
The person who introduced Chen Jinghu to the party as the "Four Masters of Rehe" was Li Dazhao

author:Liaoshen Evening News

He was the first MEMBER of the Communist Party of China in Northeast China, and the introducer to joining the party was Li Dazhao, the revolutionary mentor; he once discussed the state affairs with Sun Yat-sen, and as Mr. Sun's special propagandist for going north to Rehe to preach the "Declaration on Going North"; he organized armed forces and fought bloody battles for the country and the nation... This legendary figure is Chen Jinghu, the pioneer of the early revolution in Northeast China.

The earliest member of the Communist Party of China in the northeast region

According to Hu Guangzhi, the former director of the Party History Office of Jianping County and a 72-year-old man, Chen Jinghu has 6 brothers, he is the eldest, and at the age of 12, he was admitted to Jianping County Higher Education School with excellent results, and was praised as a "hardcore article" because of his good writing.

In 1918, Chen Jinghu was admitted to the First Provincial Middle School directly under Tianjin and his academic performance ranked among the best.

In an oral essay titled "My Husband Chen Jinghu", Chen Jinghu's wife Chen Gengshi recalled her husband in this way: My husband Chen Jinghu went to school at the age of nine to study with his father, and his father often praised him for his cleverness, strength and courtesy. After studying for two years, my father was afraid that he would not be able to teach well, so he asked Mr. Ma Chunfan, a talented talent, to teach him for two years, and then he went to Xinqiu (now Jianping Town) and Tianjin to study. When my uncle saw Jinghu when he was a child, he had few words, studied well, was a person with a good reputation, and he made a matchmaker to kiss us. When Jinghu was studying outside, it was not easy to go home during the school holidays. Sometimes when he goes home, he doesn't stay, he goes east and west, saying something new to the villagers, he always tells his relatives and neighbors that "women don't tie their feet, in the future, the land and real estate are all ours", which was praised by relatives and friends.

In 1919, after the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, two revolutionary community organizations composed of advanced youth with rudimentary communist ideas appeared in Tianjin. One is the "Enlightenment Society" formed by Zhou Enlai, Deng Yingchao, and others; the other is the "Xinsheng Society" where Chen Jinghu belongs. On April 1, 1920, the Xinsheng Society founded the magazine "Xinsheng" to publicize new culture, new ideological trends, and revolutionary ideas, and also discussed with the Enlightenment Society the establishment of a Communist Party organization in Tianjin.

In October 1920, according to Li Dazhao's opinion, the Xinsheng Society was reorganized into the "Tianjin Marxism Research Society", and Chen Jinghu became acquainted with Li Dazhao. In 1923, through the introduction of Li Dazhao, Chen Jinghu joined the Communist Party of China and became the earliest member of the Communist Party of China in northeast China.

He is one of the "Four Masters of The River of Rehe"

From June 12 to 20, 1923, the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Guangzhou, at which the question of kuomintang-communist cooperation was discussed, and it was decided that communists could join the Kuomintang in their own name in order to establish a united front for the democratic revolution. Chen Jinghu obeyed the party's resolution and joined the Kuomintang as a person, and since then he has joined the ranks of the National Revolution in a special capacity.

From January 20 to 30, 1924, Chen Jinghu went to Guangzhou as a representative of the province directly under his jurisdiction to attend the First National Congress of the Kuomintang and became acquainted with Sun Yat-sen. After Sun Yat-sen arrived in Beijing, Chen Jinghu, as Mr. Sun's special propagandist for going north, went to Rehe to preach Mr. Sun's "Declaration on Going North." At the time of Mr. Sun's death, Chen Jinghu, on behalf of members of the Rehe Kuomintang and the Communist Party, went to Beijing to attend the ceremony and attended the National Congress of the National Assembly. After the meeting, the Beijing District CPC Committee decided to set up the Rehe Working Committee, with Chen Jinghu as the person in charge.

In the winter of 1925, Li Dazhao presided over the inaugural meeting of the "Inner Mongolia Workers', Peasants, and Soldiers' Great Alliance" in Zhangjiakou, and Chen Jinghu was elected as a member of the Central Executive Committee, serving as the first secretary of the Rehe Provincial Working Committee of the CPC, and publicly as an executive member of the Rehe Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang. This meant that during the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, Chen Jinghu was the supreme leader of the Kuomintang and communist parties in the Rehe area.

