years. The mother and daughter were dressed in gold and silver, fair-skinned, and were supposed to be high-caste Indians.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

23. The dog in Toy Story (1) VS the cat in Toy Story (4), the progress in its animation is visible to the naked eye.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

24. The woman spent 3 years and successfully lost 57 pounds. It can be seen that she has become healthier and happier.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

25. In the past 100 years, global temperatures have risen, and glaciers in the Arctic have melted on a large scale, and many polar bears have starved to death due to the melting of glaciers.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

26. Queen Elizabeth II married when she married VS 74 years after marriage. The most important thing is that the world can't stay, and the face of the mirror is a tree!

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

27. The brain of a shark (left) VS the brain of a dolphin (right), compared to dolphins, sharks are just mindless!

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

28. Seller Show VS Buyer Show. The buyer asked the seller: I bought a quilt, why did you send me a rope? Seller: This ......

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

29. A vat of water without oysters VS a vs The purifying power of oysters is breathtaking!

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

30. Volcanic island of Monserrate, 1997 before the eruption, compared to 2016 after the eruption. Volcanic mud swallowed a house.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

31. Before and after the development of the ancient Mayan city. Before its development, it was bohemian and free-loving. After development, it is orderly and majestic!

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

32. The most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in the world VS adults. If humans and Tyrannosaurus rex lived in the same era, who would be the ration for whom? As long as human weapons do not fail, as long as the meat of the Tyrannosaurus rex is delicious enough, the Tyrannosaurus rex will be eaten as an endangered species within a year......

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

33. The doctor used ultrasound to get the appearance of the child in the womb of a blind mother. Next, the doctor uses 3D printing technology to print the child's model. The blind mother stroked the printed model of the child, tears in her eyes.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

34. After the ocean is polluted, countless colorful coral reefs have been reduced to eclipsed deserts. It is urgent to protect marine resources.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

35. Seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered with ice or water, and the rest is land, such as plains, mountains, deserts, etc.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

36. Guy before the workout VS after the workout. Freezing three feet, not a day's cold. The young man's muscles can't be trained at all in three years and five years.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

37. When a woman is young, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright, and everyone is beautiful. When the woman is old, she is gray-haired and amiable. Sure enough, the years never defeat the beauty!

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

38. The four beauties compete, who is more beautiful. They are Liu Yifei's grandmother, Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Yifei's aunt, and Liu Yifei.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

39. Years ago, the son rode on his father's neck to look at the scenery. Years later, the father snuggled up in his son's arms and went to a distant land.

39 stunning comparison photos, no comparison, no harm

(The headlines are first released, the whole network protects rights, it is not easy to create, and plagiarism must be investigated.) )