
!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

Eating more leeks in the spring can enhance the spleen and stomach qi, beneficial to liver function, it can enhance appetite, stomach digestion, sterilization and anti-inflammatory, replenish qi and aphrodisiac, according to this method to make fresh and crisp, nutritious and delicious.

By Hao Yi private kitchen


Leeks 100 g

Mung bean sprouts 300 g

1 onion

Ginger 3 tablets

2 dried chili peppers

10 peppercorns

Salt 3 g

Chicken meal 2 g

1 scoop of rice vinegar

1 scoop of soy sauce

Five-spice powder 2 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

1. Prepare the required ingredients and wash them clean

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

2: Cut the leeks into inches, green onion, ginger and dried chili peppers into the size you need and set aside

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

3, put a little oil in the pot, put the bean sprouts into the pot and sauté it slightly to fish out for later, so that the bean sprouts will not come out of the water

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

4: Put oil in a pan and sauté in a small ingredient to bring out the aroma

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

5, pour in the bean sprouts, leek root sauté for a while (leek root is not easy to cook, so put first)

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

6: Add the leek leaves

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

7: Pour white vinegar

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

8: Light salt soy sauce

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

9: Put five-spice powder

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

10. Put salt

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

11: Put the chicken powder and stir-fry evenly over high heat to get out of the pot

!️ Xiao Bai can also make delicious vegetarian fried leek bean sprouts

12. Delicious rice


This dish must be stir-fried quickly over high heat, so that the stir-fried dish will not come out of the water

<h2>Nutritional benefits of leeks</h2>

Sweet, spicy, warm, non-toxic. For uplifting and strengthening drugs, it has stomach, refreshing and warming effects. Root and leaf mash juice has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and pain-relieving functions. Suitable for liver and kidney yin deficiency night sweats, enuresis, frequent urination, impotence, yang qiang, sperm, dream remains, choking, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, women's menstrual disease, dysmenorrhea, menstrual leakage, belt and bruises, vomiting blood, epistaxis and other symptoms, medicine is often used to supplement kidney yang deficiency, fine off is not solid, etc., is the most commonly used dietary dishes for men and women after intercourse.

1. Kidney aphrodisiac: leeks are warm and spicy, but there is no aphrodisiac ingredient.

2. Beneficial to the liver and stomach: Leeks contain volatile essential oils and sulfides and other special ingredients, emitting a unique spicy smell, which helps to loosen liver qi, enhance appetite and enhance digestive function.

3. Qi and blood management: the spicy smell of leeks has the effect of dispersing stasis and activating blood, and the effect of qi stagnation is applicable to bruises, nausea, enteritis, vomiting blood, chest pain and other symptoms.

4. Laxative: Leeks contain a lot of vitamins and crude fiber, which can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, treat constipation, and prevent bowel cancer, so leek leaves are called "intestinal washing grass".

Although leeks have many benefits for the human body, the more the merrier. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" once recorded: "If leeks are eaten more, they are dim-eyed, and they are especially taboo after drinking."

<h2>Dietary contraindications for leeks</h2>

People with indigestion or weak gastrointestinal function eat leeks are easy to burn the heart, and should not eat more.

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