In order to establish an armed force of the Communist Party of China itself, Li Dazhao and Feng Yuxiang reached a tacit understanding and formed 3 cavalry columns in Feng Yuxiang's nationalist army, named "Inner Mongolia Special People's Army", with Chen Jinghu as the commander of the second cavalry column. Hu Guangzhi said: "At that time, a cavalry column of more than 3,000 people, three columns totaling more than 10,000 people, well-equipped, horses are Mongolian horses, weapons are Soviet aid, people are Communist." Soon, Chen Jinghu led the second column to fight against the warlords Zhang Zuolin and Yan Xishan.

In the second half of 1930, the Inner Mongolia Special Committee of the Communist Party of China was destroyed, and in order to connect with the organizational relations as soon as possible, he and Liu Gang, the former member of the Inner Mongolia Special Committee, crossed the desert and grasslands, trekked with difficulty, and walked for dozens of days and nights, and finally reached the Soviet Union, found the Communist International, and connected the organizational relations through Cai Hesen, the representative of the CPC Central Committee in Moscow. After returning to China, Chen Jinghu was ordered to rebuild the Inner Mongolia Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, and served as the provisional secretary of the Inner Mongolia Special Committee, and for the sake of concealment and security, he assumed the pseudonym Li Tieran.

When the September 18 Incident broke out in 1931, Chen Jinghu immediately issued a call to the people of all nationalities in the whole region in the name of the Inner Mongolia Special Committee of the CPC to "unite all nationalities in the whole country and oppose Japanese imperialist aggression."

Hu Guangzhi said that there were thirty or forty early revolutionaries in western Liaoning, represented by Chen Jinghu, Han Linfu, Zheng Pilie, and Du Zhensheng, who were known as the "Four Masters of Rehe" at that time.

On the way to inspect the anti-Japanese team, he was shot and killed

In early 1933, Chen Jinghu, as the secretary of the Inner Mongolia Special Committee, was dispatched by the party to serve as a senator of the Anti-Japanese Allied Army to assist Feng Yuxiang in organizing the anti-Japanese contingent.

On May 12, 1933, Chen Jinghu led the staff officer Zhu Yaoyuan and the guards from Zhangjiakou to Zhangbei County to inspect the anti-Japanese team, the car drove to Zhangbei Birch Tree Beam and was attacked by a reactionary vigilante group, Chen Jinghu was unfortunately shot, and in the last breath of his life, he instructed the guards: "I bled too much, I can't live, after death you will inform Zhang Da nose (Ke Qingshi) of the situation to the central authorities..."

Fourteen days after Chen Jinghu's sacrifice, the Anti-Japanese Allied Army was announced to be established, with Feng Yuxiang as commander-in-chief and Ji Hongchang as the commander-in-chief of the former enemy, and the Allied forces marched north to retake the four counties in eastern Chadong in one fell swoop, which greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of the whole nation in the anti-Japanese struggle.

On the playground of the headquarters of the Zhangjiakou Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, Feng Yuxiang erected the "Memorial Tower for the People's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces to Recover the Lost Ground in The East", and the tip of the memorial tower was biased to the northeast to show that the meaning of the fall of the northeast was not forgotten. In the "List of Officers and Men Killed and Injured in the Anti-Japanese Campaign in Cha Province" inscribed on the tower, the second place reads: Senator Chen Jinghu.

According to Hu Guangzhi, Chen Jinghu was not only an early revolutionary activist of our party, but also an outstanding leader of the party organizations and armed struggles in the northern region. When Chen Jinghu was killed, his public identity was a senator of the People's Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, while his identity as a Communist Party member was little known. At one time, he was saddled with the inferior name of "warlord" for half a century.

In the Spring Festival of 1981, a peasant surnamed Fu from Fushan Township, Jianping County, returned home by train from Chifeng, and a passenger on the opposite side was reading a magazine called "Bailiu", and when the peasant surnamed Fu borrowed it to read it, one of the articles caught his attention, the title of the article was "The Road is Long - My Revolutionary Guide Chen Jinghu", signed by Wang Yilun. Wang Yilun joined the Communist Party in 1932 after being introduced by Chen Jinghu and was formerly vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Congress. After reading this article, the peasant surnamed Fu thought to himself: Could this Chen Jinghu be the uncle of Chen Hongsheng, a fellow villager? So he took the magazine home. The father of this peasant surnamed Fu worked as an accountant in the brick factory, and Chen Jinghu's nephew Chen Hongsheng was also working in the brick factory at that time, so they went to find the editorial office of Chifeng's "Hundred Willows" and then went to Hohhot to find Wang Yilun, who in turn contacted his old comrade-in-arms Hui Shiru (then director of the United Front Work Department of Guizhou Province) and others. Liaoshen Evening News chief reporter Zhang Song

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